Local premiere of FDF-financed film “YUM Investigation” to be held tonight

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Film Development Council:
     The local premiere of a new film partly financed by the Film Production Financing Scheme under the Film Development Fund (FDF), "YUM Investigation", will be held this evening (August 9).
     "YUM Investigation" is produced by Jason Siu and Tai Pak-ho, directed by Dickson Leung, and written by Ling Wai-chun and Jolyon Cheung. The film stars Leung Yip, Ho Kai-wa, Kwok Ka-chun and Ng Po-ki, co-stars Catherine Chau, Mandy Tam and Suey Kwok. The film is about a battle between a detective agency specialising in handling supernatural cases and spirit refiners who have the power to create evil spirits.
     The Chairman of the Hong Kong Film Development Council, Dr Wilfred Wong, said, "Featuring elements of exaggeration and humour common to classic Hong Kong films, 'YUM Investigation' conveys a positive message, which is to encourage young people to overcome fears and discover their own value, in a relaxed and fun way."
     He added, "The Government will keep enhancing the quality and diversity of Hong Kong films. The Hong Kong Film Development Council will continue to advise the Government on the use of the FDF to support more projects that are conducive to the long-term development of the film industry in Hong Kong."
     Since 2005, the Government has injected a total of $1.54 billion into the FDF to support a number of film production projects and other film-related projects. Since 2007, the FDF has financed 62 film projects, involving a total funding of about $233.34 million. The production budget for "YUM Investigation" was around $11 million, with government financing amounting to about $2.75 million.

LD to launch exhibition on Employment Ordinance and Minimum Wage Ordinance

     â€‹Members of the public are invited to visit an exhibition on the Employment Ordinance and the Minimum Wage Ordinance organised by the Labour Department in Mong Kok on August 11 and 12 (Friday and Saturday).

     The exhibition will feature the main provisions of the Employment Ordinance and the Minimum Wage Ordinance, good human resource management measures, as well as employment rights and benefits for foreign domestic helpers. Related publications and souvenirs will be distributed, and promotional videos will be shown.

     The exhibition will be held at Sales Venue B, G/F, Hoi Fu Shopping Centre, 2 Hoi Ting Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon, from 11am to 6pm. Admission is free.

Development Bureau imposes regulating actions on contractor involved in fatal work accident at North Kwai Chung Tang Shiu Kin Sports Centre

     A spokesman for the Development Bureau (DEVB) said today (August 9) that the Government attached great importance to construction safety. In response to the fatal work accident at North Kwai Chung Tang Shiu Kin Sports Centre on August 7, the DEVB has suspended the contractor concerned from tendering for public works contracts pursuant to the regulating regime.

     The spokesman said that the contractor concerned was under the List of Approved Contractors for Public Works and the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works of the DEVB. The DEVB issued a notification to the contractor concerned last night (August 8) to suspend it from tendering for the relevant category of public works contracts with immediate effect. The contractor concerned has to conduct an independent safety audit to review its safety management system. Taking cognisance of the outcome of the independent safety audit, the contractor is required to submit an improvement action plan and implement improvement measures, with a view to demonstrating that it has an effective safety management system before uplifting of the suspension from tendering can be considered. The suspension from tendering is not only confined to future tender exercises, but is also applicable to tender exercises with procedures initiated but not concluded.

     The DEVB may impose further regulating actions on the contractor concerned afterwards, subject to the investigation findings of the fatal work accident.

Red flags hoisted at Hung Shing Yeh Beach and Pui O Beach

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (August 9) that due to big waves, red flags have been hoisted at Hung Shing Yeh Beach and Pui O Beach in Islands District. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at these beaches.

Very Hot Weather Warning issued

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     The Hong Kong Observatory has issued the Very Hot Weather Warning.

     To prevent heat stroke, avoid prolonged activities outdoors.

     If engaged in outdoor work or activities, wear a wide-brimmed hat and light-coloured, loose-fitting clothes. Stay in shaded areas as much as possible.

     Drink plenty of water, and avoid beverages containing caffeine or alcohol.

     If you feel sick, consult a doctor right away.