
Author Archives: hksar gov

DH endorses recall of Chinese herbal medicines contaminated with solanaceous alkaloids by licensed Chinese herbal medicines wholesaler (with photo)

     The Department of Health (DH) today (August 17) endorsed a licensed Chinese herbal medicines (Chm) wholesaler, Kwok Shing Hong Medicine Company Limited (Kwok Shing Hong), to voluntarily recall from the market one batch of Chm, namely Radix Aucklandiae (batch number: 60532110-1 with date of manufacture: June 25, 2022), as it was found to be contaminated with solanaceous alkaloids.

     “Regarding the investigation of two cases of solanaceous alkaloid poisoning announced on August 15, the DH received test results from the Government Laboratory today confirming that the samples of Radix Aucklandiae obtained from The Hong Kong Tuberculosis Association – The University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (CMCTR) (Wan Chai District) and Haven of Hope – The Chinese University of Hong Kong CMCTR (Sai Kung District) were found to contain solanaceous alkaloids. According to Chinese medicine literature, the Chm concerned does not account for the presence of the solanaceous alkaloids detected,” a spokesman for the DH said.

     While the DH’s investigation is ongoing, upstream tracking thus far has revealed that the samples of Radix Aucklandiae obtained from the above two CMCTRs were of the same batch (batch number: 60532110-1 with date of manufacture: June 25, 2022). According to the information provided by Kwok Shing Hong, the supplier of the above batch of Radix Aucklandiae, the batch of Chm concerned was imported from the Mainland and was supplied to the Hospital Authority (HA)’s CMCTRs and the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) Chinese medicine clinics locally. For the sake of caution, the DH has contacted the HA and the TWGHs and was informed that their Chinese medicine clinics have stopped dispensing the above batch of Radix Aucklandiae. Kwok Shing Hong will also recall the concerned batch of Radix Aucklandiae from the market. A hotline (2547 1166) has been set up by Kwok Shing Hong for related enquiries. The DH is closely monitoring the recall.

     According to the Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Cap. 549), Radix Aucklandiae is a Schedule 2 Chm. Radix Aucklandiae, the Root of Aucklandia lappa Decne, is used to move qi, relieve pain, fortify the spleen and promote digestion.
     “Solanaceous alkaloids cause anticholinergic symptoms like blurred vision, dry mouth, dizziness and confusion. Deaths may result in severe cases,” the spokesman explained.

      According to section 52 of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132), those who sell any drug not of the nature, substance or quality demanded by the purchaser is liable to a maximum penalty of a fine of $10,000 and three months’ imprisonment. Upon completion of the investigation, the DH will work with the Department of Justice on prosecution matters. The DH will also refer this case to the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong for possible disciplinary action.
      Chinese medicine practitioners or Chinese medicine personnel who have the affected Chm in hand should submit them to the DH’s Chinese Medicine Regulatory Office at 16/F, AIA Kowloon Tower, Landmark East, 100 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, during office hours for disposal, or return them to the supplier. Moreover, members of the public who have been given Radix Aucklandiae by the above clinics should stop using it immediately and consult healthcare providers if feeling unwell.

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Opening Ceremony of JPC Summer Camp 2023 held today (with photos)

     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki; the Secretary for Security cum Junior Police Call (JPC) Honorary Chief President, Mr Tang Ping-keung; the Commissioner of Police cum JPC Honorary Deputy Chief President, Mr Siu Chak-yee; and the Assistant Commissioner of Police (Public Relations) cum Chairperson of JPC Central Advisory Board, Mr Chan Sze-tat, officiated at the Opening Ceremony of JPC Summer Camp 2023 at the JPC Permanent Activity Centre in Pat Heung today (August 17).
     Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Tang said that the JPC will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year. He added that the JPC has evolved over the past 40 years or so, from promoting awareness of law abidance, fighting and preventing crimes at the beginning stage, progressively to focusing on leadership training and understanding of the nation’s development. Mr Tang also quoted President Xi Jinping’s reply letter to students of Pui Kiu Middle School, encouraging young people to combine reading and travelling so as to gain a deeper understanding of global trends and delve into the history and culture of the country and national affairs, so that they can shoulder great responsibilities and make contributions to building a better Hong Kong and advancing national rejuvenation.
     Mr Chan Sze-tat expressed gratitude to the members of the JPC Central Advisory Board and people from various sectors for their unfailing support to the JPC, as well as their tireless effort in promoting youth development, thereby achieving the goal of nurturing more youth leaders and promoting fight crime messages.
     The JPC Summer Camp aims to encourage young people to step out of their comfort zones through diversified training, so as to enhance their resilience, team spirit and leadership skills, and build up their self-confidence and positive values. At the same time, it also promotes fight crime messages among the participants. This year, the JPC Summer Camp will offer several day camps and two-day overnight camps to more than 300 JPC members. They will take part in a variety of activities which promote crime prevention and enhance national awareness, including the escape-room game “Code Busters”, dodgeball competition, and Chinese-style flag raising and foot drill training.

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SCED visits Xinjiang (with photos)

     The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau, attended the 2023 (China) Eurasia Commodity and Trade Expo in Urumqi, Xinjiang, today (August 17) to promote economic and trade ties and exchanges between Hong Kong and Xinjiang, with a view to exploring collaboration opportunities.
     Speaking at a symposium on industrial and commercial development of the Silk Road at the Expo, Mr Yau said that Hong Kong is Xinjiang’s largest source of external investment and important economic and trading partner. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (B&RI). As a key link and prime platform for the B&RI, Hong Kong will continue to proactively contribute to the country’s development in the Belt and Road.
     Mr Yau stressed that by capitalising on its unique strengths, Hong Kong connects global investors with promising projects along the Belt and Road, while at the same time fosters collaboration and innovation between Hong Kong and the Mainland. It is now the best time for Hong Kong to give full play to its dual roles in “going global and attracting foreign investment”.
     Mr Yau pointed out that Xinjiang is located at the core of the Silk Road Economic Belt with distinct geographical advantages. Hong Kong can further collaborate with Xinjiang in various areas, such as the production and marketing of quality Xinjiang products, manufacturing and cultural tourism, to assist Xinjiang in continuously expanding its sales channels for speciality goods by making good use of Hong Kong’s resources and platforms. He said that he looked forward to the deepening of collaboration between the two places in achieving mutual developments and benefits.
     On the sidelines of the Expo, Mr Yau met with the Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Mr Mo Weigang, and the Party Secretary and Political Commissar of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Mr Li Yifei, respectively to exchange views on enhancing co-operation between Hong Kong and Xinjiang enterprises to achieve complementarity.
     Upon his arrival in Urumqi last night (August 16), Mr Yau called on Vice Chairman of the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Ms Sun Hongmei to keep her abreast of Hong Kong’s latest developments and the new initiatives on attracting enterprises and investments. 
     Mr Yau also visited the Urumqi International Land Port Area to learn about the operation of the Urumqi China-Europe Railway Express Hub, which is the nearest international marshalling hub between the China Section of the western corridor of the China-Europe Railway Express and Central Asia as well as Europe. Its intelligent station system, the first of its kind in the world, is a comprehensive backbone operation platform for international land transportation.
     Mr Yau tomorrow (August 18) will attend an investment promotion seminar jointly organised by Invest Hong Kong, the Department of Commerce of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the Bureau of Commerce of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and the Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Beijing to promote Hong Kong’s business opportunities.

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New Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen collaboration between HKMA and AFRC (with photo)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council (AFRC) entered into a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today (August 17), superseding the one signed on November 19, 2007.

     Under the new MoU, the HKMA and the AFRC agree to strengthen collaboration through case referrals, mutual assistance, capacity building and exchange of information. The enhanced cooperation will facilitate the AFRC’s regulatory efforts in upholding the quality of financial reporting, auditing and the accounting profession’s work in relation to the banking sector, which is vital to the HKMA in assessing the financial resilience of banks and ensuring their safety and soundness.

     The MoU will assist both parties in carrying out their statutory functions more effectively and efficiently and in maintaining Hong Kong’s status as an international financial centre.

     Details of the new MoU can be found on the websites of the HKMA and the AFRC.

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