
Author Archives: hksar gov

SEE begins visit in Beijing (with photos)

     The Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan, began his visit in Beijing on July 11. He called on the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council (HKMAO), the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) and the National Energy Administration (NEA).
     Mr Tse reported to the Director of the HKMAO, Mr Xia Baolong about the latest work of the Environment and Ecology Bureau (EEB), including moving towards carbon neutrality, green transformation, environmental protection, ecological conservation, low-carbon energy, development of agriculture and fisheries, environmental hygiene and food safety. Director Xia remarked that the work of the EEB are mostly matters of people’s concern and he fully recognised the bureau’s performance.
     Mr Tse expressed his gratitude to Director Xia for his encouragement. He said that achieving carbon neutrality has become a worldwide consensus. As many countries and regions are undergoing green transformations, Hong Kong can seize the opportunity to develop green energy and green business in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area (GBA) through synergised co-operation, support the high-quality development of Hong Kong and GBA cities, promote resources circulation, build a “Zero Waste Bay Area”, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality.

     Mr Tse met with the Minister of the MEE, Mr Huang Runqiu, and exchanged views on various ecology and environment protection issues and related work. During the meeting, Mr Tse expressed that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will continue its efforts in various aspects of the environment and ecology, such as promoting green and low-carbon development, environmental pollution prevention and control, as well as enhancing the diversity, stability, and sustainability of the ecosystem. Hong Kong will also continue to leverage the distinctive advantages of enjoying the strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world under the “one country, two systems” principle. Furthermore, Hong Kong will further actively integrate into national development and promote ecological civilisation of the GBA.
     In the afternoon, he visited the NEA and met with Deputy Director of the NEA Mr Ren Jingdong to exchange views on issues related to the promotion of energy co-operation between the Mainland and Hong Kong, and supporting Hong Kong’s green and low-carbon energy transition, etc. Mr Tse was pleased to learn that the NEA had launched the National Green Electricity Certificate Issuing and Trading System, which has been running smoothly online. Hong Kong will explore ways to seize opportunities in this area, so as to facilitate the development of green finance and green certification.
     Mr Tse will continue his visit to Beijing on July 12.

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Visiting Mainland experts exchange views on EIA for Kau Yi Chau reclamation in Hong Kong (with photos)

     The Development Bureau, the Civil Engineering and Development Department, and the Planning Department held an expert meeting today (July 11) to exchange views with a delegation of top environmental and ecological experts from the Mainland on the environmental impact assessment (EIA) study for the proposed reclamation works of the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands (KYCAI) while the related EIA enters the final stage.

     Members of the delegation included academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Mr Wu Fengchang; the former Director of the Third Institute of Oceanography of the State Oceanic Administration, Ministry of Natural Resources, Dr Yu Xingguang; and the former Director of the National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Dr Guan Daoming.

     The Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, thanked the Mainland experts for visiting Hong Kong to exchange views and offer guidance on the EIA study on the reclamation for the KYCAI. She said that KYCAI is a development project with strategic significance. With the provision of 1 000 hectares of new land in the long term and a strategic location, KYCAI will create a strong impetus for Hong Kong’s development into a quality city. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is committed to conducting the EIA study with high standards, so as to promote high-quality development in support of the national initiative of building ecological civilisation. The project team conducted fact-based, comprehensive ecological surveys, which evaluated the environmental impacts and recommended suitable mitigation measures, with a scientific approach. The EIA report, currently being prepared, will be elevated to a higher level in terms of environmental quality with the guidance of various experts.

     At the meeting, the experts conducted an in-depth discussion on various environmental and ecological issues, including hydrodynamics and water quality as well as ecology and fishery industry. Although climate change is not covered in the scope of the statutory EIA as it will not be intensified by reclamation works, the climate resilience of the artificial islands has been raised for discussion at the meeting since it is an issue of public concern. On the whole, the experts opined that the EIA report on the reclamation of the KYCAI has balanced the needs of development and conservation. The EIA covers various areas, which is reasonably scientific, with novel environmental mitigation measures employed. With a stringent approval mechanism, the project exemplifies the initiative of building ecological civilisation.

     Ms Linn said that the experts gave positive comments and valuable views on the EIA report, which further strengthened its scientific analysis and basis of validation, and assisted the project team in enhancing the EIA report. The project team strives to submit the EIA report within this year to formally launch the statutory EIA process.

     Also joining the meeting were members from the Independent Expert Panel and the Study Team’s Professional Advisors on the KYCAI, including the President of the Macau University of Science and Technology, Professor Joseph Lee; Chair Professor of the School of Science and Technology of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University Professor Nora Tam; the Associate Head of Department of Biology of Hong Kong Baptist University, Professor Qiu Jianwen; and the founder of the Eco Institute, Mr Samson So.

     The meeting was held at Tung Chung Community Liaison Centre in the afternoon. In the morning, the delegation visited the City Gallery in Central to learn about Hong Kong’s overall urban planning. The delegation then took a boat trip to inspect the ecological environment in the vicinity of Kau Yi Chau and learn about the achievements of the reclamation project in Tung Chung.

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HKSAR Government strongly condemns and opposes slanders and smears on Hong Kong by US under pretext of the so-called “national emergency”

     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government today (July 11) strongly condemned and opposed the government of the United States (US) for, under the pretext of the so-called “national emergency”, once again overriding the rule of law with politics, politicising human rights issues, and wantonly slandering the HKSAR’s resolute implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL) to prevent, suppress and impose punishment for acts and activities endangering national security in accordance with the law.

     A spokesman for the HKSAR Government said, “The US has repeated its tactics and breached the international law and the basic norms underpinning international relations, and wantonly interfering with the internal affairs of the People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong matters by extending again the so-called ‘national emergency with respect to Hong Kong’, which is a despicable political manipulation. The US has time and again made skewed remarks about Hong Kong’s situation and imposed so-called ‘sanctions’ on Hong Kong pursuant to its domestic law, attempting to interfere with Hong Kong’s law-based governance and undermine the city’s rule of law as well as its prosperity and stability. The HKSAR Government strongly condemns its political grandstanding rife with ill intentions, which have been seen through by all.

     “The offences endangering national security stipulated by the NSL and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance (SNSO) target acts endangering national security with precision, and define the elements and penalties of the offences with clarity. The prosecution has the burden to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant had the actus reus and mens rea of an offence before the defendant may be convicted by the court. Law-abiding persons will not unwittingly violate the law. The HKSAR law enforcement agencies have been taking law enforcement actions to fight resolutely against acts and activities endangering national security based on evidence and strictly in accordance with the law.

     “Since Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, human rights in the city have always been robustly guaranteed constitutionally by both the Constitution and the Basic Law. The legal framework in safeguarding national security in the HKSAR is in line with relevant international human rights standards. The NSL and the SNSO clearly stipulate that human rights shall be respected and protected in safeguarding national security. The rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong residents under the Basic Law and the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as applied to the HKSAR are protected in accordance with the law.”

     The spokesman stressed, “Endangering national security is a very serious offence. No country will watch with folded arms acts and activities that endanger national security. The NSL and the SNSO act like a studier door of Hong Kong and a more effective door lock to defend our home.

     “The HKSAR Government will, as always, resolutely, fully and faithfully implement the NSL, the SNSO and other relevant laws safeguarding national security in the HKSAR, to effectively prevent, suppress and impose punishment for acts and activities endangering national security in accordance with the law, whilst upholding the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong people in accordance with the law, so as to ensure the steadfast and successful implementation of the principle of ‘one country, two systems’. The HKSAR Government strongly demands the US to immediately stop acting against the international law and basic norms of international relations and interfering in Hong Kong matters which are purely China’s internal affairs.” read more

Service scope of Healthy Teeth Collaboration to expand

     The Department of Health (DH) today (July 11) announced that starting from July 16, the free dental service provided under the Healthy Teeth Collaboration (the Programme) will extend from eligible adult persons aged 18 or above with an intellectual disability to those with an autism spectrum disorder.

     â€‹The current service term for the Programme will be completed on July 15, 2024, and the new service period will be commenced on July 16, 2024, until March 31, 2027. Eight non-governmental organisation (NGO) dental clinics participating in the Programme listed below will provide free dental care services including oral check-ups, dental treatments and oral health education to eligible persons.
*Christian Family Service Centre Tokwawan Dental Clinic
Tel: 3590 9449
* Community Elderly and Special Care Dental
Tel: 2321 8299
WhatsApp: 6616 3554
* Hello Smile Hong Kong Limited
Tel: 3853 9672
WhatsApp: 5931 3940
* The Hong Kong Tuberculosis Association Rusy M Shroff Oral Health Services Limited
Tel: 3553 3535
*Loving Smiles Special Care Dental Centre
Tel: 2370 2669
WhatsApp: 5406 3928
* Stewards Peace Dental Clinic Limited
Tel: 2345 5251
*Tak Shun Dental Clinic
Tel: 2573 7533
* TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Community Dental Clinic
Tel: 2581 0221
     In addition, the service of the operating theatres of Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong will be engaged if and when required by the dental clinics above.
     Applicants under the Programme must be aged 18 or above with an intellectual disability and/or an autism spectrum disorder who hold one of the following documents certifying the disability category as “intellectual disability”, “mental handicap” or “autism spectrum disability”:

  1. a valid Registration Card for People with Disabilities issued by the Labour and Welfare Bureau; or
  2. a medical certificate issued by a doctor registered in Hong Kong; or
  3. a certificate issued by the person-in-charge of a rehabilitation service unit under the designated types of rehabilitation services.
     The Programme details, application form, as well as contact details and address of the NGO dental clinics are available at the DH’s website (
     Applicants may select one of the participating NGO dental clinics and submit an application to the selected clinic. For enquiries, please call the NGO dental clinics listed above. read more