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Hong Kong R&D achievements shine at international I&T arena (with photos/videos)

     In recognition of the outstanding research and development (R&D) achievements of Hong Kong’s talent in the field of innovation and technology (I&T) on the Mainland and overseas in the past year, the Innovation and Technology Commission organised the Reception for I&T Awards 2024 today (July 15). With the theme of “Hong Kong’s Innovation and Technology Achievements Shine in International Arena”, the reception gathered more than 300 representatives from the local I&T sector, including academics, scientists, and representatives of institutes and government departments who were commended for bringing glory to Hong Kong by showcasing Hong Kong’s I&T strengths and telling Hong Kong’s good stories to the world. The reception is also one of the events for celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 27th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
     Addressing the reception, the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, congratulated the award winners and said that their remarkable achievements not only reflected the international recognition of Hong Kong’s R&D outcomes, but also exemplified the profound strength of Hong Kong’s I&T sector, laying a solid foundation for developing the city as an international I&T centre with the support of the National 14th Five-Year Plan.
     He added that the award-winning individuals and teams straddle various sectors, including the Government and industry, academic and research sectors, covering fields such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, medical science, green technology, polymer science, electronic and electrical engineering, and architectural engineering, which demonstrated Hong Kong’s fervent I&T atmosphere. The Government will continue to promote full co-operation with all sectors to boost I&T development in Hong Kong, and support the industry to achieve greater success in the future.
     In the past year, representatives from Hong Kong have stood out in a number of I&T competitions or exhibitions globally and on the Mainland, including the Edison Awards 2024, the 2023 R&D 100 Awards and the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (the Exhibition). The Hong Kong delegation won a record high number of over 350 prizes at the Exhibition where government departments performed tremendously, with the Hong Kong Police Force and the Hong Kong Fire Services Department receiving Gold Medals with Congratulations of the Jury.
     Moreover, local scholars and scientists received a number of globally renowned individual awards and made significant contributions to the country, with their achievements in respective R&D expertise areas fully acknowledged, including the following:

  • Sir Sze-yuen Chung Professor in Precision Engineering and Director of Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Professor Yung Kai-leung, led a space instruments development team to participate in various national space missions, including developing and manufacturing the “Surface Sampling and Packing System” for the Chang’e-6 to assist the nation in completing the world’s first lunar far-side sampling mission;
  • Honorary Professor, Department of Pathology of School of Clinical Medicine at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, Professor Mak Tak-wah, won the William B. Coley Award for Distinguished Research in Basic & Tumor Immunology;
  • Associate Dean (Research) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Dennis Lo, given the Jiménez Díaz Commemorative Lecture Award;
  • Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Vice-President and Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation Professor of Clinical Oncology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Anthony Chan, given the European Society for Medical Oncology Lifetime Achievement Award;
  • Dr William M W Mong Professor of Nanoscience and Chair Professor of Physics at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Professor Dai Xi, given the State Natural Science Award (First Class) and Tan Kah Kee Science Award in Mathematics & Physics;
  • Chairman of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of the Chinese University of Hong Kong,
    Professor Liao Wei-hsin, given the 2023 Leonardo Da Vinci Award;
  • Choh-Ming Li Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics at the Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Francis Chan, given the 15th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize;
  • Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the City University of Hong Kong, Professor Hu Jinlian, given the 15th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize;
  • Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Hong Kong, Professor Anderson Shum, given the 15th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize; and
  • Choh-Ming Li Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics and Assistant Dean (Mainland Affairs) at the Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Yu Jun, given the Wu Jiepeng – Paul Janssen Medical and Pharmaceutical Award.

     By showcasing some of the award-winning research and inventions, the reception not only demonstrates Hong Kong’s remarkable I&T achievements, but also provides a platform to stimulate interaction and experience sharing among attendees on their R&D breakthroughs.
     The Government has been actively fostering the development of the I&T industry. The Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau launched the Hong Kong I&T Development Blueprint in 2022 to lay a solid foundation for Hong Kong to develop into an international I&T centre, and to encourage a vibrant environment for R&D and promote commercialisation of R&D outcomes through various measures, including the launching of the InnoHK research clusters, the Research, Academic and Industry Sectors One-plus (RAISe+) Scheme and the New Industrialisation Acceleration Scheme, with an aim to promote Hong Kong’s high-quality economic development and accelerate the development of new quality productive forces.
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Civil Service College holds first seminar in Executive Series on Brokering North and South: China in a Multipolar World (with photos)

     The Civil Service College (CSC) launched the Executive Series on Brokering North and South: China in a Multipolar World. The first seminar on the topic of “A Century of Exploration of the Chinese Path and its Global Significance” was delivered by the Dean of the China Institute of Fudan University, Professor Zhang Weiwei, and chaired by the Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the China Institute of Fudan University, Mr Eric Li, at the CSC today (July 15).

     Addressing the seminar, the Head of the CSC, Mr Oscar Kwok, said that the rise of China and the Global South has had a profound impact on the international order. A multipolar world is emerging. Hong Kong is the most internationalised city of China, with a unique blend of Chinese and Western cultures, an edge in language proficiency, and systems that are highly compatible with international practices. Hong Kong can capitalise on its distinctive advantages to connect the country with international markets and deepen mutual understanding through increased international collaboration and exchanges of people, thereby making facts about China known to people from around the world. Therefore, cultivating civil servants’ in-depth understanding of national developments and the international landscape, and enhancing their international perspectives and communication capabilities, is an important area of focus of the CSC for senior civil servants.

     More than 220 civil servants in directorate, senior and middle ranks from 49 bureaux/departments attended the seminar in person or online today.

     The Executive Series on Brokering North and South: China in a Multipolar World invites renowned scholars and leaders from the Mainland and overseas as guest speakers to inspire civil servants to reflect on the influence of China, as a major player in a multipolar world, on the global community amid the rise of the Global South and profound changes in the international landscape, and to explore how Hong Kong, as a city where East meets West, should leverage its strengths in its unique role in connecting the country with the world. It covers subjects pertaining to the rise of the Global South and international order, new quality productive forces and global developments, preservation and innovation of fine traditions of culture and art and international communication, and a holistic approach to national security and global initiatives, etc.

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Hospital Authority updates on earlier event of patient who developed cardiac arrest during treatment in Yan Chai Hospital

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:
     The Hospital Authority (HA) made the following announcement today (July 15) regarding an earlier event of a female paediatric patient who developed cardiac arrest during treatment in Yan Chai Hospital:
     The Chief Executive of the HA, Dr Tony Ko, this morning visited the patient, Sum-yuet, who is still hospitalised in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit of Princess Margaret Hospital. Dr Ko and representatives from the clinical team also met with Sum-yuet’s family to express deep empathy and once again apologised to them regarding the event.
     Dr Ko said, “We understand that the tragic incident brought a deep impact to Sum-yuet and her family. We are deeply saddened and would like to sincerely apologise to the family again. We will follow up on Sum-yuet’s treatment as best as we can, and give full support to her family amid tough times.”
     Dr Ko added that the HA had arranged genetic screening tests for Sum-yuet, and the results were negative. The HA has explained the results to her family, and will follow up on the event thoroughly. The HA will not rule out any possibilities as to what might have caused the event, and will continue to assist the Police in their investigation.
     The HA is aware of the special care that the family needs during this difficult period, and has arranged a patient relations officer and a clinical team to closely assist the family for their different needs. They will be in touch with the family continually, explain the latest updates on Sum-yuet’s clinical condition and other progress in a timely manner, and provide assistance to the family.
     The HA has again reminded clinical teams through co-ordinating committees and various platforms to strengthen the monitoring of paediatrics patients when performing bedside clinical procedures, to improve communication with patients and their families as well as to arrange procedural sedations for patients when necessary. Experts in emergency medicine and paediatrics appointed by the HA earlier have also reviewed the guidelines on the practice of bedside procedures for paediatric patients in the HA, and have provided a number of suggestions.
     Dr Ko emphasised that the HA attaches great importance to patient safety, and is consolidating various suggestions from the experts. The HA will once again remind clinical teams to follow and execute experts’ recommendations through a wide variety of channels. Trainings will also be strengthened to ensure the safety of paediatrics patients during bedside procedures to prevent a similar event from happening in the future. read more