Very Hot Weather Warning issued

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     The Hong Kong Observatory has issued the Very Hot Weather Warning.

     To prevent heat stroke, avoid prolonged activities outdoors.

     If engaged in outdoor work or activities, wear a wide-brimmed hat and light-coloured, loose-fitting clothes. Stay in shaded areas as much as possible.

     Drink plenty of water, and avoid beverages containing caffeine or alcohol.

     If you feel sick, consult a doctor right away.

Territory-wide flag day today

     Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service has been issued a Public Subscription Permit to hold a territory-wide flag sale from 7am to 12.30pm today (September 3), a spokesman for the Social Welfare Department (SWD) said. 
     Details of the charitable fund-raising activities, including any updated information, covered by the issued Public Subscription Permits have been published on the GovHK website ( Permits for flag days containing information on contact methods of the flag-selling organisations and the approved flag-selling activities have also been uploaded to the SWD's website ( for reference. For enquiries, please call the SWD's hotline at 2343 2255, or the designated hotline of the 1823 Call Centre at 3142 2678.
     In the case of suspected fraudulent flag day activities, people should not make any donation and should immediately report the matter to the Police, the spokesman added.    

FEHD reminds operators, staff and customers of catering businesses to continue to comply with anti-epidemic regulations

     A spokesman for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) said today (September 2) that given the continuous deterioration of recent epidemic situation, the FEHD and the Police will continue to step up their inspections to take stringent enforcement actions territory-wide against premises operators, staff and customers in bars/pubs, other catering premises and certain other premises that defy the anti-epidemic regulations. The spokesman urges premises operators and the public not to defy the law, but to work together to reduce the risk of virus transmission in the community.

     The spokesman reminds parties concerned to strictly comply with the requirements and directions under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F) (the Cap. 599F Regulation), and the Prevention and Control of Disease (Vaccine Pass) Regulation (Cap. 599L) etc.

     The Government announced earlier that customers participating in a banquet activity are required to undergo a rapid antigen test (RAT) for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) conducted within the preceding 24 hours and present the negative result before they are allowed to enter the catering premises. The relevant customer shall mark on the RAT testing kit his/her name as well as the date and time of taking the test. He/she shall take a photo of the testing kit and save it in his/her mobile phone for checking by the operators before entering the premises, and for inspection by authorised officers upon request. If the customer possesses a SMS notification (mobile phone text message) containing the result of a PCR test, the result of which is negative, and the SMS was issued within the 48 hours preceding his/her entry into the catering premises, then he/she would be taken to have complied with the requirements pertaining to undergoing the RAT.

     The spokesman stressed that customers of catering premises participating in a banquet activity have to comply with the RAT requirement. The seven-day adaptation period for the operators of catering premises will be expired tomorrow (September 3). Operators are required to make preparation as early as possible.

     The spokesman also reminds that other requirements and restrictions on catering premises and bars/pubs remain in force, for example, while away from the table, all customers must not consume food or drink, and must wear a mask. The maximum number of persons per table at bars/pubs (i.e. exclusively or mainly used for the sale or supply of intoxicating liquors for consumption in the premises) is four while the maximum number of persons per table at other catering premises is eight, etc. Live performance and dancing activity are not allowed in catering premises and bars/pubs. All staff involved in the operation of the catering premises, and patrons entering a bar/pub, club/nightclub or bar/pub zone of catering premises, must also comply with the requirements on RAT. Persons with a Red Code are not allowed to enter all premises to which the Vaccine Pass applies; while persons with an Amber Code are not allowed to, in the capacity of a patron or a visitor, enter premises subject to "active checking" of the Vaccine Pass (including all catering premises such as bars/pubs).

     Over the past four days (August 29 to September 1), the enforcement figures of the FEHD and the Police are as follows:

  Inspections Prosecution actions initiated against operator of premises Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued to patrons or staff of the premises
Bars/pubs 75 1 9
Other catering premises 2 270 6 5

     Moreover, the FEHD and the Police also required the premises to take corresponding measures for reducing the risk of transmission. Premises found with irregularities had to, on the subsequent day of being identified of the irregularities by the enforcement officers, cease selling or supplying food or drink for consumption on the premises from 6pm to 4.59am of the subsequent day, and allow no more than two persons to be seated together at one table, for a period of three, seven or 14 days or closure of the premises for 14 days. The details of the case numbers are as follows:

To take corresponding measures for reducing the risk of transmission or closure of premises Bars/pubs Other catering premises
No evening dine-in and restricting to two persons per table for three days Not applicable 3
No evening dine-in and restricting to two persons per table for seven days Not applicable 1
No evening dine-in and restricting to two persons per table for 14 days Not applicable 2
Closure of the premises for 14 days 1 Not applicable

     If a person responsible for carrying on a catering business contravenes the Cap. 599F Regulation or the requirements and directions of the Vaccine Pass, he or she is liable to be prosecuted and, upon conviction, to a maximum fine of $50,000 and imprisonment for six months. Persons who are present at catering premises or other specified premises must comply with directions applicable to them. Non-compliance with the relevant directions is an offence and offenders are subject to a maximum fine of $10,000, or the liability may be discharged by paying a fixed penalty of $5,000. In addition, for customers in breach of the requirement on the maximum number of persons per table within catering premises, they are liable to a fixed penalty of $5,000 for violating the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G). For persons not wearing a mask when they are not eating or drinking at a table therein, they are liable to a fixed penalty of $5,000 for contravening the Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap. 599I). 

     To reduce the risk of virus transmission in the community, the spokesman strongly appeals to all sectors of the community again to stay vigilant and comply with the relevant regulations on prevention and control of disease in a concerted and persistent manner. The FEHD has strengthened its publicity efforts and will continue to take stringent enforcement actions. All sectors are reminded to exercise self-discipline and co-operate to fight the virus together.

Government gazettes compulsory testing notice

     The Government exercises the power under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Compulsory Testing for Certain Persons) Regulation (Cap. 599J) and publishes in the Gazette a compulsory testing notice, which requires any person who had been present at 60 specified places during the specified period (persons subject to compulsory testing) to undergo a COVID-19 nucleic acid test.

     In view of a number of cases testing positive, 58 specified places are included in the compulsory testing notice. Furthermore, since some sewage samples collected in Ngau Tau Kok have tested positive, two specified premises are included in the compulsory testing notice. The Government strongly reminds members of the public to strictly follow the compulsory testing requirements and undergo testing on time as required. Mobile specimen collection stations have been set up by the Government in different districts to facilitate testing to be conducted in compliance with the compulsory testing notice. The above compulsory testing requirement applies to those who have completed a COVID-19 vaccination course as well.

     Persons who have tested positive in the past three months (including positive cases tested either by nucleic acid tests recorded by the Department of Health (DH) or by rapid antigen tests (RATs) that have been self-declared to the DH) do not need to undergo compulsory testing. For those who are subject to compulsory testing (save for those who have declared their positive RAT results as mentioned above), they must undergo nucleic acid tests in accordance with relevant compulsory testing notices and cannot use RATs to fulfil the requirement of such notices. In other words, a negative RAT result cannot be deemed as fulfilling the compulsory testing requirement. Furthermore, unless a person subject to compulsory testing has obtained a medical certificate proving that he or she is unfit to undergo testing using a sample taken through combined nasal and throat swabs because of health reasons, the person cannot provide a deep throat saliva sample to fulfil the compulsory testing requirement.

     Details of the compulsory testing notice are available on the Centre for Health Protection (CHP)'s website via the following link:

     If any persons test positive under compulsory testing, such positive cases will be handled in the same manner as in those identified through other nucleic acid tests or self-declared through RATs. Their isolation arrangements (as well as the quarantine arrangements of their household members) are no different from other positive cases.

     Persons subject to compulsory testing in accordance with a compulsory testing notice must go to any of the mobile specimen collection stations, community testing centres (CTCs) or recognised local medical testing institutions to undergo professional swab sampling in fulfilling the requirements for compulsory testing. Young children may continue to undergo the test using a stool specimen. For details on obtaining stool specimen bottles, please refer to the COVID-19 thematic website:

     If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above, the Red or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or the post-super typhoon "extreme conditions" announcement by the Government is in force at any time during the period for undergoing the compulsory testing, the period for undergoing the compulsory testing will be extended for one day.

     The Comirnaty and CoronaVac vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe cases and deaths from COVID-19. They can provide protection to those vaccinated to prevent serious complications and even death after infection. The Government appeals to persons who are not yet vaccinated to get vaccinated without delay. The Government is working towards the goal of boosting the vaccination rates of children, teenagers and the elderly so that they can be protected by the vaccines as early as possible. Furthermore, the Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases and the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases under the CHP of the DH has earlier updated the consensus interim recommendations that a three-dose series of Comirnaty vaccine (each dose is one-tenth of that for an adult) may be administered to children aged six months to under five years; and a three-dose series of CoronaVac vaccine (each dose of the same dosage as that for an adult) for children aged six months to less than three years. Besides, persons aged 50 and above may receive the fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine after at least three months from the third dose. Members of the public who are eligible should get the fourth dose as early as possible for better protection.

     CTCs provide testing services for the public. Booking and walk-in services are available. Members of the public only need to provide simple personal information on the 24-hour booking system ( The system shows the booking status of the centres for the coming two weeks to facilitate the public's planning and selection of a suitable testing centre and a time slot for testing. The testing centres will accord priority to serve individuals with advance bookings. As of 6pm today (September 2), there was around 96 per cent availability for booking places for the coming two weeks. Members of the public may call the testing centres for enquiries on the availability of bookings or walk-in quotas before visiting the centres.
     To facilitate the holding of event, the mobile specimen collection station at Edinburgh Place in Central will start operation at 10.30am tomorrow (September 3), and will resume normal operation at 8am each day thereafter. The mobile specimen collection station at the Plaza of Sha Tin Town Hall will also start operation earlier at 8am each day. Separately, ticketing machines have been installed in a number of service points for on-site ticket arrangement. Members of the public who have obtained a ticket can visit the CTC website ( to check the real-time queueing ticket status. Booking service is also provided for some large-scale mobile specimen collection stations, and members of the public may use the 24-hour booking system ( to reserve a suitable time slot for testing.
     Other than persons subject to compulsory testing, all members of the public may conduct free testing at CTCs or mobile specimen collection stations (if the service scope is applicable). The Government will also continue to provide free nucleic acid testing service for eligible persons of targeted groups, visitors to public hospitals and residential care homes and all elderly people aged 60 or above at CTCs and mobile specimen collection stations. The opening dates and operating hours of the mobile specimen collection stations are stated in the Annex.
     Outdoor mobile specimen collection stations will be closed if the Strong Wind Signal No. 3 or Red Rainstorm Warning Signal has been issued, while all mobile specimen collection stations together with all CTCs will be closed when Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above or the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is in force. Any changes in the arrangements of testing service will be announced on site, and members of the public may also pay attention to the relevant press releases.
     Persons subject to compulsory testing may choose to undergo testing via the following routes:

(a) For tests which require using a sample taken through combined nasal and throat swabs
1. To visit any of the mobile specimen collection stations (see the list and target groups (if applicable) at for testing;
2. To attend any of the CTCs (see the list at;
3. To self-arrange testing provided by private laboratories which are recognised by the DH and can issue SMS notifications in respect of test results (see the list at, and the relevant sample must be taken through combined nasal and throat swabs; or
4. To use a specimen bottle distributed to the relevant specified premises by the CHP (if applicable), and return the specimen bottle with the stool sample collected as per relevant guidelines.

(b) For persons holding a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner proving that they are unfit to undergo testing using a sample taken through combined nasal and throat swabs because of health reasons
1. To obtain a deep throat saliva specimen collection pack from post offices, vending machines set up at MTR stations or designated general out-patient clinics (GOPCs) of the Hospital Authority and return the specimen to one of the designated specimen collection points (see the distribution points and times, and the specimen collection points and times, at;
2. To undergo testing at any of the GOPCs of the Hospital Authority as instructed by a medical professional of the Hospital Authority; or
3. To self-arrange testing provided by private laboratories which are recognised by the DH and can issue SMS notifications in respect of test results.

     A Government spokesman cautioned that testing received at the Accident and Emergency Departments of the Hospital Authority, or testing provided by private laboratories which cannot issue SMS notifications in respect of test results, does not comply with the requirements of the aforementioned compulsory testing notice.

     "If persons subject to compulsory testing have symptoms, they should seek medical attention immediately and undergo testing as instructed by a medical professional. They should not attend the mobile specimen collection stations or the CTCs."

     Persons subject to compulsory testing must keep the SMS notifications containing the result of the test and the relevant medical certificate (if applicable) for checking by a law enforcement officer when the officer requires the persons to provide information about their undergoing the specified test.

     Any enquiries on compulsory testing arrangements may be addressed to the hotline at 6275 6901, which operates daily from 9am to 6pm.

     The Government will continue to trace possibly infected persons who had been to relevant premises, and seriously verify whether they had complied with the testing notices. Any person who fails to comply with the testing notices commits an offence and the maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine at level 4 ($25,000) and imprisonment for six months. The fixed penalty for discharging the liability is $10,000. The person may also be issued with a compulsory testing order requiring him or her to undergo testing within a specified time frame. Any person in breach of the compulsory testing order would be liable to a fine at level 5 ($50,000) and imprisonment for six months.

     The spokesman said, "The Government urges all individuals who are in doubt about their own health conditions, or individuals with infection risks (such as individuals who visited places with epidemic outbreaks or had contact with cases tested positive), to undergo testing promptly for early identification of infected persons."

Revitalised Typhoon Shelter Precinct to officially open on eve of Mid-Autumn Festival with reappearance of traditional “Walla-Walla” boats in Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter (with photos)

     The Revitalised Typhoon Shelter Precinct (the Precinct) will be officially opened next Friday (September 9) upon completion of the revitalisation works of the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter waterfront at Victoria Park Road. The Precinct offers a new harbourfront shared space with distinctive features of the typhoon shelter to the general public.
     Speaking at the opening ceremony of the Precinct today (September 2), the Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, said each section of the harbourfront opened in recent years are with their own characteristics. The Revitalised Typhoon Shelter Precinct is the sixth harbourfront shared space. With two more harbourfront spaces expected to open by end of this year, the total length of promenade will be extended to about 26 kilometres.
     The Precinct, which is about 10 900 square metres in size and 715m long, is adjacent to the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter. It is one of the promenades recommended for development under the Urban Design Study for the Wan Chai North and North Point Harbourfront Areas in 2019, and is also one of the projects under the $6.5 billion dedicated funding for harbourfront enhancement. The 18-hectare Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter provides mooring and anchorage for pleasure boats, work boats, houseboats and other types of vessels.
     Following the Water Sports and Recreation Precinct (Phase 2) in Wan Chai, the Revitalised Typhoon Shelter Precinct also adopts a fence-free stepped-down water edge design and provides 90m-long fence-free "harbour steps" to bring the public closer to the water, enabling visitors to enjoy an unobstructed view of the typhoon shelter and Victoria Harbour’s sunset. Besides, the Precinct has beautified the 150m-long promenade, which was formerly known as Ah King’s Slipway, with the preservation efforts of a large banyan tree nearby. More greenery, outdoor tables and chairs, as well as shading facilities will be provided. A food kiosk and booths will be set up near the banyan tree to sell a variety of local traditional snacks. Being a pet-friendly venue, members of the public are welcome to bring along their pets on leashes to the 24-hour-open Precinct.
     To synergise with the revitalisation of the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter, three iconic traditional "Walla-Walla" boats will reappear in the Precinct, allowing the public to travel through the typhoon shelter and savour the unique culture within. Guided tours will be provided in the Precinct for visitors to learn more about the background and history of the typhoon shelter. Apart from visiting the Triangular Island Goddess of Tin Hau Shrine of Peace, which has been standing on the water for almost seven decades, the public can also visit the floating market, interact with boat people who live on houseboats and cast water lanterns in a specific area of the typhoon shelter. Details of the activities will be announced in due course.
     The Chairman of the HC, Mr Vincent Ng, said that apart from offering a brand new harbourfront experience to the general public, the Revitalised Typhoon Shelter Precinct has focused on bringing a diversified revitalisation of the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter. Through the collaboration of different government departments and organisations, the traditional "Walla-Walla" boats have reappeared for public enjoyment. The Triangular Island Goddess of Tin Hau Shrine of Peace has been successfully preserved, and will officially open in the hope of preserving and sustaining the heritage and culture of the typhoon shelter. The launch of the Precinct demonstrates a blend of old and new in the typhoon shelter, bringing various possibilities to the site.
     To ensure visitors’ safety when using the "harbour steps", facilities such as buoys and lifebuoys have been put in place along the steps, with safety notices posted at various locations. In addition to site security guards, the Precinct also has dedicated security guards providing 24-hour patrols for the "harbour steps", as well as lifeguard services. An electronic information panel has also been installed at the site to provide visitors with real-time information on the venue and weather. The "harbour steps" will be temporarily closed under adverse weather conditions.
     Meanwhile, the Development Bureau has commissioned the City University of Hong Kong to conduct a study on the effectiveness and feasibility of enhancing the biodiversity of the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter by incorporating imported and locally designed eco-shoreline components into the seawall.
     From today, the Precinct will showcase large-scale traditional flower board crafts and decorations, together with pop-up installations for the Mid-Autumn Festival along the Precinct for visitors to "check in" to enjoy the festive celebration.
     The Revitalised Typhoon Shelter Precinct is located between the Jardine Noonday Gun at Victoria Park Road and the Tung Lo Wan Fire Station. It can be accessed by walking for about seven minutes from the World Trade Centre through the subway to the Jardine Noonday Gun; about two minutes from Victoria Park via the footbridge near Victoria Park Road; or about seven minutes from Exit A2 of MTR Tin Hau Station along Hing Fat Street (see the Annex for the route map).

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