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Speech by STL at seminar on “Development of Hong Kong Shipping Registry and logistics opportunities associated with Greater Bay Area” in celebration of 25th anniversary of establishment of HKSAR (English only)

     Following is the video speech by the Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung, at a seminar on “Development of Hong Kong Shipping Registry and logistics opportunities associated with Greater Bay Area” in celebration of the 25th anniversary of establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region today (August 18):
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good afternoon. I am delighted to join you all today, albeit virtually. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China. This seminar is very timely for sharing with you the plan of the new-term HKSAR Government in promoting maritime and logistics development, as well as the immense opportunities in Hong Kong associated with the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
     As an international logistics hub, our veterans on the air, sea and land fronts have been making the most tedious and hectic logistics planning. We take pride in our capability and efficiency of moving goods and people worldwide, even amidst challenges. Being one of the world’s busiest transshipment container ports, serving some 270 container liner services a week and connecting to over 600 destinations worldwide, Hong Kong Port’s throughput stood at around 18 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) in 2021, despite port congestion worldwide. 
     As the “super-connector” between Mainland China and the rest of the globe, our vast flight network reaching around 220 global destinations and highly efficient cargo services have to be named as well. Despite the prolonged impact of the pandemic and international trade disputes, cargo services at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) remains resilient. We moved around 5 million tonnes of cargo in 2021, representing a rise of around 13 per cent as compared to 2020.
     Apart from our shipping and flight networks, Hong Kong is also connected to Mainland China by eight land crossings. The 55-kilometre-long Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge offers fast connections to the south-western part of China, and beyond. Time-sensitive and high-value goods will surely be attracted to travel to HKIA via the bridge. I must add, the journey time from Zhuhai to our container port in Kwai Chung has been greatly reduced from 3.5 hours to 75 minutes since the commissioning of the mega bridge in 2018. 
     Hong Kong, underpinned by our institutional strengths including premier geographical location, business-friendly environment, low and simple tax regime, the rule of law and independent judiciary, world-class infrastructure, an abundance of talent and, most importantly, the unparalleled advantages under the “one country, two systems” arrangement, will continue to serve as the ideal gateway between Mainland China and the world. Our inseparable ties with the Mainland and increasing participation in our country’s rapid development will offer you invaluable access to the world’s second largest economy.
     It is noteworthy that our economic integration with Mainland China, as well as further development in our maritime and logistics industries, have been reinforced in the National 14th Five-Year Plan. In addition to offering staunch support for Hong Kong to enhance our status as an international maritime centre and international aviation hub, the Plan also firmly supports Hong Kong to promote modern service industries, logistics included, for high-end and high value-added development. In his important speech delivered at the meeting celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland and the inaugural ceremony of the sixth-term HKSAR Government on July 1, 2022, President Xi raised “four musts” for the new administration, with one of them being the “must” to maintain Hong Kong’s distinctive status and edge. Rest assured that the Central Government will continue to support Hong Kong to develop our maritime, aviation and logistics industries.
     With a population of some 86 million and a combined GDP of about US$1.7 trillion, which is largely equivalent to the ninth largest economy in the world, the Greater Bay Area is far too big and promising to ignore. With emphasis on enhancing the flow of goods, people, capital and information within the Greater Bay Area, the logistics trade will definitely have a more significant role to play. We have already seen the logistics industry, especially the cold-chain sector, benefitting from the fast-growing e-commerce trade and increasing demand for temperature-controlled and high-valued goods of the region.
     In recent years, the HKSAR Government has introduced a wide range of measures for further advancement of our maritime and logistics sectors to facilitate both local and overseas companies with a presence in Hong Kong to tap into these enormous business opportunities. On the maritime front, we have been actively pursuing the smart port and green port initiatives to support the port development and improve port efficiency. We also foster high value-added maritime services, including ship registration, ship finance, ship management, marine insurance, and maritime legal and arbitration services, etc. To this end, we introduced new tax concessions for ship agents, ship managers and ship brokers last month (July 2022) on top of our existing preferential regime for ship leasing companies and ship leasing managers. Furthermore, to enhance services for owners of Hong Kong-registered ships residing abroad, we have set up Regional Desks of the Hong Kong Shipping Registry in seven cities around the world, including the Singapore Regional Desk which was set up in 2020. 
     To underpin our logistics development, we are also actively taking forward the development of intermodal transshipment within the Greater Bay Area to facilitate the flow of goods within the region, making the best use of Hong Kong’s extensive network and connectivity. This includes the establishment of the HKIA Logistics Park in Dongguan port under the sea-air intermodal transshipment initiative and the collaboration between HKIA and the Zhuhai Airport. Our airport’s three-runway system, expected to be commissioned in 2024, will also further strengthen connectivity between Hong Kong, the Mainland and the world, as well as boosting the city’s cargo handling capacity to 10 million tonnes annually.
     Ladies and gentlemen, anticipating the rebounce of the global economy from the epidemic, it is time to stay tuned for the opportunities presented to the logistics and maritime sectors by our country’s development. Let me assure you, Hong Kong will always be your best partner in bringing your business to a new height.
     In a moment, my colleagues will share with you in greater detail on how ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) businesses can benefit from these opportunities via Hong Kong. You are also invited to join the Asian Logistics, Maritime and Aviation Conference, our annual flagship logistics conference, to be held on November 22 to 23 in Hong Kong either virtually or physically. The conference will deliberate on the new market opportunities arising from the Greater Bay Area and the region, as well as the future development strategies of the logistics, maritime and aviation industries.
     Last but not least, I wish to share a piece of good news with you. Starting from last Friday (August 12), hotel quarantine days for inbound air passengers to Hong Kong have been reduced from seven nights to three nights, followed by four days of medical surveillance at home or hotel. As a step in the staged opening of Hong Kong, this is the shortest quarantine period for general travellers since the pandemic. We trust that this measure is a way of striking a balance between minimising the risks of COVID-19 transmission and welcoming our overseas friends to visit Hong Kong.
     In closing, thank you for having me today. I wish you all a memorable afternoon and I look forward to seeing you all in Hong Kong in the near future. Thank you. read more

HKETO Jakarta hosts luncheon in Bandar Seri Begawan to celebrate 25th anniversary of HKSAR (with photos)

     â€‹The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Jakarta (HKETO Jakarta) held a luncheon in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, today (August 18) to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and to strengthen economic, trade and people-to-people ties between Hong Kong, Brunei and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

     Addressing the event in his welcoming speech, the Director-General of the HKETO Jakarta, Mr Law Kin-wai, said that Hong Kong has always been striving for progress over the past quarter century. As the freest and most competitive economy, a top global financial centre, a reputable jurisdiction for the rule of law, the world’s largest offshore Renminbi hub, as well as the busiest port in terms of air cargo throughput, Hong Kong’s solid status in numerous aspects all manifest its achievements under the “one country, two systems” framework and the Basic Law.

     Mr Law also highlighted that bilateral trade between Hong Kong and Brunei expanded substantially over the past few years, with an average annual growth rate of over 40 per cent since 2017. Under the contexts of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative, Hong Kong would continue to serve as a first-class springboard to Mainland China and the world.

     “With the gradual implementation of facilitative measures for inbound travellers since this May, as well as a series of signature business and trade events and exciting sports happenings to take place later this year, Hong Kong looks forward to welcoming back overseas travellers to immerse themselves once again in the city’s vibrancy,” he added.

     Dignitaries joining the occasion to mark this important milestone for the HKSAR included the Chinese Ambassador to Brunei, Ms Yu Hong; the Deputy President of the Brunei Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr Haji Mohammad Hanafi bin Pehin Orang Kaya DiGadong Seri DiRaja Dato Laila Utama Haji Awang Abdul Rahman; the Deputy President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Bandar Seri Begawan, Mr Lee Chung Keng; the Chairman of the Shipping Association Brunei Darussalam, Mr Lim Jin Yong; and the Director of Malaysia of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Ms Hoh Jee Eng. Senior representative from local government agencies such as the Brunei Economic Development Board also attended.

     Some 60 participants from various local sectors attended the luncheon. The HKETO Jakarta will continue to organise a series of events in the coming months to underscore the remarkable achievements of the HKSAR over the past 25 years.

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Innovation and Technology Commission launches Innovation Hub@HK website (with photos)

     The Launch Ceremony of the Innovation Hub@HK website organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) smoothly concluded today (August 18), marking the combined strength of innovation and technology (I&T) of Hong Kong’s universities and research institutes to contribute together in making Hong Kong an international I&T hub.
     The ITC launched the Innovation Hub@HK website with the aim of showcasing the research and development (R&D) outcomes of universities and research institutes of Hong Kong. The website provides a one-stop platform to connect universities, research institutes and the industry to facilitate the technology transfer and commercialisation of R&D outcomes, assist the industry to enhance efficiency and to upgrade and transform business, thereby strengthening competitiveness.
     Speaking at the launch ceremony, the Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor Sun Dong, said, “Universities in Hong Kong have many top-notch scholars and specialists. Their fields of research are very extensive and forward-looking. Therefore, Hong Kong has the ability of breaking through the stage from ‘zero to one’ in I&T development. We treasure the valuable outcomes in Hong Kong over the decades, which was not easy to come by. Hong Kong’s numerous R&D outcomes are also widely recognised by the Mainland and worldwide”. He added that the Innovation Hub@HK website showcased various R&D outcomes and facilitated closer collaboration among academia, research institutes and the industry, thereby jointly promoting the I&T development and re-industrialisation in Hong Kong, which would foster the development of a diversified economy, boost Hong Kong’s economic development and create more quality employment opportunities.
     The Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Ms Rebecca Pun, said at the launch ceremony that the Commission would continuously enhance the Innovation Hub@HK website with more functions and enrich its contents, consolidating other important components of Hong Kong’s I&T ecosystem, and would gradually include the outcomes of the 28 InnoHK research laboratories. She said, “We expect the Innovation Hub@HK website will expand and bring together Hong Kong’s I&T power, and collaborate to commercialise Hong Kong’s R&D outcomes”.
     Subsequently, Professor Sun, together with the Permanent Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Mr Eddie Mak, and other officiating guests jointly presided over the ceremony and launched the Innovation Hub@HK website.
     The Government has all along been strengthening Hong Kong’s I&T edge through substantial investments and has implemented various measures to enhance technological research infrastructure, pool together technology talent, promote research and development, support start-ups and commercialise R&D outcomes, etc. The overall I&T ecosystem in Hong Kong is becoming more vibrant through collaboration among the Government, industry, academia and research institutes.
     The Innovation Hub@HK website currently includes over 360 R&D outcomes from six research institutes and six universities. Details of the R&D outcomes are available at the website (

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