
Author Archives: hksar gov

HKSAR Government strongly rejects and disapproves of US’ measure restricting investment in China

     In response to the United States (US)’s measure restricting investment in China, a spokesman for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government today (August 10) criticised the US for the series of measures unreasonably targeting Hong Kong to undermine and cause damage to normal trade and investment activities. The HKSAR Government expressed its strong objection and disapproval.
     The spokesman said, “In 2022, the US was the largest trading partner of Mainland China, and the third largest trading partner of Hong Kong, with trade value amounted to HK$5,948.4 billion (US$759.4 billion) and HK$502.1 billion (US$64.1 billion) respectively. At the same time, Mainland China and Hong Kong are respectively the US’ third and 29th largest trading partners. As at end-2021, the US ranked sixth of inward direct investment (IDI) into Hong Kong, with an IDI stock of HK$355.8 billion (US$45.6 billion). It ranked ninth of outward direct investment (ODI) from Hong Kong, with an ODI stock of HK$139.2 billion (US$17.8 billion). These figures demonstrated the close economic interaction between Hong Kong and the US, as well as the vast business interests of US businesses in Hong Kong.
     “The US’ unreasonable and restrictive measure on investment seriously violated the principles of market economy and fair competition, undermined international economic and trade order and jeopardised the economic and business interests of US businesses and the US. It also created further uncertainties for global economic recovery and growth. The US should withdraw the unreasonable measure concerned,” the spokesman stressed.

     The HKSAR Government is closely monitoring the developments and will resolutely safeguard Hong Kong’s rights and interests. read more

Commissioner of Customs and Excise meets with Director General in Shanghai Customs District (with photos)

     The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho, today (August 10) met with the Director General in Shanghai Customs District, Mr Gao Rongkun, in the Customs Headquarters Building to exchange views on expediting the development of Smart Customs and deepening the co-operation and exchanges in mutual training.

     Ms Ho welcomed Mr Gao’s visit to Hong Kong Customs with his delegation and chaired a meeting with the delegation of the Shanghai Customs. To fully enhance the scopes of mutual co-operation, the two Customs administrations explored multiple issues, including the fostering the implementation of the Smart Customs Blueprint and application of relevant technologies, expanding Shanghai-Hong Kong big data collaboration, and strengthening thematic training and exchanges of officers from both sides.

     The delegation yesterday (August 9) visited the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Port to learn about the operation of passenger and cargo clearance of Hong Kong Customs. They will also tour the Customs Computer Forensic Laboratory in the Customs Headquarters Building, the Kwai Chung Custom House, as well as the West Kowloon Station of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link today and tomorrow.

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Suspected case of raw bamboo shoot poisoning under CHP investigation

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (August 10) investigating a suspected case of raw bamboo shoot poisoning affecting two persons, and hence reminded members of the public not to consume raw bamboo shoot.

     The case involves a 67-year-old man and his 50-year-old female domestic helper. The male patient purchased fresh bamboo shoots from a shop in Mei Foo on August 8 and the female patient pressed the raw bamboo shoots into juice at home on the same day. The duo developed headache, dizziness, palpitation, nausea, limb numbness and shortness of breath about 10 minutes after consuming the juice on that day. Symptoms of the female patient subsided after an hour and she did not seek medical attention, whereas the symptoms of the male patient persisted and he attended the Accident and Emergency Department of Queen Elizabeth Hospital on the same day. He did not require hospitalisation. Both of them are in stable condition.

     The CHP’s investigation is ongoing.

     “Raw bamboo shoot contain cyanogenic glycosides. Cyanogenic plant products such as bamboo shoot can cause poisoning when eaten raw and in sufficient amounts. Cyanogenic plants should be cut into smaller pieces, soaked in water and cooked thoroughly in boiling water before for safe consumption,” a spokesman for the CHP said.

     The spokesman appealed to the public not to consume raw bamboo shoot. Particular attention should be given to children, the elderly and individuals with poor health conditions. If symptoms of poisoning develop, they should immediately consult medical professionals for advice and prompt treatment.

     â€‹”Natural toxins are present in a wide variety of plants, some of which are commonly consumed as food, including bamboo shoot. In humans, the clinical signs of acute cyanide intoxication include rapid respiration, drop in blood pressure, rapid pulse, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, mental confusion, twitching and convulsions. Death due to cyanide poisoning can occur when the cyanide level exceeds the limit an individual is able to detoxify,” the spokesman explained. read more

Public urged to stay vigilant against COVID-19 and influenza

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (August 10) urged members of the public to stay vigilant against COVID-19 and influenza, and reminded the public to continue to maintain personal, hand, and environmental hygiene.

     A spokesman for the CHP pointed out that COVID-19 has now been managed as an upper respiratory tract illness and the Government has been closely monitoring the global and local situation, and assessing the risk. In view of the latest announcement by the World Health Organization (WHO) to designate COVID-19 variant EG.5 and its sub-lineages as a Variant of Interest (VOI), members of the public are reminded that vaccination can effectively prevent infection and serious cases.

     According to the WHO, EG.5 is a descendent lineage of XBB.1.9.2. Based on the available evidence, the public health risk posed by EG.5 is evaluated as low at the global level, aligning with the risk associated with XBB.1.16 and the other currently circulating VOIs. There have been no reported changes in disease severity to date. However, due to its growth advantage and immune escape characteristics, EG.5 may cause a rise in case incidence and become dominant in some countries, or even globally.

     Locally, according to the CHP’s latest surveillance data, COVID-19 activity has dropped. In the week from July 30 to August 5, the daily number of newly recorded positive laboratory detections (ranged from 47 to 73), the positive detection rate of specimens collected at the Public Health Laboratory Services Branch (PHLSB) of the CHP (5.62 per cent, as compared to 6.68 per cent in the previous week), the weekly number of severe COVID-19 cases including deaths with cause of death preliminarily assessed to be related to COVID-19 (28, as compared to 37 in the preceding week), as well as surveillance among sentinel general out-patient clinics (51.8 per 1,000 consultations, as compared to 57.2 in the preceding week), all showed a decreasing trend when compared to the preceding week.

     According to the genetic characterisation by the PHLSB on the specimens testing positive for COVID-19, as well as reported severe and death cases for COVID-19, XBB and its descendant lineages continue to be the most prevalent variant, comprised of more than 95 per cent of all characterised specimens, with EG.5 accounting for about 5.3 per cent. The first EG.5 case in Hong Kong was recorded during the week ending April 22.

     On the other hand, the CHP has been closely monitoring the local influenza situation. The overall local seasonal influenza activity has increased since the week ending July 1. Among the respiratory specimens received by the PHLSB and the Hospital Authority, the latest weekly percentage of detections testing positive for seasonal influenza viruses was 8.31 per cent during the week ending August 5, with influenza A (H3) being the predominant subtype. The overall admission rate with a principal diagnosis of influenza was 0.29 (per 10,000 population) during the same week.

     The CHP will continue to monitor the situation. Members of the public, particularly children, the elderly and chronic disease patients are strongly urged to receive vaccination as early as possible for effective protection against COVID-19. Receiving COVID-19 vaccination can effectively reduce the risk of serious illness and death from infection. As influenza viruses and the SARS-CoV-2 virus may both spread at the same time, getting an influenza vaccination is also important to protect the healthcare system from being overwhelmed. People aged 6 months or above who have not yet received the seasonal influenza vaccination in the 2022/23 season can still receive the vaccine to enhance personal protection.

     The CHP again reminded members of the public to take the following measures to prevent respiratory tract infections:

  • Avoid touching one’s eyes, mouth and nose;
  • Wash hands with liquid soap and water properly whenever possibly contaminated;
  • When hands are not visibly soiled, clean them with 70 to 80 per cent alcohol-based handrub;
  • Cover the nose and mouth with tissue paper when sneezing or coughing. Dispose of soiled tissue paper properly into a lidded rubbish bin and wash hands thoroughly afterwards;
  • Maintain good indoor ventilation; and
  • Build up good body immunity by having a balanced diet, exercise regularly, take adequate rest, do not smoke and avoid overstress.

     â€‹For the latest information, please visit the COVID-19 Thematic Website, the CHP’s influenza page and weekly COVID-19 & Flu Express. As for vaccination, the public may visit the CHP’s Vaccination Schemes page. read more