DH launches trial run of supplementary platform “Electronic COVID-19 Medical Surveillance System”

     The Department of Health (DH) today (July 27) said to further facilitate the self-monitoring of inbound travellers undergoing quarantine at designated quarantine hotels (DQHs), the DH has developed a supplementary platform, "Electronic COVID-19 Medical Surveillance System" (eCMSS), for a trial run. Under the trial run, those who stay at DQHs can, acting on their own will, choose to register their rapid antigen test (RAT) results and personal health status through the system.

     Currently, inbound travellers who had stayed in Taiwan or in overseas places have to undergo daily RATs and self-monitoring during their compulsory quarantine at DQHs. They need to record their information on a paper form health monitoring checklist provided by the hotels. The DQHs will notify the DH for following up with those travellers with symptoms or tested positive through RATs.

     In order to provide a more convenient electronic mode for inbound travellers to make relevant reports, and to allow the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) to better grasp the health condition of inbound travellers during quarantine, the CHP earlier developed the supplementary e-platform, eCMSS, and began the trial run. Travellers arriving in Hong Kong on or after July 24 and staying in DQHs would receive an SMS inviting them to log in to the system with the link provided in the SMS and upload relevant information on a daily basis during quarantine, including personal contact information, RAT results, as well as their self-monitoring status (including body temperature records and other symptoms). As at yesterday (July 26), the DH had sent SMS to about 10 000 inbound travellers at DQHs, and about 5 000 of them chose to log in to the system.

     A spokesman for the DH said that rolling out the system in a trial run could help assess whether the supplementary platform could assist the relevant authority in monitoring the situation of inbound travellers, and provide an appropriate follow-up in a more efficient manner, as well as remind at appropriate times inbound travellers to undergo RATs and self-monitoring. The spokesman reiterated that the objective of launching the system is to provide another convenient way for inbound travellers to record their health condition. They can still opt for the original paper form for recording purposes.

     The DH will analyse the data collected during the trial phase, the system usage, as well as the capacity of the relevant system to decide whether the system is to be fully implemented. During the trial phase, DQHs are still required to collect the health surveillance information of inbound travellers, submit guest lists to the DH who tested positive, as well as to remind those guests who forget to do the RAT in accordance with the current arrangement.

     â€‹The Government will continue to enhance the quarantine and testing measures for inbound persons at appropriate times, so as to implement the stringent measures to guard against importation of cases in a more precise manner while enhancing the quarantine arrangement for persons arriving in Hong Kong from overseas places, thereby facilitating the movement of people necessary for social and economic recovery.

Welcome and opening remarks by SLW at 7th Best Workplaces in Hong Kong 2022 Awards Ceremony (English only) (with photo/video)

     Following are the welcome and opening video remarks by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Chris Sun, at the 7th Best Workplaces in Hong Kong 2022 Awards Ceremony of the Great Place to Work Institute this afternoon (July 27):

Ladies and gentlemen,

     I am delighted to join you at the 7th Best Workplaces in Hong Kong 2022 Awards Ceremony. I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to all award-winning companies.

     A "workplace" is more than just a place for work. If you discount the time we sleep, for those of us who work, we spend a significant part of our active time at the workplace. Apart from work, we also socialise, learn and grow at our workplace. A great workplace not only brings in more profit to employers, but also makes employees happier and also healthier.

     An employer-employee relationship is not a zero-sum game. Rather, it is a collaborative and interactive process, with a feeding loop that would amplify and reward those who adopt good practices, but at the same time punish those who fail to build harmonious employer-employee relationships. Great companies are great for a variety of reasons, but almost universally there is a common theme running through them, i.e. they all adopt good and harmonious employer-employee relationships.

     The Government has all along been encouraging employers to adopt good human resource management and also family-friendly measures. Over the years, we have put in resources to promote and also raise awareness on this front. We are glad to observe that more and more companies are adopting family-friendly measures and good human resource management practices.

     Apart from promotion, it is also incumbent upon the Government to strengthen employee rights and benefits in the legal area. The economic success of our economy owes much to the contribution and hard work of millions of employees. As our economy grows, employees should benefit from the wealth-creation process in the form of improved rights and benefits. Some of the notable improvements the Government has introduced in recent years include: increasing paternity leave from three to five days; increasing maternity leave from 10 weeks to 14 weeks, with the additional four weeks being reimbursable by the Government subject to a maximum monthly payment of not more than $80,000; as well as increasing progressively the statutory holidays from 12 to 17 by the end of this decade.

     In closing, I would like to congratulate the award-winning companies of this ceremony once again. I am sure they would keep up their excellent work on creating a great workplace for the employees. I look forward to more and more companies joining their ranks and reaping the reward of creating great workplaces that are not just profitable to employers, but also enjoyable to employees. Thank you.


Speech by CE at SCMP China Conference Hong Kong 2022 (English only) (with photos/video)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at the South China Morning Post (SCMP) China Conference Hong Kong 2022 today (July 27):
Ms Catherine So (Chief Executive Officer of SCMP), Ms Tammy Tam (Editor-in-Chief of SCMP), Mr Ronnie Chan (Chairman Emeritus of the Asia Society), consuls general, Mr Damien Green (President and Chief Executive Officer of Manulife Asia), distinguished speakers, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good afternoon. I'm delighted to be here today for the opening of the China Conference Hong Kong 2022, the sixth edition of this notable annual gathering. For that, and for giving me this good opportunity to speak to you, my thanks go to the organiser, the South China Morning Post.
     Just a few weeks ago, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Hand in hand with that historic occasion, we acknowledged, as well, the 25th anniversary of the implementation of the "one country, two systems" principle.
     For the past quarter of a century, this great principle has served as the strong foundation of Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. Hong Kong has clearly flourished under "one country, two systems".
     Today, we are one of the world's top three financial centres, the fifth-most competitive economy, a major trading and logistics hub, a rising innovation and technology centre and the vital business bridge between our country and the rest of the world.
     President Xi Jinping, who was in Hong Kong for the 25th anniversary of the HKSAR, spoke of Hong Kong on July 1 – and I quote – "proactively integrating itself into the country's overall development and carving out its role in national strategies".
     The safeguarding of national security and the prioritising of social stability are also essential aspects of our integration into the country's development. And there is no question that the National Security Law, adopted two years ago, has returned stability and confidence to the streets of Hong Kong and to our economy. The improved electoral system has also ensured that the "patriots administering Hong Kong" principle is fully put into practice, which is necessary and conducive to effective governance.
     Our way ahead, and our flourishing future, will continue to be predicated on "two systems", as well as "one country". On this, President Xi reassured us all. He said, "The more firmly the 'one country' principle is upheld, the greater strength the 'two systems' will be unleashed for the development of the SARs."
     As the President underlined in his speech to the people of Hong Kong, and I quote: "The Central Government fully supports Hong Kong in its effort to maintain its distinctive status and edges, to improve its presence as an international financial, shipping and trading centre, to keep its business environment free, open and regulated, and to maintain the common law, so as to expand and facilitate its exchanges with the world".
     I can tell you that President Xi was speaking directly to you, to each and every one of you, whatever your ambitions. Whatever you want to accomplish, the doors to Hong Kong remain wide open and welcoming.
     So, to answer the question posed by the theme of this year's China Conference – "Where does Hong Kong stand 25 years after the handover?" – it is clear that we have come a long and rewarding way, that we are in an enviable position, despite the challenges of the past few years.
     That said, I'm not here to "stand". Hong Kong will move forward. I'm here to lead Hong Kong in breaking new ground and achieving another leap forward in prosperity in the coming five years. And I'm blessed – Hong Kong is blessed – to be able to do so under the innovative and great principle of "one country, two systems".
     President Xi's important speech on July 1 serves as the blueprint and beacon for the HKSAR Government in the governance of Hong Kong in the coming five years. My roadmap for Hong Kong is in line with the "four proposals" or "four hopes" outlined by the President:
     •    First: improving governance. It means upholding the rule of law as a core value. It means instilling a results-oriented approach throughout government and the civil service. It means streamlining government procedures, including our response to COVID based on science and precision. It also means providing prompt and high-level leadership to solving our problems. For that, I have set up four dedicated task forces led by the most senior officials of my governing team, to tackle the wide-ranging issues of intergenerational poverty and district matters, and to strive for more and faster production of land and housing.
     •    Second: seizing the boundless opportunities offered by our country through the National 14th Five-Year Plan, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Belt and Road and other initiatives to create strong impetus for growth – not only in maintaining our enviable status as an international financial, shipping and trading centre, but also venturing into such burgeoning areas as innovation and technology as well as arts and culture.
     •    Third: putting the people of Hong Kong first, helping them – all 7.4 million of them – to a more rewarding and prosperous life, to better education and healthcare, and at every stage of their lives; to address the housing problem by doing things faster, in greater quantities, and more efficiently.
     •    Fourth: safeguarding our hard-won stability and harmony, seeking common ground at every turn. No less important, it means ensuring that our young people cultivate a sense of pride in our country, as well as in the HKSAR.
     In each of these four interlinked strategies, we will be guided by the "one country, two systems" principle.
     I shall announce my first Policy Address in October. For that, we have just launched a public consultation. I welcome you all to send us your views and drive us to better serve the citizens and the development of Hong Kong. Together, we shall seize the opportunities ahead.
     Ladies and gentlemen, from disarray to good governance, Hong Kong is entering a new phase of becoming more prosperous in the next five years. I am determined that the whole government will be working, pragmatically and passionately, for Hong Kong – and our country, building a future we will all be proud of.
     The challenges are daunting. But in "one country, two systems", and our East-meets-West position, as well as the talent and resilience of the people of Hong Kong, I'm confident we have what we need to accomplish what we must.
     My thanks, once again, to the South China Morning Post for organising this timely, two-day China Conference. I know you will all enjoy it, and I wish you the best of business, and health, in the coming year.
     Thank you.

Photo  Photo  

Update on supplies from Mainland

     The Task Force on Supplies from the Mainland led by the Transport and Logistics Bureau (TLB) has been working closely with the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government to explore various means to stabilise the supply of goods from the Mainland to Hong Kong.
     A spokesperson for the TLB said that the "Sea Express" water transportation service from the Mainland to Hong Kong has been fully launched and its capacity is rising to increase the supplies of fresh food, other daily necessities and manufacturing materials. The current supply of fresh food from the Mainland is stable.
     The spokesperson said today (July 27) that Shenzhen operated 50 cargo vessel trips and transported around 5 590 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) of cross-boundary supplies by water yesterday (July 26), equivalent to about 22 530 tonnes of goods, of which around 20 TEUs (about 120 tonnes) were fresh food and around 5 570 TEUs (about 22 410 tonnes) were non-fresh food, according to information from the Mainland authorities.
     Since the launch of services from the three ports in Shenzhen since February 18 to yesterday, a total of around 721 800 TEUs of cross-boundary supplies have been transported, equivalent to about 3 516 680 tonnes of goods, of which around 2 160 TEUs (about 18 510 tonnes) were fresh food and around 719 640 TEUs (about 3 498 170 tonnes) were non-fresh food.
     Meanwhile, to avoid a spillover of the epidemic, the Transport Department (TD) arranges for dedicated staff to conduct rapid nucleic acid tests, using nasopharyngeal swabs for specimen collection, for cross-boundary goods vehicle drivers at various land boundary control points. Only drivers with a negative result are allowed to enter the Mainland. A total of 3 199 rapid nucleic acid tests were conducted yesterday, among which two cases that tested indeterminate were found. The TD has passed the cases to the Department of Health for follow-up.
     The TLB will closely monitor the situation and co-operate with the Mainland authorities to facilitate and implement various measures to ensure both smooth cross-boundary land transport and a stable goods supply to Hong Kong, while reducing the risk of epidemic transmission in both the Mainland and Hong Kong.

HAD to open temporary night heat shelters

     The Home Affairs Department will open 18 temporary night heat shelters tonight (July 27) for people in need of the service.
     The shelters will be open from 10.30pm until 8am tomorrow.
     In light of the implementation of mandatory use of the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application when entering government premises, all persons are required to use the app to scan the venue QR code before they are allowed to enter temporary night heat shelters, except for exempted persons (including persons who are aged below 12 or aged 65 or above, persons with disabilities that render use of the app difficult and persons without smartphones). All exempted persons are required to complete a prescribed form to register their personal particulars, contact phone number and the date and time of entry. The staff will verify the information provided.
     For further information, please call the department's hotline before midnight on 2572 8427.
     The night heat shelters are located at:
Hong Kong Districts:
Central and Western –
Sai Ying Pun Community Complex Community Hall
3/F, Sai Ying Pun Community Complex
2 High Street, Sai Ying Pun
Eastern –
Causeway Bay Community Centre
3/F, 7 Fook Yum Road, Causeway Bay
Southern –
Wah Kwai Community Centre
Wah Kwai Estate, Kellett Bay
Wan Chai –
Wan Chai Activities Centre
LG/F, Wan Chai Market, 258 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai
Kowloon Districts:
Kowloon City –
Hung Hom Community Hall
1/F, Kowloon City Government Offices
42 Bailey Street, Hung Hom
Kwun Tong –
Lam Tin (West) Estate Community Centre
71 Kai Tin Road, Lam Tin
Sham Shui Po –
Shek Kip Mei Community Hall
G/F, Block 42, Shek Kip Mei Estate, Sham Shui Po
Wong Tai Sin –
Tsz Wan Shan (South) Estate Community Centre
45 Wan Wah Street, Tsz Wan Shan
Yau Tsim Mong –
Henry G Leong Yaumatei Community Centre
60 Public Square Street, Yau Ma Tei
New Territories Districts:
Islands –
Tung Chung Community Hall
G/F, Tung Chung Municipal Services Building, 39 Man Tung Road, Tung Chung
Kwai Tsing –
Kwai Shing Community Hall
Podium, Block 6, Kwai Shing West Estate, Kwai Chung
North –
Cheung Wah Community Hall
Cheung Wah Estate, Fanling
Sai Kung –
Chi Shin Activity Centre
G/F, Tseung Kwan O South Ancillary Facilities Block, 5 Chi Shin Street, Tseung Kwan O
Sha Tin –
Lung Hang Estate Community Centre
Lung Hang Estate, Sha Tin
Tai Po –
Tai Po Community Centre
2 Heung Sze Wui Street, Tai Po
Tsuen Wan –
Lei Muk Shue Community Hall
G/F, Hong Shue House, Lei Muk Shue Estate, Tsuen Wan
Tuen Mun –
Wu Shan Road Community Hall
101 Wu Shan Road, Tuen Mun
Yuen Long –
Long Ping Community Hall
Long Ping Estate, Yuen Long
     The temporary night heat shelters will resume their functions as community centres or community halls in the daytime for hire by the local community.
     People may choose to take refuge from the heat during the daytime in the common areas of the designated community centres and community halls. For the addresses of these designated community centres and community halls, please browse the following document: www.had.gov.hk/file_manager/en/documents/public_services/emergency_services/List_CH_CC_Day_E.pdf.