Policy Address consultation launched (with photo/video)

     â€‹The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region today (July 31) launched a public consultation for the Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address. The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, will deliver his second Policy Address on October 25.

     "My team and I, with the people of Hong Kong, have come out of the pandemic in the past year. We have been carefully listening to the voices from the people along the way and implementing concrete measures to further improve governance, create strong impetus for growth, address people's concerns and difficulties in daily life as well as uniting the community, so as to build a better Hong Kong together," Mr Lee said.
     "Looking ahead, we will continue to work tirelessly and proactively to integrate into the overall development of the country. We will leverage Hong Kong's unique advantages of enjoying strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world, with a view to better serving Hong Kong citizens and fostering the city's development.
     "I earnestly invite members of the public to give your views on the 2023 Policy Address. My team and I will continue to listen carefully to your views and do our utmost for the people's livelihood and the economy. We will seek to increase people's confidence through actions, narrow the gaps with concrete results and build mutual trust through achievements. Together, let's make Hong Kong a better home."

     The Government will conduct more than 30 consultation sessions to listen to views and suggestions of the Legislative Council Members, representatives of various sectors and members of the public. Mr Lee and his governing team will also conduct district visits to meet with members of the public and representatives of different sectors to gather views through multiple channels.
     Starting from today, members of the public can give their views through the Policy Address website (www.policyaddress.gov.hk), via the dedicated Facebook page for the Policy Address public consultation (www.facebook.com/PolicyAddress2023), or by email (policyaddress@cepu.gov.hk), phone (2432 1899) or fax (2537 9083). 


Red flags hoisted at Hung Shing Yeh Beach and Pui O Beach

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (July 31) that due to big waves, red flags have been hoisted at Hung Shing Yeh Beach and Pui O Beach in Islands District. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at these beaches.

SCST congratulates Hong Kong fencers on winning bronze medal in World Championships

     The Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, today (July 30) congratulated Hong Kong fencers Cheung Ka-long, Ryan Choi, Yeung Chi-ka and Leung Chin-yu on winning a bronze medal in the Men's Foil Team event of the 2023 Fencing World Championships.
     Mr Yeung said, "Cheung, Choi, Yeung and Leung earned a bronze medal with their marvellous performance and extraordinary skills, achieving the best result ever in the Men's Foil Team event in the Championships. We share the team's joy and are proud of their achievement."

New District Officer for North assumes office (with photo)

     Mr Derek Lai will assume the post of District Officer (North) tomorrow (July 31), succeeding Mr Chong Wing-wun.

     Mr Lai joined the Administrative Service in 2004. He has served in various bureaux, including the then Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau, the then Education and Manpower Bureau, the Labour and Welfare Bureau, the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, the Development Bureau and the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau. 

     He was the Principal Assistant Secretary for Education (Higher Education) before taking up the new post.


LegCo Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports to conduct duty visit to Hangzhou

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports will depart for Hangzhou tomorrow (July 31) to conduct a four-day duty visit from July 31 to August 3.

     The objectives of the visit are for Members to visit the two major venues of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou, to understand Hangzhou's policies and measures for industrialisation of sports and sports in the community, as well as to gain first-hand experience in promoting sports to all in Hangzhou. Members will also make use of this opportunity to understand Hangzhou's recent development, the related policies and achievements of the cultural industry. During the visit, Members will exchange views with representatives of the provincial and municipal governments.

     The delegation will visit the following places and organisations:

  • Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, TV and Tourism
  • Hangzhou Grand Theatre
  • Hangzhou Sports Bureau
  • Huanglong Sports Centre
  • 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 Organising Committee
  • Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium
  • Asian Games Village
  • China Woodcarvings Museum
  • Dongyang Luzhai Scenic Area
  • Hengdian World Studios

     The delegation is led by the Chairman of Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports, Mr Vincent Cheng. Deputy delegation leaders are the Deputy Chairman of the Panel, Ms Joephy Chan, and Panel member, Mr Kenneth Fok. Other participating Panel members include Mr Ma Fung-kwok, Mr Luk Chung-hung, Dr Johnny Ng, Mr Kenneth Leung, Mr Rock Chen, Ms Chan Hoi-yan, Mr Benson Luk and Professor Lau Chi-pang; as well as non-Panel members Mr Paul Tse, Dr Lo Wai-kwok, Mr Duncan Chiu, Ms Judy Chan and Ms Lillian Kwok.

     At the invitation of the Panel, the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, will join part of the duty visit.