Fraudulent website related to Octopus Cards Limited

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) wishes to alert members of the public to a press release issued by Octopus Cards Limited relating to a fraudulent website. The relevant stored value facility (SVF) licensee has reported the case to the HKMA. 

     The fraudulent website reported by the SVF licensee known at the time is as follows: octaupus[.]com

     The HKMA wishes to remind the public that anyone who has provided his or her personal information or account credentials, or who has conducted any financial transactions, through or in response to the website concerned, should contact the relevant SVF licensee, and report to the Police or contact the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre of the Police at 18222.

Secretary for Health visits HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

     The Secretary for Health, Professor Lo Chung-mau, visited the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) on Sassoon Road, Pok Fu Lam, today (July 19) to get a better grasp of the latest progress of the HKUMed in enhancing healthcare teaching facilities and exchange views in person with teaching staff and students.
     Accompanied by the Dean of the HKUMed, Professor Lau Chak-sing, Professor Lo and the Under Secretary for Health, Dr Libby Lee, visited the healthcare teaching facilities of the HKUMed and learned about the progress of the work projects for enhancing the relevant facilities.
     Professor Lo and Dr Lee then met with undergraduates from different departments of the HKUMed to understand their learning experiences and aspirations in practicing healthcare professions in the future.
     Professor Lo said, "Healthcare is an important pillar of people's livelihood. To ensure that medical services are accessible to all people with illnesses, it is vital to secure sufficient healthcare manpower in delivering various healthcare services to meet the needs of the community. However, Hong Kong is currently facing a shortage of public healthcare manpower. As such, the Government has been vigorously taking forward various initiatives to enhance training of healthcare professionals. In tandem with the increasing number of healthcare training places, the Government also upgrades and expands the healthcare teaching facilities of the University Grants Committee-funded universities.
     "Healthcare talents are important assets of the society and the training of healthcare professionals involves a huge amount of public resources. We have to examine the optimal use of our valuable resources to maximise the benefits for the public, and explore feasible options to strengthen healthcare manpower in the public healthcare system. It is my hope that students in training will not lose their faith, which led them to pursue careers as healthcare professionals, and continue to contribute to building a healthy Hong Kong."

AAIA publishes investigation report on incident of runway incursion

     The Air Accident Investigation Authority (AAIA) today (July 19) published the investigation report (02/2023) on the investigation into an incident involving a Bombardier Global 5000 business jet (registration mark P4-AVA) and a Boeing 737-81B passenger aircraft (registration mark B-1918) operated by China Southern Airlines at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) on November 13, 2018.

     At 7.47pm on the day of incident, the aircraft landed on the then North Runway while the business jet was still on the runway approaching taxiway A7. The closest distance between the two aircraft was slightly more than 1 000 metres. Both aircraft taxied to their respective parking gates. Neither aircraft was damaged and no one was injured. The occurrence was classified as a runway incursion according to the criteria of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

     The investigation concluded that the cause of the incident was that an air traffic controller issued a landing clearance to the arriving aircraft on the misperception that the preceding landing business jet had vacated the runway. A contributing factor was that the business jet took an unusually long time, which was 70 per cent above the average Runway Occupancy Time of Arrivals at HKIA, to vacate the runway. The investigation team has made one safety recommendation to the concerned business jet operator and noted that safety actions have been implemented by the Civil Aviation Department after the incident.

     The investigation was conducted by a team of professional investigators in adherence to international standards of the ICAO. "The objective of the investigation was to identify the circumstances and causes of the incident with a view to preventing a recurrence," an AAIA spokesperson said.

     Throughout the investigation, all parties concerned were properly consulted on the report. The report is available for downloading at the AAIA webpage ( 
     The AAIA is an independent investigation authority responsible for the investigation of civil aircraft accidents and incidents in accordance with the Hong Kong Civil Aviation (Investigation of Accidents) Regulations (Cap. 448B) and with reference to the ICAO's standards.

Tender results of re-opening of 15-year Government Bonds under Institutional Bond Issuance Programme

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, as representative of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (HKSAR Government), announced that a tender of 10-year Government Bonds through the re-opening of existing 15-year Government Bond (issue number 15GB3403) under the Institutional Bond Issuance Programme was held today (July 19). 
     A total of HK$1.5 billion 10-year Government Bonds were offered today. A total of HK$3.871 billion tender applications were received. The bid-to-cover ratio, i.e. the ratio of the amount of bonds applied for over the amount of bonds issued, is 2.58. The average price accepted is 84.62, implying an annualised yield of 3.827 per cent. 

HKSAR Government Institutional Bond Issuance Programme Government Bond tender results

     Tender results of the re-opening of 15-year Government Bonds under the Institutional Bond Issuance Programme:

Tender Date
: July 19, 2023
Issue Number
: 15GB3403 (Re-open)
Stock Code
: 4237 (HKGB 2.02 3403)
Issue and Settlement Date
: July 20, 2023
: 10-year
Maturity Date
: March 7, 2034
Coupon Rate : 2.02%
Amount Applied
: HK$3.871 billion
Amount Allotted
: HK$1.5 billion
Bid-to-Cover Ratio*
: 2.58
Average Price Accepted (Yield)
: 84.62 (3.827%)
Lowest Price Accepted (Yield)
: 83.60 (3.960%)
Pro-rata Ratio : About 5%
Average Tender Price (Yield) : 83.40 (3.986%)

* Ratio of the amount of bonds applied for over the amount of bonds issued.

Hong Kong Public Libraries showcases diverse e-resources at Hong Kong Book Fair booth (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL) has joined the Hong Kong Book Fair again this year to introduce to members of the public its rich e-resources and promote a quality reading culture.

      The Hong Kong Book Fair is being held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from today (July 19) to July 25. The HKPL's stall is located at Booth A28 in Hall 1C with the theme "life/LIBRARY" to encourage members of the public, particularly youngsters, to integrate reading into their daily lives. Visitors can try the HKPL's e-resources with touchscreen panels and tablets at the booth to experience the convenience of online reading. In addition, visitors can browse an array of high-quality reading materials recommended by librarians with their book reviews at the "Librarians' Choice" section at the booth to discover good books across various subjects.
     The HKPL has a wide range of diverse digital collections, including e-book collections that provide local e-publications in Chinese, such as "JoyReadClub", "Total Wellness", "Scholar World" and "SUEP e-Book", featuring the works of various authors, with titles covering lifestyle, health and wellness, finance and economics, fiction, comics, children's books, Chinese scholarly e-books, etc.
     Readers can also find a wide range of best-selling Chinese and English e-magazines via the e-databases such as "Kono Libraries" and "Flipster", covering various topics such as art, business and finance, health, language, fashion and lifestyle, parenting and family, science and technology, sports, and travel.
     The HKPL provides over 500 000 e-books and more than 80 e-databases. Members of the public can log into their library accounts to read online or download to computers and mobile devices for e-reading anywhere and anytime. Hong Kong residents who have never applied for library cards or HKPL e-accounts can visit the HKPL's website to apply for e-accounts and enjoy immediate access to the diversified e-resources.
     Members of the public can visit the HKPL's booth at the Book Fair, or visit to learn more and enjoy a wide range of e-resources.

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