Public hospitals daily update on COVID-19 cases

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     As at 0.00am today (August 28), a total of 2 453 patients who tested positive for COVID-19 are currently hospitalised for treatment, including 339 new patients. Among the patients staying in isolation facilities, 541 patients are in isolation wards, 182 patients are in second-tier isolation wards, 599 patients are in the North Lantau Hospital Hong Kong Infection Control Centre and 177 patients are in the Treatment Centre for COVID-19 (AWE), of which 248 in total are new patients. There are 10 newly reported critical patients and nine newly reported serious patients. There are a total of 43 patients in critical condition and 41 are in serious condition, of which 13 critical patients are receiving intensive care. Moreover, there are 267 patients who have recovered, including 236 patients who have been discharged. In addition, 10 patients who passed away in public hospitals were reported.

     In the fifth wave of the epidemic, there are 61 786 patients who have recovered so far, including 61 451 patients who have been discharged. And since early 2020, there are 74 166 patients who have recovered, including 73 831 patients who have been discharged.

     The Hospital Authority will maintain close contact with the Centre for Health Protection to monitor the latest developments and to inform the public and healthcare workers on the latest information in a timely manner.

CHP investigates locally acquired SARS-CoV-2 virus cases with 2 930 cases tested positive by nucleic acid tests and 6 565 cases by RATs verified as well as 213 imported cases

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (August 28) announced the latest epidemic situation of COVID-19. As of 0.00am, August 28, the CHP was investigating 9 495 additional locally acquired cases that tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, comprising 2 930 cases that tested positive by nucleic acid tests (1 293 confirmed cases, 1 297 asymptomatic cases and 340 cases with pending status) and 6 565 cases that tested positive by rapid antigen tests (RATs) verified in the past 24 hours.

     Separately, 213 additional imported cases were reported, including 186 cases that tested positive by nucleic acid tests (10 confirmed cases, 134 asymptomatic cases and 42 cases with pending status) and 27 cases that tested positive by RATs.

     Hong Kong has recorded a total of 878 592 and 635 380 cases that have tested positive by nucleic acid tests and RATs respectively for the SARS-CoV-2 virus so far.

     The CHP is continuing with epidemiological investigations of the cases. Please refer to the "COVID-19 Thematic Website" ( for more information.

     Among the specimens received by the DH's Public Health Laboratory Services Branch during August 19 to 25 for verification testing of local cases, about 8.0 per cent and 43.8 per cent of them (seven-day moving average) are related to the sub-lineages BA.2.12.1 and BA.4/BA.5 (including suspected cases) of the Omicron mutant strain respectively.

     In addition, as of 0.00am, August 28, a total of 9 451 death cases that had tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus during the fifth wave (since December 31, 2021) were recorded, with 9 370 and 78 deaths reported from the Hospital Authority and public mortuaries respectively as well as three deaths reported from the Chinese University of Hong Kong Medical Centre. Hong Kong has so far recorded a total of 9 664 death cases that tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

     Furthermore, among the earlier cases by nucleic acid tests reported, there were cases (including pending cases) changed to confirmed, asymptomatic or re-positive cases. As at yesterday (August 27), the total number of confirmed cases was 380 339, while the figures for asymptomatic cases, re-positive cases and pending/unknown cases recorded since January 1 were 256 918, 31 and 238 188 respectively.

     The spokesman for the CHP stressed that the local situation of COVID-19 infection is severe with the number of cases tested positive growing at an increased pace. The CHP strongly appeals to the community to strictly comply with social distancing measures and refrain from participating in unnecessary or crowded activities or mass gatherings. This would lower the risk of infection and prevent the virus from spreading in the community.

     â€‹The spokesman reminded the public that COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe cases and deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. They can provide effective protection to those vaccinated in preventing serious complications and even death after infection. People who have yet to receive vaccination, especially senior citizens, chronic patients, children, and other immunocompromised persons who face a higher chance of death after COVID-19 infection, should get vaccinated as early as possible for self-protection and to reduce the risk of falling seriously ill and death should they get infected.

Government joins forces with local communities to boost COVID-19 vaccination (with photos)

     The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, said today (August 25) that it is important to have members and organisations of local communities to promote COVID-19 vaccination actively. In addition to organising outreach vaccination services in their communities, they can also disseminate the latest information about vaccination to members of their communities.
     After the lowering of the No. 8 Storm Signal, nearly 300 people participated in a COVID-19 vaccination event in Kwun Tong District which was organised by the Kowloon Federation of Associations and co-organised by the Kwun Tong District Office at Sau Mau Ping Community Hall. About half of those vaccinated today were children and young persons aged below 18. Getting vaccinated before commencement of the new school term can provide students with better safeguard during interaction with schoolmates at schools.
     The number of local cases among the confirmed cases today reached 8 200. Mrs Yeung pointed out that elderly persons and children need to receive COVID-19 vaccination to reduce the risks of death and falling seriously ill should they get infected.
     She hoped to unite the community forces to disseminate the message of receiving suitable number of COVID-19 vaccine doses on time among members of their communities so as to enable those who are not vaccinated to recognise the risks, particularly for elderly persons and children, as getting vaccinated is a matter of time and urgency. They should not try their luck and must not underestimate the impacts that could be caused by the coronavirus to their health.
     The minimum age for receiving the Sinovac vaccine has been lowered to 6 months old, and the minimum age for receiving the BioNTech vaccine is 5 years old. The designated website for the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme ( provides the latest information including details on vaccination venues, reservation and enquiry hotlines.

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Three more assistance seekers in relation to employment fraud in Southeast Asian countries return to Hong Kong safely (with photos)

     â€‹A spokesman for the Security Bureau (SB) today (August 25) said that three more Hong Kong residents, who sought assistance from the Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Unit of the Immigration Department (ImmD) earlier, have returned to Hong Kong from Thailand safely today with the assistance of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), the Chinese Embassy in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the Chinese Embassy in the Kingdom of Thailand, the SB's dedicated task force and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Bangkok. Since the establishment of the SB's dedicated task force, a total of four assistance seekers have returned to Hong Kong safely under the task force's co-ordination. They thanked the country and the HKSAR Government for their assistance which secured their prompt and safe return to Hong Kong.
     The spokesman appealed to Hong Kong residents or their family members concerned about missing relatives to contact the ImmD as soon as possible. They may make use of the WhatsApp hotline 5190 8909 dedicated to the matter, call the 24-hour hotline of the Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Unit of the ImmD at (852) 1868, call the 1868 hotline by network data call via the ImmD mobile application or submit an Online Assistance Request Form. Citizens should make a report to the Police as soon as practicable if a scam is suspected. If anyone knows or has received information that there are victims in need of assistance, they should contact the ImmD as soon as possible to secure the safe return of the Hong Kong resident.

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Java Road Sports Centre Community Vaccination Centre in North Point resumes service tomorrow

     A Government spokesman announced today (August 25) that the repairs to a false ceiling at the lift lobby leading to the Java Road Sports Centre Community Vaccination Centre (CVC) in North Point have been completed. The service of the CVC will resume at 10am tomorrow (August 26).