Public hospitals daily update on COVID-19 cases

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     As at 0.00am today (August 10), a total of 1 516 patients who tested positive for COVID-19 are currently hospitalised for treatment, including 201 new patients. Among the patients staying in isolation facilities, 420 patients are in isolation wards, 74 patients are in second-tier isolation wards and 433 patients are in the North Lantau Hospital Hong Kong Infection Control Centre, of which 152 in total are new patients. There are three newly reported critical patients and seven newly reported serious patients. There are a total of 23 patients in critical condition and 25 are in serious condition, of which six critical patients are receiving intensive care. Moreover, there are 227 patients who have recovered, including 194 patients who have been discharged. In addition, four patients who passed away in public hospitals were reported.
     In the fifth wave of the epidemic, there are 57 433 patients who have recovered so far, including 57 175 patients who have been discharged. And since early 2020, there are 69 813 patients who have recovered, including 69 555 patients who have been discharged.
     The Hospital Authority will maintain close contact with the Centre for Health Protection to monitor the latest developments and to inform the public and healthcare workers on the latest information in a timely manner.

SFST visits Cyberport and announces new round of proof-of-concept subsidy scheme as well as training scheme for fintech practitioners (with photos)

     The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui, today (August 10) visited Cyberport to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of fintech.
     Mr Hui visited the fintech start-ups and enterprises supported and nurtured by Cyberport. Accompanied by the Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, Mr Peter Yan, Mr Hui gained first-hand experience of the practical application of fintech products developed by the enterprises. He also exchanged views with the young entrepreneurs of the start-ups to learn how they apply fintech to provide convenient and reliable financial services to the public in areas such as virtual banking, digital assets, wealth management, customer due diligence, and trading at small and medium-sized enterprises.
     Mr Hui said, "The Government attaches great importance to fintech development, and has been encouraging financial institutions to collaborate with fintech enterprises to promote digitalisation of financial services. I am pleased to see that many local start-ups have successfully developed innovative and practical fintech solutions, which have made important contributions in driving financial inclusion. Some enterprises have expanded their services to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as well as Southeast Asia. It is encouraging to see their flourishing development."
     He added, "We will continue to work closely with the industry and launch diverse measures to support fintech development in Hong Kong, including the launch of a new round of the Fintech Proof-of-Concept Subsidy Scheme and the Pilot Scheme on Training Subsidy for Fintech Practitioners, with a view to supporting continuous innovation in the financial industry and enhancing the nurturing of fintech talents."
     The new round of the Fintech Proof-of-Concept Subsidy Scheme, commissioned by the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau and administered by Cyberport, will open for application later. The coverage of the new round of the scheme is expanded to provide funding to research institutions in addition to local fintech companies. Participating institutions must partner with financial institutions to put forward and test innovative and practical fintech solutions that are not yet available in the market.
     The subsidy for each approved project will be increased from $100,000 to $150,000. The grant may be up to $200,000 for projects involving cross-boundary applications or applications in emerging areas, which include regtech; technical solutions related to federated learning; open application programming interfaces; and environment, social and governance. Moreover, for projects that have a broader impact on the industry as a whole and can provide solutions to bottleneck issues of the industry, the grant may be up to $400,000. 
     In addition, as the first batch of fintech professional qualifications recognised under the Qualifications Framework for banking practitioners is expected to be rolled out in September this year, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers, will launch a Pilot Scheme on Training Subsidy for Fintech Practitioners. Practitioners who have attained fintech professional qualifications can receive reimbursement of 80 per cent of the tuition fees subject to a ceiling of $25,000, and around 1 500 places will be offered. The scheme aims to promote the professional development of fintech talents and expand the fintech talent pool in Hong Kong.
     Application details will be announced by Cyberport and the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers on their websites in due course.

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Update on monitoring COVID-19 vaccination

     In the preceding week till 11.59pm on August 7, the Department of Health (DH) received 17 reports (Note 1) of adverse events following COVID-19 immunisation. No death cases were reported by the Hospital Authority (HA) involving individuals who had received vaccines within 14 days before they passed away and had potential association with vaccination.

     As at 8pm on August 7, around 18.18 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered for members of the public. Around 6.78 million people had received at least one dose of vaccine, including 94.2 per cent of the population aged 12 or above. The DH received 7 833 reports of adverse events (0.04 per cent of the total vaccine doses administered). Among the death cases concerning persons who had been vaccinated, including 119 cases (Note 2) with vaccination within 14 days before they passed away (0.0007 per cent of the total vaccine doses administered), none of the death cases were associated with vaccination.

     As of today, the Expert Committee on Clinical Events Assessment Following COVID-19 Immunisation had concluded that 97 death cases had no causal relationship with vaccination, while for one case the causal relationship with vaccination could not be established, and preliminarily considered that 11 cases were not associated with vaccination. Ten cases are still pending further information for assessment. The Expert Committee considered that there is no unusual pattern identified so far, and will continue to closely monitor the relevant situation and collect data for assessment.

     According to information from the HA, during the period from July 11 to August 7, the overall ratio of death cases was 44.4 cases for every 100 000 people, whereas the average ratio of death cases for the same period in 2018 to 2020 was 42.7 cases for every 100 000 people. Among these death cases, the ratio of death cases with acute stroke or acute myocardial infarction was 1.9 cases for every 100 000 people, whereas the average ratio of death cases under the same category for the same period in 2018 to 2020 was 2.6 cases for every 100 000 people. Furthermore, the ratio of miscarriage cases was 14.7 cases for every 100 000 people, whereas the average ratio of miscarriage cases for the same period in 2018 to 2020 was 21.2 cases for every 100 000 people. Based on the statistical analysis of the above figures, there is no evidence that vaccination increases the risk of death or miscarriage for recipients. The relevant reference statistics will be uploaded to the thematic website for the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme.

     The majority of non-death cases of adverse events received so far are relatively minor cases. The relevant details can be found in the "Report on the Safety Monitoring of COVID-19 Vaccines in Hong Kong" (

     A Government spokesman said, "The number of daily new cases in Hong Kong remains high at four-digit figures with an ongoing rising trend. The Hong Kong community must stay vigilant in combating the epidemic rebound. Deaths and severe cases involving children and elderly persons, who are our focus of protection in vaccination, have been recorded in the fifth wave of the epidemic. For elderly persons, the COVID-19 vaccination rate for the elderly aged 80 or above in Hong Kong is only around 70 per cent at present, meaning that around 30 per cent of the elderly in that age group are in a dangerous situation, which is alarming.

     "According to preliminary data analysis, out of the cases reported in the fifth wave, over 95 per cent of the fatal cases are elderly people aged 60 or above, with the proportion of death and hospitalised cases being the highest in those aged 80 or above. Most of the deceased cases are unvaccinated persons. As compared to the Hong Kong overall population, those who have received three doses of vaccine account for a much lower proportion among reported cases, and an extremely low proportion among the hospitalised critical/serious and deceased cases. This demonstrates the effectiveness of three doses of vaccine in preventing infection, serious illness and fatality from COVID-19. Even with just the first dose of vaccine, the risk of death can be significantly reduced. The latest research data from the University of Hong Kong also shows that receiving three doses of either the Comirnaty or CoronaVac vaccine is highly effective for preventing severe cases and deaths with over 90 per cent effectiveness. Members of the public who are currently eligible for a third dose should get the third dose as soon as possible.

     "We have already started providing the fourth vaccine dose some time ago to persons aged 60 or above who had received three doses of vaccine.  In light of experts' latest advice, persons aged 50 to 59 who have received three doses of CoronaVac or Comirnaty vaccine may receive the fourth vaccine dose at least three months after their last dose. Separately, children aged from 6 months to 3 years may also receive the CoronaVac vaccine. We call on parents to arrange vaccination for their children as early as possible, thus enabling them to have early protection in the face of the threat posed by the highly transmissible mutant virus strains.

     "In addition, the Government once again reminds members of the public that recovered persons who had been infected with COVID-19 should also get vaccinated in a timely manner. For the Vaccine Pass, the recovery record QR code is valid within 180 days (i.e. six months) from the date of recovery. Therefore, the recovery record QR codes of persons who recovered at the beginning of this year will gradually expire. At that time, the recovered person may need to receive one more dose of COVID-19 vaccine to comply with the Vaccine Pass, or update their vaccination records. Specifically, recovered persons who had not received or had only received one dose of vaccine are required to receive an additional dose (first or second dose) of vaccine before their recovery record QR codes expire, in order to continue to use the Vaccine Pass. As for recovered persons who had received two or more doses of vaccine, they should update their vaccination records through the Electronic Vaccination and Testing Record System (, the 'iAM Smart' or 'eHealth' mobile applications before their recovery record QR codes expire, in order to continue to use the Vaccine Pass."
Note 1: Provisional figures. In the preceding week till 11.59pm on August 7, the DH did not receive any reports of suspected myocarditis or pericarditis involving adolescents in the age group of 3 to 15, and did not receive any reports of adverse events following COVID-19 immunisation for children aged under 3.

Note 2: In the preceding week till 11.59pm on August 7, the DH did not receive any reports involving individuals who had received COVID-19 vaccination within 14 days before passing away.

CS welcomes and supports white paper titled “The Taiwan Question and China’s Reunification in the New Era”

     â€‹The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, today (August 10) welcomed and supported the white paper titled "The Taiwan Question and China's Reunification in the New Era" (white paper) published by the Central Government.   

     Mr Chan pointed out that the one-China principle is a widely recognised norm governing international relations and an overwhelming consensus of the international community. There is only one version and one connotation of the one-China principle, that is, there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of China. The government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the entire China. These are indisputable facts supported by history and the law. The white paper elaborates on the position and policies of the Central Authorities on realising national reunification. Not only does it resolutely refute any misrepresentation or distortion of the facts concerned, but it also clearly shows that any attempt or act to betray the one-China principle or seek "Taiwan independence" will definitely be futile.  

     He said, "The white paper clearly states that peaceful reunification and 'One Country, Two Systems' are the country's basic principles for resolving the Taiwan question and the best approach to realising national reunification. As a matter of fact, the success of 'One Country, Two Systems' practised in Hong Kong over the past 25 years has won recognition throughout the world. The principle is the best institutional arrangement to ensure Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability after our return to the motherland, embodying the country's vision that values openness and inclusiveness and serving the fundamental interests of the whole country, the nation and Hong Kong. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) will continue to fully and faithfully implement the principle of 'One Country, Two Systems', and steadfastly support and facilitate the country's efforts towards peaceful national reunification, to unwaveringly safeguard the country's sovereignty, security and development interests."

     Mr Chan stressed that the HKSAR Government will fully support and facilitate the country's safeguarding of its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and resolutely handle Taiwan-related matters in accordance with the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, the one-China principle, and the Basic Principles and Policies of the Central Government regarding the Handling of Taiwan-related Matters in Hong Kong.

CHP investigates locally acquired SARS-CoV-2 virus cases with 1 716 cases tested positive by nucleic acid tests and 2 628 cases by RATs verified as well as 249 imported cases

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (August 10) announced the latest epidemic situation of COVID-19. As of 0.00am, August 10, the CHP was investigating 4 344 additional locally acquired cases tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, including 1 716 cases tested positive by nucleic acid tests (757 confirmed cases, 758 asymptomatic cases and 201 cases with pending case status) and 2 628 cases tested positive by rapid antigen tests (RATs) verified in the past 24 hours.

     Separately, 249 additional imported cases were reported, including 212 cases tested positive by nucleic acid tests (10 confirmed cases, 150 asymptomatic cases and 52 cases with pending case status) and 37 cases tested positive by RATs.

     Hong Kong has recorded a total of 837 821 and 560 099 cases that have tested positive by nucleic acid tests and RATs respectively for the SARS-CoV-2 virus so far.

     The CHP is continuing with epidemiological investigations on the cases. Please refer to the "COVID-19 Thematic Website" ( for more information.

     As of yesterday (August 9), among the specimens received by the DH's Public Health Laboratory Services Branch in the past seven days for verification testing of local cases, about 7.0 per cent and 10.7 per cent of them are related to the sub-lineages BA.2.12.1 and BA.4/BA.5 (including suspected cases) under the Omicron mutant strain respectively.

     In addition, as of 0.00am, August 10, a total of 9 341 death cases that had tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus during the fifth wave (since December 31, 2021) were recorded, with 9 261 and 77 deaths reported from the Hospital Authority and public mortuaries respectively as well as three deaths reported from the Chinese University of Hong Kong Medical Centre. Hong Kong has so far recorded a total of 9 554 death cases that have tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

     Furthermore, among the earlier cases by nucleic acid tests reported, there were cases (including pending cases) changed to confirmed, asymptomatic or re-positive cases. As at yesterday, the total number of confirmed cases was 362 216, while the figures for asymptomatic cases, re-positive cases and pending/unknown cases recorded since January 1 were 237 880, 31 and 235 766 respectively.

     The spokesman for the CHP stressed that as the local situation of COVID-19 infection is still severe, the CHP strongly appeals to the community to continue to comply with social distancing measures, avoid going out and refrain from participating in unnecessary or crowded activities or gatherings. This would lower the risk of infection and prevent the virus from spreading in the community.

     â€‹â€‹The spokesman reminded that COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe cases and deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. They can provide effective protection to those vaccinated in preventing serious complications and even death after infection. People who have yet to receive vaccination, especially senior citizens, chronic patients and other immunocompromised persons who face a higher chance of death after COVID-19 infection, should get vaccinated as early as possible for self-protection and to reduce the risk of falling seriously ill and death should they get infected.