
Author Archives: hksar gov

Mei Lam Sports Centre reopened

     â€‹The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (July 19) that the Mei Lam Sports Centre in Sha Tin District has been reopened. The sports centre was temporarily closed earlier due to urgent maintenance wor… read more

Housing Authority endorses enhanced measures to strengthen effectiveness of Marking Scheme for Estate Management Enforcement in Public Housing Estates

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority:
     The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA)’s Subsidised Housing Committee (SHC) endorsed today (July 19) the implementation of measures to enhance the Marking Scheme for Estate Management Enforcement in Public Housing Estates (Marking Scheme) by adding three new misdeed items and widening the scope of two misdeed items. 
     “The enhanced measures aim to provide a clean, hygienic and safe living environment for public rental housing (PRH) residents and strengthen the effectiveness of enforcement,” a spokesman for the HA said.
     With a view to rendering assistance to Owners’ Corporations (OCs) of the Tenants Purchase Scheme (TPS) estates in their daily management and meeting the residents’ aspiration for a decent living environment, the SHC also endorsed the application of all misdeed items under the Marking Scheme to PRH tenants in TPS estates. 
     “We would work with TPS estates’ OCs for the implementation details and listen to their views to ensure effective implementation,” the spokesman said.
     The enhanced measures will take effect in the fourth quarter of 2024. For the revised list of Misdeeds under the Marking Scheme, please see the Annex.  
     The following three new misdeed items will be added:

  1. “Feeding feral pigeons or other wild animals” with seven penalty points;
  2. “Hanging or placing objects with potential risk of falling from height outside the window, balcony or façade (including canopy, air-conditioner hood and other projections)” with seven penalty points and the application of a warning system.  Misdeed item A2 “Hanging floor mop outside the window or balcony” will be deleted as it will be incorporated into the new misdeed item; and 
  3. “Resisting or obstructing the Housing Authority (HA) or person(s) authorised by HA in execution of duties in accordance with the Housing Ordinance or other statutory requirements, or policies imposed by HA” with 15 penalty points.
     The scope of the following two misdeed items will be widened:
  1. “Dripping oil from exhaust fan” be amended to “Dripping oil from exhaust fan, range hood duct, etc.”; and
  2. “Obstructing corridors or stairs with sundry items rendering cleansing difficult” be amended to “Placing any sundry items, property, or objects in estate common areas (including but not limited to common areas inside or outside any buildings of the estate) that cause obstruction or render cleansing difficult”. 

     “The HA will step up publicity on the revised Marking Scheme and will issue a gentle reminder to PRH residents prior to implementation,” the spokesman said. read more

Appointments to Elderly Commission

     The Government announced today (July 19) the reappointments of Dr Donald Li Kwok-tung as the Chairman of the Elderly Commission (EC) and Professor Daniel Lai Wing-leung as a member of the EC, as well as the appointment of one new member Mr Godfrey Ngai Shi-shing to the EC. Their appointments will take effect from July 30, 2024, for a term of two years.
     The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Chris Sun, said, “The EC plays an important role in advising the Government on policies and initiatives relating to elderly care. The Commission’s work will surely benefit from the rich experience of Dr Li and the members reappointed and newly appointed. We will continue to work closely with the Commission to further improve the elderly services in Hong Kong.”

     The membership of the EC with effect from July 30, 2024, is as follows:
Dr Donald Li Kwok-tung
Non-official members
Professor Bai Xue
Dr Johnnie Casire Chan Chi-kau
Miss Grace Chan Man-yee
Ms Ip Shun-hing
Professor Daniel Lai Wing-leung
Professor Linda Lam Chiu-wa
Mr Lau Tat-chuen
Dr Jenny Lee Shun-wah
Mr Horace Lit Hoo-yin
Dr James Luk Ka-hay
Mr Theodore Ma Heng
Ms Queenie Man Wei-yin
Mr Godfrey Ngai Shi-shing
Mr Kyrus Siu King-wai
Mr Albert Su Yau-on
Ms Macy Wong Chor-kei
Miss Yu Chui-yee

Official members
Secretary for Labour and Welfare or representative
Secretary for Health or representative
Secretary for Housing/Director of Housing or representative
Director of Health or representative
Director of Social Welfare or representative
Chief Executive, Hospital Authority or representative read more

Additional screenings announced for Film Archive’s “Integrating Traditional Morality with Modern Reality: Sil-Metropole Retrospective” (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Film Archive (HKFA) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) is organising the screening programme “Integrating Traditional Morality with Modern Reality: Sil-Metropole Retrospective”, now being shown between June and September, showcasing classic films produced by the Sil-Metropole Organisation. The screening programme has received an overwhelming response, and most of the tickets for the screenings have been sold out. In this connection, the HKFA will introduce additional screenings of “Full Moon in New York” (1990) on August 25 (Sunday) at 4pm and “Cageman” (1992) on August 31 (Saturday) at 5pm at its Cinema so that more audience members can revisit these two film classics. This screening programme is one of the programmes of the Chinese Culture Festival (CCF).
     Since the 1950s, the partner organisation of this screening programme, the Sil-Metropole Organisation and its predecessors (Great Wall, Feng Huang and Sun Luen), have produced over 500 films, which reflected the changes in Chinese traditional culture in modern society from various perspectives.
     “Full Moon in New York”, directed by Stanley Kwan, brings together three great award-winning actresses: Sylvia Chang, Maggie Cheung and Siqin Gaowa, in an intricate psychological portrait of women in a foreign land. Directed by Jacob Cheung, “Cageman” is a realistic portrayal of lower-class housing issues of the time. The film won the Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actor awards at the 12th Hong Kong Film Awards.
     “Full Moon in New York” is in Cantonese, Mandarin and English with Chinese and English subtitles, while “Cageman” is in Cantonese without subtitles. “Cageman” is rated Category III and restricted to viewers aged 18 or above.
     Tickets for the additional screenings priced at $45 will be available at URBTIX ( from July 26 (Friday). For telephone bookings, please call 3166 1288. For programme details, please visit the website of the HKFA ( or call 2739 2139.
     The CCF, presented by the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau and organised by the LCSD’s Chinese Culture Promotion Office, aims to enhance the public’s appreciation of Chinese culture and cultivate citizens’ national identity and cultural confidence. The inaugural CCF is being held from June to September. Through different performing arts programmes in various forms and related extension activities, including selected programmes of the Chinese Opera Festival, exemplary local arts projects recognised by the China National Arts Fund, performing arts programmes from arts and cultural organisations, film screenings, exhibitions, talks and more, the festival allows members of the public and visitors to experience the broad and profound Chinese culture with a view to promoting Chinese culture and patriotic education as well as enhancing national identity amongst the people of Hong Kong, making contributions to the steadfast and successful implementation of “one country, two systems”. For details, please visit the CCF website
     The LCSD has long been promoting Chinese history and culture through organising an array of programmes and activities to enable the public to learn more about the broad and profound Chinese culture. For more information, please visit

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