
Author Archives: hksar gov

LD reminds employers and employees to take heat stroke preventive measures in times of Heat Stress at Work Warning

     â€‹As the Heat Stress at Work Warning is now in effect, the Labour Department (LD) reminds employers and employees to take appropriate measures during the effective period of the warning to prevent heat stroke when working in hot weather or hot environments.
     Employees who work outdoors or in non-air-conditioned indoor environments face high levels of heat stress and are at a relatively higher risk of heat stroke. Employers should assess the risk factors of heat stress for employees at work and, based on the identified risk factors, take necessary preventive and control measures, including rescheduling work periods, setting up shading covers, providing ventilation and heat dissipation equipment, and reminding employees to replenish water and rest in a timely manner.
     The Heat Stress at Work Warning is formulated by the LD based on the Hong Kong Heat Index. There are three levels of the warning: Amber, Red and Black, which help employers and employees better understand the level of heat stress while working outdoors or indoors without air-conditioning systems.
     A spokesman for the LD said that when the department issues the Heat Stress at Work Warning, employers must refer to the criteria and recommendations provided in the “Guidance Notes on Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work” to conduct risk assessments, according to the workloads and other relevant heat stress risk factors, for employees who work outdoors or in non-air-conditioned indoor workplaces. Appropriate rest breaks should be arranged every hour, as far as reasonably practicable, based on various levels of the Heat Stress at Work Warning, to reduce employees’ risk of heat stroke.
     Employees must also follow instructions to rest on time. Whenever there are any symptoms of heat-related illnesses, such as headache, dizziness, thirst, and nausea, they should rest in a cool and shady place, drink water, and inform employers/supervisors to take appropriate action immediately.
     The LD issued the “Guidance Notes on Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work”, detailing the various risk factors that should be considered when conducting heat stress risk assessments and recommending corresponding control measures for identified risk factors for employers’ and employees’ reference. For the Heat Stress at Work Warning and related guidelines, please refer to the department’s thematic webpage: read more

CE leads delegation to visit Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia

     The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, will lead a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) delegation on Sunday (July 23) to depart for a visit to three member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), namely Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia, to further strengthen co-operation between Hong Kong and ASEAN countries in the areas of trade, economy and investment, with a view to exploring business opportunities. The visit also aims to tell the good stories of Hong Kong by introducing the city’s latest strengths and opportunities to local political and business communities.
     Noting that the relationship between Hong Kong and ASEAN has always been close, Mr Lee said that ASEAN is the second largest trading partner of Hong Kong and the fifth largest economy in the world, with strong impetus for economic development and unlimited potential. This is his second visit to ASEAN countries since he took office, showing the great importance attached by Hong Kong towards the development potential of the ASEAN market.
     Members of the HKSAR delegation include the Deputy Financial Secretary, Mr Michael Wong; the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui; the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau; the Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung; the Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor Sun Dong; the Director of the Chief Executive’s Office, Ms Carol Yip; the Director of Information Services, Mr Fletch Chan; and the Acting Director-General of Investment Promotion, Dr Jimmy Chiang.
     Members of the delegation also include about 30 high-level representatives from various sectors, including industry and commerce, financial services, transport, logistics and e-commerce, and innovation and technology.
     Mr Lee will visit Singapore from July 23 to 25. He will depart for Jakarta, Indonesia, in the morning on July 25 and depart for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in the morning on July 27. During his visit, Mr Lee will meet with local political and business leaders to introduce Hong Kong’s unique advantages of enjoying the strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world under the “one country, two systems” principle. He will also encourage ASEAN enterprises to expand their businesses in Hong Kong and explore the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area market by making good use of Hong Kong’s professional services and financing platform. He will also visit local enterprises and major infrastructure projects to explore collaboration opportunities between Hong Kong and ASEAN countries in the areas of trade and economy and infrastructure.
     Mr Lee will return to Hong Kong in the afternoon on July 29. During his absence, the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, will be the Acting Chief Executive. During the absence of Mr Hui, the Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Joseph Chan, will be the Acting Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury. During the absence of Mr Yau, the Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Dr Bernard Chan, will be the Acting Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development. During the absence of Mr Lam, the Under Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Liu Chun-san, will be the Acting Secretary for Transport and Logistics. During the absence of Professor Sun, the Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Ms Lillian Cheong, will be the Acting Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry. read more

QEH appeals to public for missing patient

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) made the following appeal today (July 20) regarding an in-patient found missing: 

     A female patient aged 36 was admitted to Orthopaedics ward in QEH on July 17. She left the ward yesterday (July 19) night at around 8pm. Hospital security guards were mobilised to search within the hospital compound but was unable to locate her. The hospital reported to the Police for assistance.
     The patient is about 1.65 metres tall. She has brown hair and with normal mobility. She was last seen wearing a patient cloth.
     The hospital appeals to the public to contact the Police or call the hospital hotline at 3506 8944 if they know the whereabouts of the patient.
     The hospital will continue to fully cooperate with the Police to locate the patient. Patient Relations Officer will provide necessary assistance to the patient’s family. read more

SCMA concludes fruitful visit to Beijing (with photos)

     The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Erick Tsang Kwok-wai, concluded his two-day visit to Beijing and returned to Hong Kong on July 19. He said that the visit was short yet very fruitful.

     He first called on the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and visited the Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) in Beijing. He was received by the Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Mr Xia Baolong.

     Mr Tsang met with the NDRC and had in-depth exchanges on various practical works for promoting the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) development. He also thanked the NDRC for its strong support for Hong Kong’s integration into the overall development of the country. Mr Tsang said, “The discussion with the NDRC was very pragmatic. Both sides exchanged views candidly, which is very important for further promoting Hong Kong’s integration into the country’s development in the future. Looking forward, I will pay more visits to different Mainland provinces and municipalities to strengthen co-operation and communication with different ministries, with a view to promoting the mutually beneficial development between Hong Kong and the GBA and all Mainland cities.”

     Mr Tsang later visited the Office of the Government of the HKSAR in Beijing and got an update on their work. He encouraged colleagues to strive to accomplish the works, including attracting enterprises and talents of good quality, telling good Hong King stories, and supporting the Hong Kong residents and enterprises on the Mainland, despite the heavy workload after the resumption of normal travel between Hong Kong and the Mainland. He also reminded colleagues to make every effort to render support to Hong Kong citizens on the Mainland, providing full assistance especially when they are in distress or seeking assistance. 

     Director Xia attentively listened to the briefing by Mr Tsang on the latest works including the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s integration into the overall development of the country, the reform of the District Councils, and the improving district governance. Director Xia fully affirmed those works especially the passing of the District Councils (Amendment) Ordinance. He said the passing of the Ordinance shows the the positive interaction between the Executive and Legislature. Director Xia also encouraged the HKSAR government to fully proceed with the follow-up work, including continuing to explain to all sectors of society the advantages brought by the new proposal, and carrying out various preparation works for the District Council elections. Director Xia also reminded the HKSAR government to accomplish the work on improving district governance, in order to let the public to experience the advantages of the new system and to enhance people’s sense of achievement and satisfaction. 

     Concluding his trip, Mr Tsang said this two-day visit was very fruitful. He expressed his gratitude to the support by the Central Government to the HKSAR and will continue to lead his colleagues to fully support the Chief Executive to govern by law, in order to make good use of Hong Kong’s distinctive advantages under the “one country, two systems”, so as to leverage Hong Kong’s strengths to contribute to the needs of the country and to inject strong impetus for the growth of Hong Kong’s socio-economic development.

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