
Author Archives: hksar gov

Director of Immigration attends the Third Yangtze Delta Region, Shandong and Hong Kong Ports and Immigration Management and Co-operation Symposium in Shanghai (with photos)

     The Director of Immigration, Mr Benson Kwok, attended the Third Yangtze Delta Region, Shandong and Hong Kong Ports and Immigration Management and Co-operation Symposium in Shanghai for two consecutive days since yesterday (July 21). He engaged in in-depth discussions about ports and immigration management and co-operation with representatives of the Exit and Entry Administration of the People’s Republic of China, immigration inspection and exit-entry administration authorities, as well as the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the public security authorities of Shanghai Municipality, and Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Shandong Provinces.
     The Symposium was organised by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR) in Shanghai (SHETO) with the aim of optimising immigration management co-operation by building an exchange platform for harnessing the collective wisdom of the various participating immigration inspection and exit-entry administration authorities as well as the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the public security authorities. Adhering to the spirit of friendly co-operation, the participating authorities sent a total of 50 representatives to participate in this Symposium, focusing their discussions on two main themes: “Promoting professional mobility to support high-quality development” and “Preventing and combating immigration-related crimes to maintain national stability and prosperity”, jointly exploring new opportunities for port co-operation in order to provide strong support for the optimisation of and innovations in regional immigration management.
     Mr Kwok stated at the Symposium that regional co-operation and development are fundamental requirements for promoting high-quality development to which the country attaches importance. Promoting professional exchanges across regions and breaking down geographical barriers are precisely in line with major national policies. Mr Kwok also emphasised that the ImmD will fully support the talent attraction and retention measures taken by the HKSAR Government, actively take forward various talent admission schemes, and generate new impetus for Hong Kong’s diversified development. At the same time, the ImmD will continue to shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding national security with strong determination, guard tightly the country’s southern gateway, and contribute to the country’s development and Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity.
     In her speech, the Director of the SHETO, Mrs Laura Aron, pointed out that the Yangtze Delta and Shandong Province, like Hong Kong, are among the most economically active regions in the country with outstanding openness to foreign trade and innovation capabilities. The SHETO will continue to maintain close exchanges and co-operation with various provincial and municipal authorities, working together to contribute to high-quality development.
     The Deputy Director General of the Department of Chinese Citizens Exit and Entry Administration, Exit and Entry Administration of the People’s Republic of China, Ms Wang Ling, attended the exchange meeting and emphasised the importance to fully utilise the “1+2 co-ordination mechanism” among the Mainland and the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions on the immigration policy; to stay true to the letter and spirit of the principle of “one country, two systems”; to work together to promote immigration policies under the “one country, two systems” policy; to maintain the implementation of the holistic approach to national security and maintain immigration order; and to firmly implement the people-centered philosophy of development, supporting and serving the Chinese-style modernisation by promoting officials’ communication and modernising immigration control work.
     Representatives from all participating authorities expressed that this Symposium enhanced mutual understanding and provided new ideas and directions for promoting regional co-operation and development.

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Security Bureau Youth Uniformed Group Leaders Forum visits Henan Province (with photos)

     The Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung, today (July 22) led 28 members of the Security Bureau (SB) Youth Uniformed Group Leaders Forum and students of Shenzhen University, the Forum’s partner, to continue with the six-day study tour to Henan Province for a better understanding of the country’s history and culture, as well as its modern development.
     The study tour visited Yue Fei Temple in Kaifeng City this morning to learn more about the national hero and promote the virtue of patriotism. The group paid a visit to the historical magisterial authority at Kaifeng Fu, and met with the Secretary of the CPC Kaifeng Municipal Committee, Mr Gao Jianjun, in the afternoon.
     Mr Tang and the study tour arrived on July 20, and in the past two days have visited places in the vicinity of the cities of Zhengzhou and Luoyang. They have met provincial and municipal leaders of Henan Province, Zhengzhou City and Luoyang City, including Deputy Secretary of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee and the Secretary of the Commission for Political and Legal Affairs of Henan Province, Ms Sun Meijun; member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee and the Secretary of the CPC Luoyang Municipal Committee, Mr Jiang Ling; member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee and the Secretary of the CPC Zhengzhou Municipal Committee, Mr An Wei; and member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee and the Head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee, Mr Zhang Leiming.
     Mr Tang thanked the provincial and municipal leaders, and the Chairman of the SB Youth Uniformed Group Leaders Forum, Ms Cheng Cheung-ling, for their full support and co-ordination in various aspects of the arrangements for the excursion, allowing members of the study group to experience the depth and richness of the cultural heritage of Henan, understand the country’s development from ancient times to the present, and enhance their national identity.
     The study tour group also took in the night view of Zhengzhou City to learn more about its latest urban planning and keep abreast of the country’s development of new quality productive forces. The group also toured famous scenic spots including the Shaolin Temple, Longmen Grottoes and Luoyi Ancient City to appreciate Chinese martial arts as well as visual aesthetics, and learn more about Chinese history.
     Over the next three days, the study tour will visit the Zhengzhou Yellow River Cultural Park, the Yellow River Museum and the Henan Museum to further understand the history and culture of the country. A visit will also be made to public security facilities to learn about the system’s operation of maintaining public security in the country. The rest of the itinerary also includes visits to the Zhongyuan Science and Technology City and key local enterprises in various areas to gain a better understanding of the developments of the relevant industries.
     Mr Tang will return to Hong Kong in the afternoon tomorrow (July 23). The Under Secretary for Security, Mr Michael Cheuk, will lead the study tour to continue the remaining itinerary.
     The SB established the Leaders Forum in October 2022 to deepen the participation of government departments and the civil service in youth work. The SB also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Shenzhen University last year to jointly promote Hong Kong-Shenzhen youth development and co-operation through cultural exchanges.

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LegCo Panel on Housing concludes duty visit to Zhuhai and Shenzhen (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The delegation of Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Housing concluded its two-day visit to Zhuhai and Shenzhen today (July 22) and returned to Hong Kong in the evening.
     In the morning, the delegation first visited the Guangqiao Yayuan, a public housing project in Shenzhen. Members learnt that the community design of this project is characterised by the efficient utilisation of space and integrated multi-functionality. For example, the central location of Guangqiao Yayuan features a landscaped park with facilities such as jogging trails for recreation and wellness. The community also provides a variety of facilities, including kindergarten, market, shops, and elderly day care centre, comprehensively catering to the needs of the residents.
     Members then went to the Phoenix Yinghui Town, the largest scale public housing project built with Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) method in the Mainland. Members realised that the building components of this project are made of recyclable construction materials for effective utilisation of resources. The project also utilises a smart information management platform to optimise the residential management process and leverage technology to ensure the safety of the residents.
     The delegation also visited Shenzhen Public Housing Group Company Limited and received a briefing from its representatives on the design and planning of Shenzhen’s public rental housing projects, as well as the application of technologies to enhance construction efficiency.
     After having lunch with the representatives of the Housing and Construction Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality at noon, the delegation had in-depth exchanges with them on the policies, planning and management, the application of MiC method and the incorporation of “Well-being” design elements in public housing projects between the two places. Both parties found the discussions highly inspiring and fruitful.
     Members visited the Double-line Park in Bao’an Central District in the afternoon. The Double-line Park is Shenzhen’s first public space that integrates multiple urban functions, including transportation, natural ecology, digital technology, culture and art, recreation, and social activities, catering the diverse needs of the community.
     In summarising the two-day duty visit, the delegation leader, Mr Stanley Ng, described the visit as a great success. Mr Ng said, “Through on-site visit to the factory manufacturing MiC modules, Members gained a deeper understanding of the MiC method. The planning of large-scale public housing projects and community facilities in Zhuhai and Shenzhen can serve as a valuable reference for Hong Kong, which will facilitate Members’ future discussion with the Government on how to create a living environment with a greater sense of well-being for public housing residents in Hong Kong.”
     The delegation, consisting of 16 LegCo Members, visited Zhuhai and Shenzhen from July 21 to 22. The delegation was led by the Chairman of the LegCo Panel on Housing, Nr Stanley Ng, and Deputy Chairman of the Panel cum deputy leader, Mr Vincent Cheng. The Housing Bureau’s delegation led by the Secretary for Housing, Ms Winnie Ho, also joined the duty visit.

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Hong Kong Customs detects two seaborne smuggling cases with seizure of tobacco products worth about $58 million (with photos)

     Hong Kong Customs detected two cases of tobacco products smuggling activities involving seaborne containers at the Tuen Mun River Trade Terminal on June 24, June 26 and July 3. A total of about 5 200 kilograms of suspected duty-not-paid manufactured tobacco and about 5.1 million of suspected illicit cigarettes with an estimated market value of about $58 million and a duty potential of about $38 million were seized. 

     â€‹Through risk assessment and intelligence analysis, Customs on June 24 selected and inspected a 40-foot seaborne container, arriving from Nansha to Hong Kong and declared as carrying food containers, at the Tuen Mun River Trade Terminal Customs Cargo Examination Compound. Upon inspection, Customs officers seized about 5 200 kilograms of suspected duty-not-paid manufactured tobacco inside the container.

     Customs detected another case at the Tuen Mun River Trade Terminal Customs Cargo Examination Compound on June 26 and July 3, when two 40-foot containers, both arriving in Hong Kong from Nansha and declared as carrying faucets and toys respectively, were inspected. A total of about 5.1 million suspected illicit cigarettes were seized, and a 64-year-old man suspected to be connected with the case was arrested.

     Investigations of the two cases are ongoing, and the arrested man has been released on bail pending further investigation.

     Customs will continue its risk assessment and intelligence analysis, and step up enforcement actions to combat the smuggling of illicit cigarettes. Smuggling is a serious offence. Under the Import and Export Ordinance, any person found guilty of importing or exporting unmanifested cargo is liable to a maximum fine of $2 million and imprisonment for seven years.

     Under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance, anyone involved in dealing with, possession of, selling or buying illicit cigarettes commits an offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $1 million and imprisonment for two years.

     Members of the public may report any suspected illicit cigarette activities to Customs’ 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account ( or online form (

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Flag-lowering ceremony cancelled

     Owing to the thunderstorm warning, the flag-lowering ceremony to be conducted at Golden Bauhinia Square, Wan Chai at 6pm today (July 22) will be cancelled.      If the thunderstorm warning is cancelled and weather conditions permit by the… read more