Care centres to resume normal service in two hours

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

Please broadcast the following special announcement immediately, and repeat it at frequent intervals:

     "With the change to Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3, the Social Welfare Department advises members of the public not to take their children or family members to child care centres, centres providing after school care programmes, elderly services centres or day rehabilitation units including sheltered workshops, integrated vocational rehabilitation services centres, integrated vocational training centres and day activity centres. These centres will resume normal service in two hours after the cancellation of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 to serve those whose families cannot provide alternative care for them, if the weather and conditions permit. Members of the public who have the need for the services mentioned may contact the centres or service units concerned in advance."

Pubic views sought on review of television and radio codes of practice

The following is issued on behalf of the Communications Authority:

     The Communications Authority (CA) today (July 17) invites members of the public to give their views on proposals for relaxing or updating the codes of practice (CoPs) relating to programme and advertising standards of television and sound broadcasting services. The consultation period will last for one month until August 16.

     The mid-term review of the domestic free television programme service licences and sound broadcasting licences was completed in February 2023. During the consultation process of the mid-term review, the CA received a number of suggestions from the public and the licensees relating to regulation of programme and advertising contents. In response to the views received and with the support of its Broadcast Codes of Practice Committee, the CA has reviewed the CoPs along the general direction of refining the regulatory regime to enable the licensees in meeting the challenges of the rapidly evolving business environment while protecting the interests of the community at large. Following the review, the CA has formulated a set of proposals (see Annex for a summary) for consulting the public. The CA will consider all the views received during the public consultation in taking the proposals forward.

     The consultation document is available on the CA's website ( Members of the public may give their views on the proposals on or before the deadline by email (, fax (2507 2219) or mail (Office of the Communications Authority, 20/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong; Attn: Broadcasting Section 23). Late submissions would not be considered.

Service resumption for General Out-patient Clinics

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     â€‹The Hospital Authority announces that as the Hong Kong Observatory will cancel the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 shortly, its General Out-Patient Clinics will resume service gradually within two hours after the cancellation of the warning signal, while its Specialist Out-patient Clinics, Allied Health and other day services will remain closed.
     General Out-patients whose telephone or mobile app booked appointment being affected by the typhoon may make a new appointment through the telephone appointment system or mobile app around one hour after the cancellation of the Signal No.8. Chronic patients of General Out-patient clinics and patients of specialist clinics who have scheduled appointments should call the respective clinics during office hour to make a new appointment.

Typhoon Talim situation report (4)

     The No. 8 Southeast Gale or Storm Signal issued by the Hong Kong Observatory at 6.40am today (July 17) remains in force.
     The Home Affairs Department has so far opened 29 temporary shelters in various districts and 109 people have sought refuge at the shelters.
     As at 2pm today, the 1823 Government Call Centre has received 32 reports of fallen tree. The Drainage Services Department has received two confirmed flooding cases. No reports of landslide have been received so far.
     According to the Hospital Authority, as at 2pm today, eight people (six men and two women) have been injured during the typhoon period and sought medical treatment at the Accident and Emergency Department of public hospitals.

Classes of evening schools will resume

     Attention TV and radio duty announcers:

     Please broadcast the following special announcement by the Education Bureau concerning schools, and repeat it at suitable intervals:

     Classes of all day schools remain suspended today (July 17). Classes of evening schools will resume today.