LegCo Panel on Environmental Affairs concludes duty visit to Mainland cities of Greater Bay Area (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The delegation of the Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs and the delegation of the Environment and Ecology Bureau concluded the three-day duty visit to Mainland cities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) today (August 9) and returned to Hong Kong in the evening.

     In the morning, the delegations continued the visit in Shenzhen. The delegations first visited the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station to understand the operation of the nuclear power station and the development of nuclear power technology. The Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station is the country's first large-scale commercial nuclear power plant in which advanced technology and equipment have been introduced. It provides Hong Kong with a safe and stable power supply and sets the model for energy co-operation between the Mainland and Hong Kong. Members noted the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station has developed a stringent training programme and comprehensive training facilities to ensure operational safety.

     In the afternoon, the delegations visited Nanshan Energy Ecological Park located in the Qianhai Free Trade Zone, to learn more about Shenzhen's experiences of planning, constructing and operating waste incineration facilities in tackling the situation of "the city being surrounded by rubbish". The Park processes 2 300 tonnes of domestic waste per day. Adjacent residential developments and a new mixed commercial and residential area to be developed, the Park shows that advanced and efficient modern incineration facilities can coexist with commercial and residential areas nearby. Members also understood that all domestic waste in Shenzhen are processed through incineration.

     In summing up the three-day duty visit, the leader of the delegation, Ms Elizabeth Quat, described the visit as successful. "Through understanding the application of new energy transport, hydrogen energy and renewable energy technologies in the three Mainland cities of the GBA, as well as meeting and exchanging experiences with Mainland Government officials and representatives of various enterprises, it will help our discussions with the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to deepen cross-border collaboration in environmental issues with the GBA cities. It will also help promote the development of green transport in Hong Kong," Ms Quat said.

     The Panel on Environmental Affairs' delegation is led by the Chairman of the Panel, Ms Elizabeth Quat. Other participating Members include Panel members Mr Frankie Yick, Dr Lo Wai-kwok, and Mr Chan Pui-leung; as well as non-Panel member Mr Andrew Lam. The Environment and Ecology Bureau's delegation is led by the Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan.

Photo  Photo  Photo  

CHP investigates confirmed Mpox case linked with previous confirmed case

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) said today (August 9) that it is investigating a confirmed Mpox (also known as Monkeypox) case epidemiologically linked with a previous case, and urged the public to heighten vigilance and avoid close physical contact with persons suspected of contracting Mpox. Meanwhile, high-risk target groups are strongly advised to receive Mpox vaccination.

     The case involves a 47-year-old male patient with good past health. He is a close contact of a confirmed patient announced earlier. The 47-year-old male patient was found to have presented with localised rash and lymphadenopathy yesterday (August 8) when the CHP was conducting contact tracing. The patient has been admitted to Queen Mary Hospital and he is in a stable condition.

     The CHP's epidemiological investigations of the case are ongoing, including contact tracing. The CHP will report the case to the World Health Organization.

     The CHP had earlier set up an Mpox telephone hotline (2125 2373). The hotline operates from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) from 9am to 5pm, which enables those who suspect or are concerned they have had high-risk contact with confirmed patients, in particular men who have sex with men or those who have sexual practices with strangers, to make enquiries and receive relevant health advice. Meanwhile, the CHP reminds the public, especially those subject to high risks of exposure, to take precautions and avoid close physical contact with persons or animals suspected of infection. They should seek medical attention as soon as possible if they experience relevant symptoms, including rashes, fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, exhaustion, muscle pain, and severe headaches.

     The CHP reminds members of the public that Mpox is not transmitted through respiratory droplets or aerosols in general, and transmission would not occur through social contact. Proper personal and hand hygiene can help prevent getting infected via contact.

     The Government has activated the Alert level of the preparedness and response plan for the disease in September last year and will continue to assess the risk in view of the latest scientific evidence and situation, and implement corresponding control measures.

     The Mpox vaccination programme for high-risk groups commenced on October 5 last year. Under the programme, the following high-risk target groups can receive Mpox vaccination on a voluntary basis:

  1. Individuals with high-risk sexual practices, e.g. having multiple sexual partners, sex workers, or having a history of sexually transmitted infection within the past 12 months;
  2. Healthcare workers responsible for caring of patients with confirmed Mpox;
  3. Laboratory personnel working with zoonotic pox viruses; and
  4. Animal care personnel with high risk of exposure in case of Mpox occurrence in animals in Hong Kong.

     High-risk target groups can receive Mpox vaccination at the designated Mpox vaccination centre (situated at 2/F, CHP building, 147C Argyle Street, Mong Kok) by appointment through email (mpv_booking@dh.gov.hk) or telephone booking line (2547 1900) during office hours. They can also receive Mpox walk-in vaccinations at all of the DH's Social Hygiene Service Clinics (SocHS) (namely Chai Wan SocHS, Wan Chai Male SocHS, Wan Chai Female SocHS, Yau Ma Tei Male SocHS, Yau Ma Tei Female SocHS, Yung Fung Shee SocHS, Fanling SocHS and Tuen Mun SocHS). Further information of the clinics including their locations is available at www.dh.gov.hk/english/tele/tele_chc/tele_chc_shcf.html and www.dh.gov.hk/english/tele/tele_chc/tele_chc_shcm.html.

     Meanwhile, the DH's Integrated Treatment Centre in Kowloon Bay, and the Hospital Authority's Special Medical Clinics at Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Princess Margaret Hospital will continue to provide Mpox vaccination services for their clients.

     â€‹For more details, please visit the CHP's page on Mpox.

Bogus marriage syndicate smashed by Immigration Department (with photo)

     The Outside Investigation Section of the Immigration Department (ImmD) smashed a bogus marriage syndicate in an operation codenamed "Shadowhunt" today (August 9). During the raid, a Hong Kong resident man aged 29 and a Hong Kong resident woman aged 27 were arrested. The arrested man was believed to be the mastermind of the syndicate and the arrested woman was suspected to have contracted bogus marriage.
      After in-depth analysis and investigation of dozens of suspected bogus marriages in a similar mode of operation, the ImmD identified a crime syndicate headed by the arrested man. With young women as its target, the crime syndicate published advertisements recruiting "wedding co-ordinator" and "wedding assistant" on social media to attract young people. The crime syndicate then lured the job seekers to contract bogus marriages with others on the Mainland under the pretext of providing training and internship opportunities or induced them with considerable remuneration, so as to assist their bogus spouses to travel to Hong Kong under the pretence of visiting spouses and even apply for settlement in Hong Kong. In addition, members of the syndicate would develop romantic relationship with young women through an online dating platform and later lured them into bogus marriages.
      The ImmD believed that the syndicate has arranged for more than 40 bogus marriages between 2017 and 2019. The estimated transaction amount involved in the cases is about HK$5 million. During the operation, as at today, a total of 49 persons (15 men and 34 women, aged 25 to 50), including the two Hong Kong residents arrested in the operation today, were arrested. Thirty-five of them were Hong Kong residents and 14 were non-local residents. The investigation is still ongoing, and more persons involved in the case may be arrested.
      The ImmD has been very concerned about non-Hong Kong residents obtaining residency by means of contracting bogus marriages with Hong Kong residents. The ImmD will continue to spare no effort in combating bogus marriages and other related illicit activities. For people who have obtained their residence in Hong Kong by fraudulent means, their Hong Kong identity card and residence status will be invalidated according to the laws of Hong Kong. They will also be subject to removal back to their place of origin.
      An ImmD spokesman urged the public not to defy the law by participating in activities related to bogus marriages anywhere or not to make a false oath before Immigration Officers for the purpose of procuring a marriage in Hong Kong. Those directing others to contract a bogus marriage may also be guilty of the offence of conspiracy to defraud. The spokesman also urged the public to raise the alert when using social networking mobile applications for job seeking and dating, and to avoid falling into the trap of bogus marriage syndicates.
      Under the laws of Hong Kong, it is an offence to make false representation to Immigration Officers. Offenders are liable to prosecution and to a maximum fine of $150,000 and imprisonment for 14 years. Aiders and abettors are also liable to prosecution and the same penalties. Any person who for the purpose of procuring a marriage, or a certificate or license for marriage, knowingly and wilfully makes a false oath or makes or signs a false declaration shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to, upon conviction, imprisonment for seven years and a fine. Anyone who commits the offence of conspiracy to defraud is liable to prosecution and, upon conviction, the maximum penalty is imprisonment for 14 years.


Public views sought on proposed amendments to Noise Control Ordinance

     The Environment Protection Department (EPD) today (August 9) released a consultation paper on the proposed amendments to the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO), including (a) strengthening control over the noise from loudspeakers by shops and hawkers for peddling; (b) introduction of a fixed penalty system; (c) adjustment of the maximum fines and empowering the authority to obtain information to enhance enforcement efficiency and deterrent effect; and (d) relaxation of the restrictions on noise from festive celebration activities so that such activities may suitably be carried out after 11pm. The consultation will last for two months until October 8. Members of the public are welcome to offer their views.

     A spokesman for the EPD said that the public has been increasingly concerned about issues arising from the noise from domestic premises and street cries from shops. The Government proposed in the 2022 Policy Address to impose control over the use of loudspeakers for street cries and introduce a fixed penalty system to effectively control and remediate associated noise nuisance. To enhance enforcement efficiency, the Government proposes to add relevant provisions to the NCO to empower the authority to request case-related information from any person by serving a written notice. The abovementioned fixed penalty system will also be applicable to other offences of noise emitted from domestic premises and public places in order to deal with the relevant noise issues more effectively.

     On the other hand, it is noted that the public generally accepts the noise level generated by festive celebration activities (including music, singing and instrument performing activities) to enjoy the festive atmosphere more. Therefore, the proposed amendments also include the relaxation of restrictions on the noise limit for public entertainment activities at specified festivals.

     The consultation paper is available on the EPD website (www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/noise/pub_consult/noise_consult.html). Public views on the proposed amendments can be submitted to the EPD as detailed in the consultation document within the consultation period. The EPD will hold a public consultation forum and details will be announced on the website later.

Flag-lowering ceremony cancelled

     Owing to the thunderstorm warning, the flag-lowering ceremony to be conducted at Golden Bauhinia Square, Wan Chai at 6pm today (Aug 9) will be cancelled.

     If the thunderstorm warning is cancelled and weather conditions permit by then, the flag-lowering ceremony may be resumed without further notice.