Frozen confection sample detected with coliform bacteria and total bacterial counts exceeding legal limit

     The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced today (July 12) that a sample of frozen confection was found to contain coliform bacteria and total bacterial counts exceeding the legal limit. The CFS is following up on the incident.
     A spokesman for the CFS said, "The CFS collected the above-mentioned sample from a restaurant in Repulse Bay for testing when following up on a related food incident. The test result showed that the sample contained 410 coliform bacteria per gram and 160 000 bacteria per gram, exceeding the legal limit."

     "The CFS has informed the restaurant concerned of the irregularity. The restaurant has already stopped selling and discarded the affected product according to the CFS's advice. The CFS has also provided health education on food safety and hygiene to the person-in-charge and staff of the restaurant, and requested it to carry out thorough cleaning and disinfection. Prosecution will be instituted should there be sufficient evidence," the spokesman said. 

     Under the Frozen Confections Regulation (Cap. 132AC), frozen confection for sale should not contain more than 100 coliform bacteria per gram or more than 50 000 bacteria per gram. The maximum penalty for offenders is a fine of $10,000 and three months' imprisonment upon conviction. The fact that the coliform count and the total bacterial count exceeded the legal limit indicated that the hygienic conditions were unsatisfactory, but did not mean that consumption would lead to food poisoning.

     The CFS will continue to follow up on the incident and take appropriate action to safeguard food safety and public health.

Elderly Health Care Voucher Greater Bay Area service points to extend to Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, from next Thursday

     The Department of Health (DH) today (July 12) announced that the service points where the Elderly Health Care Voucher (EHCV) is allowed to be used in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) will be extended to Zhongshan Chen Xinghai Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine (ZSCXH) located in Zhongshan starting from next Thursday (July 18). By then, together with the two service points operated by the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen (HKU-SZ) Hospital at its hospital and the Huawei Li Zhi Yuan Community Health Service Center (CHC) as well as the First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University (FAH-SYSU), which also came under the EHCV GBA Pilot Scheme (Pilot Scheme) from the end of last month, eligible Hong Kong elderly persons can use the EHCVs for outpatient healthcare services at four GBA service points.

     Since 2015, the use of EHCV has expanded across the river to the HKU-SZ Hospital in Shenzhen. Further to the expansion on June 28 allowing the use of EHCV at the FAH-SYSU in Guangzhou, the ZSCXH is the third medical institution providing integrated services in the GBA implementing relevant arrangements. Crossing the river and reaching Zhongshan City, the arrangement also coincides with the routing of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link which was commissioned on June 30.

     Starting from July 18, elderly persons will be able to use EHCVs to pay for outpatient healthcare services provided by the following 13 designated departments of the hospital: General Outpatient Clinic, Internal Medicine Department, Surgical Department, Health Check Center, Disease Prevention Center, Emergency Department, Dental Department, Disease Prevention Center by Herbal Medicine, Rehabilitation Department, Massage Department, Orthopaedics Department, Gynaecology Department and Ophthalmology Department.

     The arrangements for shared use of EHCVs between spouses and the EHCV Pilot Reward Scheme under the EHCV Scheme are equally applicable to the ZSCXH. Elderly persons receiving designated primary healthcare outpatient services for health checks, and preventive and follow-up/monitoring of long-term conditions provided by the 13 aforementioned departments at the ZSCXH can accumulate EHCV spending and be allotted rewards.

     Elderly persons who intend to use EHCVs at the ZSCXH should first undergo identity verification and registration in person by presenting a valid Hong Kong identity card or Certificate of Exemption issued by the Immigration Department at the Hong Kong Elderly Health Care Voucher Reception located at the lobby on 1/F of the ZSCXH. Elderly persons not having their first appointment at the hospital can also make reservations through the official WeChat service account of the hospital. Upon attending a medical appointment, elderly persons should first register at the Hong Kong Elderly Health Care Voucher Reception at the lobby on 1/F of the hospital and wait for triage by the hospital staff. After receiving outpatient services at the designated departments, elderly persons can use EHCVs to pay the relevant fees at the relevant cashier of the department according to instructions from the hospital staff.

     The fees for the healthcare services provided by the ZSCXH are denominated in Renminbi. The hospital will make EHCV claims for elderly persons, and the EHCV amount deducted in Hong Kong dollars will be calculated according to a monthly updated voucher conversion factor under the EHCV Scheme. The monthly voucher conversion factor will be displayed at the abovementioned cashier offices for the elderly's reference.

     A DH spokesman said, "Hong Kong elderly persons using EHCVs at any designated medical institution in the GBA should have registered with eHealth. In other words, the relevant arrangements apply to the HKU-SZ Hospital, Huawei Li Zhi Yuan CHC, the FAH-SYSU, the ZSCXH, and the remaining five pilot medical institutions that will launch relevant arrangements under the Pilot Scheme in future. After joining eHealth, elderly persons can make use of its mobile app to check their EHCV balance and usage record, as well as access at any time important information such as their medications, allergies and adverse drug reactions stored in the eHealth app. If elderly persons wish to use EHCVs at the GBA medical institutions but they have not yet registered with eHealth, the medical institutions will immediately register eHealth for the elderly upon getting their consent so that they can use EHCVs right away.

     "In addition, elderly persons cannot use EHCVs together with national medical insurance to pay the fees of the same healthcare service encounter. The scope of using EHCVs on the Mainland is the same as that in Hong Kong, which does not include inpatient services, prepaid healthcare services and day surgery procedures. EHCVs cannot be used solely for the purchase of goods, medication, medical equipment or products, nor can they be redeemed for cash."

     In February this year, the Government included five medical institutions providing integrated services (all with dental services) and two dental medical institutions in the Pilot Scheme. The Government is actively carrying out preparatory work with the remaining five medical institutions included in the Pilot Scheme, and is making good progress. These five medical institutions will progressively launch the relevant arrangements and details will be announced in due course.

     â€‹Launched in 2009, the EHCV Scheme currently subsidises eligible Hong Kong elderly persons aged 65 and above with an annual EHCV amount of $2,000 (with the accumulation limit set at $8,000) for them to choose private primary healthcare services that best suit their health needs. Members of the public may browse the EHCV Scheme website ( or call the EHCV Scheme hotline (2838 2311) for information on the EHCV Scheme.

Speech by DCS at HKIS Awards 2024 Presentation Ceremony (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing, at the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) Awards 2024 Presentation Ceremony this evening (July 12):

Deputy Director-General Ye Shuiqiu (Deputy Director-General, Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government), Sr Francis Lam (President of the HKIS), Sr Professor Winnie Shiu (Chairlady of the HKIS Awards 2024 Organising Committee), the Honourable Tony Tse (Legislative Council Member), government colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good evening to you. It is my pleasure to be here today to witness the presentation of the HKIS Awards 2024, which is indeed the inaugural edition of this award. I am delighted that the HKIS has taken the initiative to organise this meaningful event, which serves as an excellent platform for promoting and recognising the contributions made by the surveying profession to the development of Hong Kong. I would also like to express my warm congratulations to the award finalists for their hard work and outstanding achievements.
     The surveying profession is the backbone of the development sector in Hong Kong. Over the years, the HKIS has accomplished a lot in upholding the professionalism of surveying practitioners through standard setting and representing Hong Kong in the international surveying arena. Moreover, the HKIS has been a close partner of the Government and given many a constructive advice to us in our formulation of relevant policies and implementation of projects. To name a few, the new legislation for extending land leases by operation of law (which just came into effect last Friday); the measures for streamlining the processing procedures for development including charging land premium at standard rates; the updating of the compulsory sale regime, and the measures for improving building safety, have all been taken forward with the benefit of the HKIS’ useful and balanced suggestions.
     The Institute's efforts in organising the HKIS Awards 2024 amply demonstrate the HKIS’ passion in echoing society’s needs and promoting good practices in the profession. The theme "Surveying for a Sustainable Future" is indeed visionary, timely and fitting. It echoes the Government’s determination in promoting a sustainable and environmentally friendly Hong Kong, as well as the global efforts in attaining sustainable development. As far as Hong Kong, our home, is concerned, the Government published in 2021 Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2050, which outlined the city’s de-carbonisation strategies in realising the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, alongside the more vigorous interim target to reduce Hong Kong's carbon emissions by 50 per cent before 2035. Therefore, while the Government has been forging ahead relentlessly with development to expedite land and housing supply by enhancing "quantity", "speed" and "efficiency", ensuring and enhancing "quality" is equally important to us. To this end, we have among others been stepping up the adoption of green and smart initiatives in the planning of new development areas, and incentivising sustainable building designs and use of green innovation and technology in private developments. 
     The Government is fully committed to providing a quality living environment which allows our people to enjoy the place they live and as well attracts outside talent and enterprises to come. We all know this is a mission that requires the joint efforts of the Government, the private sector, industry professionals and other stakeholders. The HKIS is an important partner, and we will continue to work closely with the Institute in the sustainability journey to achieve more for the betterment of our city.
     The projects of the award finalists today are great sources of inspiration for promoting sustainable development. They epitomize the innovation, creativity and technical excellence of the surveying profession. I notice that the list of finalists is very comprehensive. It covers a wide range of different types of development projects, ranging from residential, commercial to welfare; the different stages of implementation from planning, construction to post-occupation; and a variety of participants from the private sector, public bodies, government departments and NGOs. All these go to show the solidarity and unwavering endeavours across the entire surveying profession to strive for a more sustainable Hong Kong. Each finalist project team deserves recognition for their exceptional contributions and leadership in the field. I have high hope that this high-quality human capital we have will play an instrumental role in bringing a more sustainable future for Hong Kong.
     Taking this opportunity, I would like to also congratulate the HKIS for its 40th anniversary in this year. We are thankful for the continuous support that the HKIS has rendered to the work of the Government all along. Let’s work together to strengthen the Government-HKIS relationship in the years to come. I wish the event tonight great success.

     Thank you.

Award-winning dance performance “Convergence” staged in Sydney to showcase Hong Kong’s unique East-meets-West culture (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney (Sydney ETO) is presenting a dance performance "Convergence" in Sydney, Australia, on July 12 and 13 to showcase Hong Kong's unique East-meets-West culture and the city's exceptional talent.
     The award-winning performance "Convergence", staged by the Hong Kong Dance Company (HKDC), fuses Chinese martial arts and dance and presents Chinese cultural heritage in a modern way.
     The Sydney ETO hosted a reception today (July 12) before the premiere performance to foster cultural exchange between Hong Kong and Australia and promote Hong Kong's arts and cultural scene. About 150 guests from various sectors, including local arts and cultural leaders, attended the reception.
     The Director of the Sydney ETO, Miss Trista Lim, said in the welcoming remarks, "the Hong Kong Government is dedicated to nurturing the cultural development of Hong Kong, and our office attaches great importance to promoting arts and cultural exchanges with the local communities here in Australia. To showcase Hong Kong's unique charm as the East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange under the National 14th Five-Year Plan, and to tell good stories of Hong Kong, we are actively assisting the touring of arts groups and delegations."
     Miss Lim added that the newly launched Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency will proactively promote the industrialisation of the arts, cultural and creative sectors under an industry-oriented principle. She also shared with the participants various initiatives of the Government to attract talent to Hong Kong.
     During their tour in Sydney, the HKDC also joined with the Academy of Music and Performing Arts to conduct a masterclass and visited the Sydney Dance Company to enhance cultural exchange between the dance communities in the two places.

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SEE attends Forum on Global Action for Shared Development in Beijing (with photos)

     The Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan, continued his visit to Beijing today (July 12).

     In the morning, Mr Tse attended the opening ceremony of the second High-level Conference of the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development. The theme for this year's forum is "Accelerating Sustainable Development: Continuing Actions for A Better Future". Five parallel forums will be held focusing on the eight key areas of co-operation of the Global Development Initiative, with a view to promoting in-depth exchanges of experiences and insights in building consensus on global development, combating imminent challenges, and enhancing sustainability of development. 

     Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Wang Yi, attended and gave a keynote speech at the forum. Delegations led by high-level representatives from different countries and international organisations also attended the forum. Other participants included representatives from local and overseas enterprises, non-governmental organisations and foundations.

     In the afternoon, Mr Tse visited the Earth System Science Numerical Simulator Facility of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to learn about the developments, achievements, and demonstration system of the country in the fields of observation, analysis and research of the atmospheric environment. The facility is a key scientific and technological infrastructure project of the National 12th Five-Year Plan. It is the first of its kind in the country that has its own intellectual property rights and ranks among the world's leading Earth system simulators in terms of scale and comprehensive technical standards. The facility integrates simulations and observation data to improve the accuracy of forecasting and provides scientific support for major issues such as preventing and mitigating national disaster, combating climate change and managing the atmospheric environment.

     During the visit, Mr Tse said that the Earth System Science Numerical Simulator Facility is an important and global leading scientific research tool in combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality. He expressed his hope to further enhance co-operation of the two places and strengthen personnel exchange and training. 

     Mr Tse will attend the closing ceremony of the second High-level Conference of the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development tomorrow (July 13) and return to Hong Kong on the same evening.