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Appointments to Board of Urban Renewal Fund

     The Development Bureau today (August 14) announced the reappointment/appointment of 12 persons as Chairman/directors of the Board of the Urban Renewal Fund (URF Board). The URF is an independent company limited by guarantee incorporated to manage the Urban Renewal Trust Fund.

     In accordance with the Articles of Association of the URF, the Secretary for Development has nominated Professor Steven Ngai Sek-yum for reappointment as Chairman of the URF Board for one year till August 14, 2024. At the same time, the Secretary for Development nominated Ms Fanny Ang Bing-hun, Ms Mary Grace Chiu Hang-mei, Mr Sunny Ho Lap-kee, Ms Janice Lai Wai-man, Mr Dominic Lam Kwong-ki, Mr David Lui Yin-tat and Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah for reappointment as directors of the URF Board; and nominated Ms Kitty Chau Shuk-king, Mr Steven Pun Chi-ho, Ms Renee So Yi-ha and Mr Wong Wai-kit for appointment as directors of the URF Board. The term is three years from August 15, 2023. The above nominees have all been appointed in accordance with the Articles of Association of the URF. 

     “Over the past six years under the leadership of Professor Steven Ngai, the URF has not only been commissioning social service teams to provide support to the owners and tenants affected by the redevelopment projects of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), but also implementing the Urban Renewal Heritage Preservation and District Revitalisation Funding Scheme to improve residents’ living quality and foster their sense of belonging to community. Due to personnel change of the Secretariat of the URF in early 2024, I am grateful that Professor Ngai, who has already led the URF Board for six years, has agreed to continue to take up the Chairmanship of the Board till August 2024 to lead the new term of the Board to continue to make the best use of the Trust Fund in furthering its objectives,” the Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, said.

     Ms Linn also thanked the six outgoing directors who have served on the URF Board for six years, namely Professor Ching May-bo, Professor Rebecca Chiu Lai-har, Mr Ivan Fu Chin-shing, Mr Dennis Ho Chiu-ping, Mr Yeung Ming-tai and Mr Ricky Yu Wai-yip, for their contributions to the work of the URF.

     The membership of the URF Board with effect from August 15, 2023, is as follows:

Professor Steven Ngai Sek-yum

Ms Fanny Ang Bing-hun
Ms Kitty Chau Shuk-king
Ms Mary Grace Chiu Hang-mei
Mr Sunny Ho Lap-kee 
Ms Janice Lai Wai-man
Mr Dominic Lam Kwong-ki
Mr David Lui Yin-tat
Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah
Mr Steven Pun Chi-ho
Ms Renee So Yi-ha
Mr Wai Chi-sing
Mr Wong Wai-kit

Mr Joseph Wong Kam-man

     The URF, incorporated as a company limited by guarantee on August 15, 2011, was set up pursuant to section 6(2)(s) of the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance to act as the trustee and settlor of the Trust Fund. The Trust Fund, with funding support from the URA, provides an independent funding source to support the operation of the social service teams that render assistance to the affected owners and tenants of the urban redevelopment projects implemented by the URA. The Trust Fund also supports planning and related studies by the District Urban Renewal Forum as well as initiatives related to heritage preservation and district revitalisation proposed by non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders in the overall context of urban renewal. Pursuant to the Articles of Association of the URF, the directors of the URF Board shall be nominated by the Secretary for Development and appointed by the URF. The establishment of the Trust Fund was one of the major initiatives under the Urban Renewal Strategy promulgated by the Government in February 2011. read more

Labour Department to hold courses and public talks on prevention of heat stroke at work and occupational health

     The Labour Department (LD) organises courses and public health talks on prevention of heat stroke and occupational health regularly to raise employers’ and employees’ awareness of occupational health.
     Details of six courses and health talks on the prevention of heat stroke at work in September are as follows:
Dates and Time: September 7 and 19 (Half-day (am));
September 4, 12 and 25 (Half-day (pm))
Venue: Occupational Safety and Health Training Centre of the LD, 13/F, KOLOUR·Tsuen Wan I, 68 Chung On Street, Tsuen Wan, New Territories
Enrolment method: Download the application form (
Enquiry hotline: 2940 7057
Date and Time: September 11 (3.30pm to 5pm)
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Enrolment method: Online registration of public talks on occupational health (
Enquiry hotline: 2852 4040
     In addition, the LD will hold the following occupational health public talks in September:
Topic: Prevention of Upper Limb Disorders
Content: The talk will introduce the causes and preventive measures of upper limb disorders to enhance employees’ awareness of the issues with demonstrations and practice of workplace exercises.
Date and Time: September 6 (3.30pm to 4.45pm)
Venue: Health Education Room, Occupational Safety and Health Centre of the LD, G/F, Kwun Tong Community Health Centre Building, 60 Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Enrolment method: Online registration (
Enquiry hotline: 2852 4040
Topic: Chemical and Occupational Health
Content: The talk will elaborate on how chemicals enter the human body and their impact on health, as well as the prevention of chemical hazards.
Date and Time: September 19 (6.30pm to 7.45pm)
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Enrolment method: Online registration (
Enquiry hotline: 2852 4040
Topic: Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) for Confined Space Workers
Content: To enhance workers’ OSH awareness of working in confined spaces, the talk will explain the related hazards as well as their preventive measures.
Date and Time: September 25 (3.30pm to 5pm)
Venue: Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Enrolment method: Online registration (
Enquiry hotline: 2852 4040
     All courses and public talks will be given by the LD’s occupational hygienist, occupational safety officer or occupational health nurse in Cantonese. Admission is free.
     The LD also provides a free-of-charge outreach health education service. For details, please visit the department’s webpage ( or call 2852 4062. read more

Commissioner of Customs and Excise attends graduation ceremony of Military Training Experience Camp for Hundred Youths (with photos)

     The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho, today (August 13) officiated at the graduation ceremony of the Military Training Experience Camp for Hundred Youths organised by “Customs YES” in Shenzhen. Other officiating guests included the Director General of the Police Liaison Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (LOCPG), Mr Chen Feng; the Deputy Director General of the Guangdong Sub-Administration of the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China, Mr Wen Zhencai; the Director General in Shenzhen Customs District, Mr Chen Xiaoying; the Under Secretary for Security, Mr Michael Cheuk; the Deputy Division Chief  of the Department of Youth Affairs of the LOCPG, Mr Huang Yiye, and directorates of Hong Kong Customs. 

     The experience camp was held from August 10 to 13, with the participation of 100 “Customs YES” members. During the four-day experience camp, the participants toured war heritage sites in Shenzhen and experienced a series of military trainings, such as martial boxing, military formation drills and obstacle challenges, which helped them enhance their self-care abilities, foster their team spirit and deepen their understanding of national military culture.

     In her speech at the graduation ceremony, Ms Ho quoted President Xi Jinping’s speech, “A nation will prosper only when its young people thrive” to explain that youth thrive not only because of their abilities, but they also require a robust body, a beautiful mind and strong determination. The military training aimed at enhancing the physical and mental strength of the participants so as to prepare them for engagement in the development of the country. Ms Ho also encouraged the participants to continue to work hard, cultivate excellence, embrace the country and have a global vision.

     Speaking at the ceremony, the Director General of the LOCPG, Mr Chen Feng, expressed his appreciation for the outstanding performance of the participants and the efforts of Hong Kong Customs in recent years in instilling correct values, patriotism and law-abiding awareness, and promoting the holistic development of personality, intelligence, and physical fitness among Hong Kong young people. He encouraged Hong Kong’s youngsters to vigorously engage in building a better Hong Kong and country, and lead a splendid life with full passion.

     A graduate representative expressed heartfelt gratitude to “Customs YES” for giving them this precious opportunity. The participants learned the importance of independence and teamwork through military and disciplinary training, and cooking and cleaning by themselves in the camp. They understood their strengths and weaknesses and became more grateful for the unfailing care from their parents in their daily lives.

     Seizing the golden opportunity of summer vacation, “Customs YES” will continue to organise various activities to strengthen members’ understanding of the latest developments and achievements of the country.

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