
Author Archives: hksar gov

EMSD announces test results of LPG quality in April 2018

     The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today (May 10) announced that the department collected eight liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) samples from auto-LPG filling stations and LPG terminals on a random basis in April 2018 for laboratory tests. The results showed that the LPG quality of all these samples complied with auto-LPG specifications.

     The detailed test results are available on the EMSD’s website ( Enquiries can also be made to the EMSD’s hotline on 2333 3762.

     In addition, the EMSD has been vetting independent third-party test reports submitted by LPG supply companies for each shipment to ensure that the quality of imported LPG complies with the specified requirements. read more

Residents move into three newly completed blocks of On Tai Estate (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority:

     Residents at Phase II of On Tai Estate at On Sau Road in Kwun Tong, Kowloon, began moving into three of the domestic blocks today (May 10). The estate is one of the public rental housing (PRH) estates within the Anderson Road Development Area. This shows the continuous efforts of the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) to provide affordable rental housing to eligible low-income families with housing needs.

     “The three non-standard domestic blocks, namely Kui Tai House, Wo Tai House and King Tai House, are 30 storeys, 30 storeys and 31 storeys in height respectively, providing a total of about 2 640 PRH units for about 7 760 residents,” a spokesman for the HA said. 

     The intake for the four domestic blocks at Phase I of On Tai Estate, namely Ming Tai House, Chi Tai House, Yung Tai House and Kam Tai House, providing about 2 850 units for about 7 900 residents, was conducted last year.

     On Tai Estate offers a number of recreational facilities including outdoor children’s playgrounds, basketball courts, badminton courts and table-tennis tables. In addition, there will be two community farms for residents’ use.

     A fast food restaurant in the shopping centre, a wet market, a carpark, two kindergartens and a community service centre will provide services later this year. The rest of the shops in the shopping centre will be completed by the second half of this year.

     The intake of residents for the remaining four domestic blocks at On Tai Estate will take place later this year. There will be around 8 500 PRH units for about 25 000 residents upon completion of the intake for the entire estate.

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