CAD conducts trial flight inspection by small unmanned aircraft at HKIA to enhance efficiency (with photos/video)

     The Civil Aviation Department (CAD) today (August 20) conducted a trial flight inspection by small unmanned aircraft (SUA) at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA). 

     According to the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), regular flight inspections on ground navigational aids at HKIA, such as the Instrument Landing System (ILS), are mandatory to ensure related operations are in compliance with the ICAO requirements. Regular inspections to the Airfield Ground Lighting System (AGL) are also conducted at HKIA in accordance with the ICAO requirements.  

     The ILS and the AGL are installed at the runway to provide guidance signals and visual guidance to pilots for landing. Flight inspections for HKIA have been conducted with results certified by the internationally recognised flight inspection aircraft and professional crew from the Flight Inspection Center (FIC) of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). It has been a highly challenging task to carry out flight inspections efficiently with minimal disturbance to the busy HKIA and air traffic control operations. To enhance efficiency of flight inspections, the CAD has taken the initiative in exploring an innovative means on the feasibility of carrying out part of the flight inspection work by SUA. Generally speaking, carrying out flight inspection using SUA for the part over the runway is more efficient in deployment, flexible in flight manipulation and environmentally friendly as compared to using traditional flight inspection aircraft.   

     Spearheaded by the CAD and with full support from the CAAC FIC as well as the Airport Authority Hong Kong, the trial flight inspection by SUA was completed smoothly. The trial preliminarily testified that carrying out part of the flight inspections by SUA on the ILS and the AGL over the north runway of HKIA is more efficient in deployment with greater flexibility in flight manipulation and achieving zero carbon emission. Its inspection results are also in line with those obtained by traditional flight inspection aircraft.
     To draw on the successful experience of the trial, the CAD, while keeping on to strengthen the collaboration with the CAAC FIC, will also continue the feasibility study of using SUA to carry out part of the flight inspections and conduct upcoming trials in conjunction with relevant stakeholders. The CAD will also keep close monitoring on relevant ICAO standards and guidelines being developed, with a view to enhancing efficiency and flexibility of flight inspections conducted for HKIA.

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CE attends 2023 Policy Address District Forum

     The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, today (August 20) led his team of Principal Officials to attend the 2023 Policy Address District Forum to directly listen to views and suggestions of members of local communities on the second Policy Address of the current term Government. The District Forum was held at Aldrich Bay Government Primary School and attended by about 120 people from all walks of life.
     Twenty one Principal Officials participated in the District Forum, including the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki; the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan; the Secretary for Justice, Mr Paul Lam, SC; the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing; the Deputy Financial Secretary, Mr Michael Wong; the Deputy Secretary for Justice, Mr Cheung Kwok-kwan; the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung; the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Erick Tsang Kwok-wai; the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui; the Secretary for Health, Professor Lo Chung-mau; the Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung; the Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn; the Secretary for Housing, Ms Winnie Ho; the Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung; the Secretary for Education, Dr Choi Yuk-lin; the Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor Sun Dong; the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Chris Sun; the Acting Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Dr Bernard Chan; the Acting Secretary for Security, Mr Michael Cheuk; the Acting Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Mr Clarence Leung; and the Under Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Miss Diane Wong.
     The two-hour District Forum consisted of two sessions. In the first session, the Chief Executive and the Principal Officials listened to the views of members of the public. The matters of concern covered various topics including land and housing, transport, innovation and technology, finance, culture and sports, education, youth, poverty alleviation, healthcare and social welfare and so on. In the second session, participants were divided into four groups with the themes of "Boosting Economy" and "People's Livelihood" to engage in extensive discussions with the Principal Officials. Mr Lee interacted with members of the public of each group in turn and listened to their views.
     Mr Lee said, "My team and I have fruitful and fulfilling interactions with the members of the public in today's District Forum and listened to a number of valuable views. I truly feel everyone's deep affection for Hong Kong and the aspirations to make it a better home together. Solving problems encountered by the public in their daily lives and doing our utmost for people's livelihood are the responsibilities and goal of my team and myself. 
     "I firmly believe that in formulating policies, it is necessary to have a holistic view, strategic and innovative mindset, and at the same time, we must also look at the different needs of the public in their daily lives, and understand the living conditions of different sectors of the community, so that we can achieve the goal of proactively responding to the people's aspirations. My team and I will actively consider the views from the participants with the aim of responding to the trust and expectations from the members of the public on the Government."
     The public consultation exercise for the Policy Address was launched in late July. The Government will continue to tap the views of organisations and individuals from different sectors in the coming month or so by taking part in activities including consultation sessions and district visits. Members of the public can also give their views through various channels, including the Policy Address website, social media platforms, hotlines, or through email, fax and post.

SEE attends BRI Green Innovation Conference (with photos)

     â€‹The Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan, attended the BRI Green Innovation Conference (2023) held in Shenzhen today (August 20) to share experiences in green innovation with the Belt and Road counterparts, foster mutual learning and exchange views. The Director of Environmental Protection, Dr Samuel Chui, also attended the conference.
     Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr Tse said, "In response to climate change and environmental protection, the world is facing challenges of transitioning towards green living and green industries. China has clearly stated a firm adherence to the ideology that 'lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets' and a focus on the harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature in development planning. Last Tuesday (August 15) was the first National Ecology Day of our country, reflecting the nation's commitment to this issue. As part of China, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) spares no effort in promoting ecological civilisation and green carbon reduction."
     He added that the HKSAR Government has been participating proactively in the green co-operation with the Belt and Road regions to combat climate change and environmental challenges together. It includes strengthening nature conservation, ecological environment protection, promoting green finance, water resources utilisation and management, as well as promoting sustainable green development and the application of smart technology.
     Mr Tse highlighted the sewage surveillance for virus testing method developed in Hong Kong during the epidemic. This method not only helped identify hidden cases in communities to fight against the virus but also utilises statistical mathematical models to accurately predict the development of the epidemic. In early September, the Environmental Protection Department will collaborate with the Chinese Academy of Sciences to introduce and share the successful experiences in sewage surveillance for virus testing with approximately ten countries along the Belt and Road, aiming to embrace together the green development concept of the Belt and Road Initiative.
     "We believe that through co-operation and mutual effort, we can contribute to the sustainable development in the region and on earth, creating a world where humans and nature co-exist harmoniously," said Mr Tse.
     The conference was hosted by the Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the BRI International Green Development Coalition, the Ecology Environment Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, the Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, and co-organised by the Belt and Road Environmental Technology Exchange and Transfer Center (Shenzhen). It aims to deepen the exchange and co-operation of the Belt and Road countries in areas such as green technology, green equipment, green services, and green infrastructure construction, and to promote green development in the Greater Bay Area.
     Mr Tse will return to Hong Kong this afternoon.

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Liquor Licensing Board to meet on Tuesday

The following is issued on behalf of the Liquor Licensing Board:

     The Liquor Licensing Board will meet on Tuesday (August 22) to consider the revocation and application for renewal of the liquor licence of CLUB 888 in Tsim Sha Tsui.

     The meeting will be held at 9.45am in the conference room, Room 102, 1/F, 258 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Students boost life-saving skills

     The Fire Services Department (FSD) and Polytechnic University (PolyU) have jointly organised a course on the fundamentals of emergency care and critical response. One of the classes of the course was held at the Fire & Ambulance Services Academy where students learned crucial life-saving skills from experienced FSD lecturers. spoke to some of the students who attended the class as well as the FSD instructors and PolyU academics to find out how the course enhances young people's problem-solving abilities.
     The story is available at today (August 20) in text and video format.