Primary School Profiles 2022 to be released

The following is issued on behalf of the Committee on Home-School Co-operation:
     The Committee on Home-School Co-operation (CHSC) will release the electronic version (in Chinese and English) of the Primary School Profiles 2022 on Friday (September 2). The Chinese and English printed versions of the Profiles will be delivered to kindergartens and kindergarten-cum-child care centres for distribution to parents with children at the K3 level of the current school year.
     The Profiles cover basic information on more than 500 local primary schools including school facilities, teaching staff information, class structure, performance assessment, school life, life-wide learning, school mission and school characteristics. The information is provided and verified by individual schools, showing their situations as at April 2022.
     The publication of the Profiles aims to provide parents with essential school information so as to enable them to choose a suitable school for their children. The Profiles also include "A Message from CHSC Chairman", which states the key points for parents when choosing schools.
     The electronic version of the Profiles enables schools to update their information on the web directly, whenever necessary, so that parents can obtain the most up-to-date school information.
     The Profiles are divided by districts. Parents of children who will study at Primary One level in September 2023 will receive a copy of either the Chinese or English printed version of the Profiles for their districts of residence through their respective kindergartens or kindergarten-cum-child care centres. For children not attending kindergartens or kindergarten-cum-child care centres, parents may obtain a copy from the School Places Allocation Section of the Education Bureau (EDB). 
     The public can access the Profiles by visiting the Primary School Profiles webpage at Copies of the printed version will be available for public reference at District Offices, public libraries and Regional Education Offices of the EDB.
     For enquiries about the Profiles, please call the EDB's Regional Education Offices (Hong Kong: 2863 4646; Kowloon: 3698 4108; New Territories East: 2639 4876; and New Territories West: 2437 7272) or the CHSC Secretariat at 3698 4376.

Government gazettes compulsory testing notice

     The Government exercises the power under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Compulsory Testing for Certain Persons) Regulation (Cap. 599J) and publishes in the Gazette a compulsory testing notice, which requires any person who had been present at 63 specified places during the specified period (persons subject to compulsory testing) to undergo a COVID-19 nucleic acid test.

     In view of a number of cases testing positive, 58 specified places are included in the compulsory testing notice. Furthermore, since some sewage samples collected in Tai Po, Sha Tin and Tai Wai have tested positive, five specified premises are included in the compulsory testing notice. The Government strongly reminds members of the public to strictly follow the compulsory testing requirements and undergo testing on time as required. Mobile specimen collection stations have been set up by the Government in different districts to facilitate testing to be conducted in compliance with the compulsory testing notice. The above compulsory testing requirement applies to those who have completed a COVID-19 vaccination course as well.

     Persons who have tested positive in the past three months (including positive cases tested either by nucleic acid tests recorded by the Department of Health (DH) or by rapid antigen tests (RATs) that have been self-declared to the DH) do not need to undergo compulsory testing. For those who are subject to compulsory testing (save for those who have declared their positive RAT results as mentioned above), they must undergo nucleic acid tests in accordance with relevant compulsory testing notices and cannot use RATs to fulfil the requirement of such notices. In other words, a negative RAT result cannot be deemed as fulfilling the compulsory testing requirement. Furthermore, unless a person subject to compulsory testing has obtained a medical certificate proving that he or she is unfit to undergo testing using a sample taken through combined nasal and throat swabs because of health reasons, the person cannot provide a deep throat saliva sample to fulfil the compulsory testing requirement.

     Details of the compulsory testing notice are available on the Centre for Health Protection (CHP)'s website via the following link:

     If any persons test positive under compulsory testing, such positive cases will be handled in the same manner as in those identified through other nucleic acid tests or self-declared through RATs. Their isolation arrangements (as well as the quarantine arrangements of their household members) are no different from other positive cases.

     Persons subject to compulsory testing in accordance with a compulsory testing notice must go to any of the mobile specimen collection stations, community testing centres (CTCs) or recognised local medical testing institutions to undergo professional swab sampling in fulfilling the requirements for compulsory testing. Young children may continue to undergo the test using a stool specimen. For details on obtaining stool specimen bottles, please refer to the COVID-19 thematic website:

     If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above, the Red or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or the post-super typhoon "extreme conditions" announcement by the Government is in force at any time during the period for undergoing the compulsory testing, the period for undergoing the compulsory testing will be extended for one day.

     The Comirnaty and CoronaVac vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe cases and deaths from COVID-19. They can provide protection to those vaccinated to prevent serious complications and even death after infection. The Government appeals to persons who are not yet vaccinated to get vaccinated without delay. The Government is working towards the goal of boosting the vaccination rates of children, teenagers and the elderly so that they can be protected by the vaccines as early as possible. Furthermore, the Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases and the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases under the CHP of the DH has earlier updated the consensus interim recommendations that a three-dose series of Comirnaty vaccine (each dose is one-tenth of that for an adult) may be administered to children aged six months to under five years; and a three-dose series of CoronaVac vaccine (each dose of the same dosage as that for an adult) for children aged six months to less than three years. Besides, persons aged 50 and above may receive the fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine after at least three months from the third dose. Members of the public who are eligible should get the fourth dose as early as possible for better protection.

     CTCs provide testing services for the public. Booking and walk-in services are available. Members of the public only need to provide simple personal information on the 24-hour booking system ( The system shows the booking status of the centres for the coming two weeks to facilitate the public's planning and selection of a suitable testing centre and a time slot for testing. The testing centres will accord priority to serve individuals with advance bookings. As of 6pm today (August 30), there was around 96 per cent availability for booking places for the coming two weeks. Members of the public may call the testing centres for enquiries on the availability of bookings or walk-in quotas before visiting the centres.
     The Government will reopen the mobile specimen collection stations at Wah Fu (II) Estate in Pok Fu Lam and Cheung Wang Estate in Tsing Yi tomorrow (August 31). The mobile specimen collection station at Arthur Street Temporary Playground in Yau Ma Tei will start operation earlier at 8am each day. Separately, ticketing machines have been installed in a number of service points for on-site ticket arrangement. Members of the public who have obtained a ticket can visit the CTC website ( to check the real-time queueing ticket status. Booking service is also provided for some large-scale mobile specimen collection stations, and members of the public may use the 24-hour booking system ( to reserve a suitable time slot for testing.
     Other than persons subject to compulsory testing, all members of the public may conduct free testing at CTCs or mobile specimen collection stations (if the service scope is applicable). The Government will also continue to provide free nucleic acid testing service for eligible persons of targeted groups, visitors to public hospitals and residential care homes and all elderly people aged 60 or above at CTCs and mobile specimen collection stations. The opening dates and operating hours of the mobile specimen collection stations are stated in the Annex.
     Outdoor mobile specimen collection stations will be closed if the Strong Wind Signal No. 3 or Red Rainstorm Warning Signal has been issued, while all mobile specimen collection stations together with all CTCs will be closed when Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above or the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is in force. Any changes in the arrangements of testing service will be announced on site, and members of the public may also pay attention to the relevant press releases.
     Persons subject to compulsory testing may choose to undergo testing via the following routes:

(a) For tests which require using a sample taken through combined nasal and throat swabs
1. To visit any of the mobile specimen collection stations (see the list and target groups (if applicable) at for testing;
2. To attend any of the CTCs (see the list at;
3. To self-arrange testing provided by private laboratories which are recognised by the DH and can issue SMS notifications in respect of test results (see the list at, and the relevant sample must be taken through combined nasal and throat swabs; or
4. To use a specimen bottle distributed to the relevant specified premises by the CHP (if applicable), and return the specimen bottle with the stool sample collected as per relevant guidelines.

(b) For persons holding a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner proving that they are unfit to undergo testing using a sample taken through combined nasal and throat swabs because of health reasons
1. To obtain a deep throat saliva specimen collection pack from post offices, vending machines set up at MTR stations or designated general out-patient clinics (GOPCs) of the Hospital Authority and return the specimen to one of the designated specimen collection points (see the distribution points and times, and the specimen collection points and times, at;
2. To undergo testing at any of the GOPCs of the Hospital Authority as instructed by a medical professional of the Hospital Authority; or
3. To self-arrange testing provided by private laboratories which are recognised by the DH and can issue SMS notifications in respect of test results.

     A Government spokesman cautioned that testing received at the Accident and Emergency Departments of the Hospital Authority, or testing provided by private laboratories which cannot issue SMS notifications in respect of test results, does not comply with the requirements of the aforementioned compulsory testing notice.

     "If persons subject to compulsory testing have symptoms, they should seek medical attention immediately and undergo testing as instructed by a medical professional. They should not attend the mobile specimen collection stations or the CTCs."

     Persons subject to compulsory testing must keep the SMS notifications containing the result of the test and the relevant medical certificate (if applicable) for checking by a law enforcement officer when the officer requires the persons to provide information about their undergoing the specified test.

     Any enquiries on compulsory testing arrangements may be addressed to the hotline at 6275 6901, which operates daily from 9am to 6pm.

     The Government will continue to trace possibly infected persons who had been to relevant premises, and seriously verify whether they had complied with the testing notices. Any person who fails to comply with the testing notices commits an offence and the maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine at level 4 ($25,000) and imprisonment for six months. The fixed penalty for discharging the liability is $10,000. The person may also be issued with a compulsory testing order requiring him or her to undergo testing within a specified time frame. Any person in breach of the compulsory testing order would be liable to a fine at level 5 ($50,000) and imprisonment for six months.

     The spokesman said, "The Government urges all individuals who are in doubt about their own health conditions, or individuals with infection risks (such as individuals who visited places with epidemic outbreaks or had contact with cases tested positive), to undergo testing promptly for early identification of infected persons."

Man arrested for murder

     Police arrested a 39-year-old non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) man in the small hours today (August 30) who was in suspected connection with the murder happened in Yau Ma Tei yesterday (August 29), in which a 35-year-old NEC man died.

     After investigation, Police arrested the 39-year-old man in Sham Shui Po for murder.

     Police arrested two NEC men, aged 27 and 35 respectively, in suspected connection with the case earlier.

     All arrested men are being detained for further enquiries.

     Active investigation by the District Crime Squad 3 of Yau Tsim District is underway.

The Force commends outstanding bank staff for helping police combat scams (with photos)

     The Bank Staff Recognition Ceremony organised by the Hong Kong Police Force was held today (August 30). The award recognises the efforts of banks and frontline bank staff in assisting the Police to combat deception cases.
     The ceremony was officiated by the Commissioner of Police, Mr Siu Chak-yee. Executive Director of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Ms Carmen Chu; and representative of the Hong Kong Association of Banks, Ms Boey Wong were also invited as officiating guests to present the awards.
     Addressing the ceremony, Mr Siu said that there had been an alarming rise of deception cases. In 2016, the number of deception cases was around 10 per cent of the overall crime cases but now it has jumped to one in every three cases. He pointed out that fraudsters had employed different defrauding tricks to commit crimes with use of phones and Internet, in which had posed huge challenges to crime prevention. Therefore, the Police work in close collaboration with the banking sector in combating deception cases.
     Mr Siu added that the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre (ADCC) had successfully prevented 1 760 scam cases from happening with joint efforts from the Police and the banking sector since its establishment in July 2017. Among them, more than 460 cases were detected by bank staff resulting in the arrests of 571 fraudsters and intercepting over $10.7 billion. He praised the frontline bank staff for their vigilance and professionalism which had successfully prevented scams from happening.
     He said he hoped the bank sector would deepen the collaboration with the banking sector, in particular in regard to the "24/7" Stop-Payment Mechanism, thereby to intercept payments to fraudsters in round-the-clock manner. The Police also hoped the sector could actively adopt a multi-pronged approach to combat deception cases by making use of RegTech in crime detection and prevention, in addition to traditional educational promotion.
     In addition to individual awards, eight cooperate awards were established, including The Most Active Participation Award (Champion, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up), Effective Application of Regtech, Expert Assistance on the Prosecution against Loco London Gold Scams, Active Participation in Scam Prevention Training, Extensive Display of Anti-Scam Publicity Materials and High Turnout of Scam Response Teams, in recognition of the banks’ contributions in prevention and inspection of deception cases, as well as interception and reporting. (The awardees are listed in the Annex).
     In the past year and a half, a total of 192 frontline bank staff had assisted the Police in identifying 290 deception cases and reported them to the ADCC, thus preventing the public from falling into scams. Meanwhile, a bank rewarded with "Effective Application of Regtech" had successfully detected at least 26 on-going deception cases by application of RegTech, during which its staff conducted enquiries to victims and convinced them to report the cases, allowing the Police to activate the Stop-Payment Mechanism and assist the victims to recover their losses.
     In the first half of 2022, a total of 12 326 deception cases was recorded, registering a significant increase of 42 per cent compared with that of the same period of 2021, with pecuniary loss exceeding $2.1 billion.

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Application deadline for Second Kindergarten Premises Allocation Exercise 2022 extended

     The Education Bureau (EDB) today (August 30) announced that the deadline for submission of applications for the Second Kindergarten Premises Allocation Exercise (KGPAE) 2022 will be extended from September 2 to September 23, 2022, thereby providing more time for prospective applicant bodies to prepare their applications.

     A spokesman for the EDB said that given the recent upward trend in the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 and that schools are busy making various preparations for the commencement of the new school year including the strengthening of anti-epidemic measures, the work in applying for the KGPAE 2022 will inevitably be affected. In view of this, the deadline for submission of the KGPAE applications is extended.

     The duly completed application form, information on the operation plan, list of operating schools run by the applicant body (if any) and supporting documents should reach the Kindergarten Education Division of the EDB (Room 1432, 14/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai) by 5pm on September 23, 2022. Late applications will not be accepted. Detailed information can be found on the EDB homepage (