
Author Archives: hksar gov

SLW visits Kowloon City District (with photos)

     The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, visited Kowloon City District today (June 22), where he called at a primary school and an integrated vocational rehabilitation services centre, and met with District Council members.

     Accompanied by the Chairman of Kowloon City District Council (KCDC), Mr Pun Kwok-wah, and the District Officer (Kowloon City), Mr Franco Kwok, Dr Law first went to Po Leung Kuk Madam Chan Wai Chow Memorial School in To Kwa Wan. The school operates the Full-time Primary School Initiation Programme for newly arrived Mainland and non-Chinese speaking children/returnee children to prepare them for their subsequent integration into local education.

     Dr Law toured the campus facilities and chatted with teachers and pupils. He said that such a programme acquainted pupils with local culture and lifestyle and enhanced their resilience. He also pointed out that the Government’s newly established Commission on Children has commenced operation to amalgamate the efforts made by relevant bureaux/departments and child concern groups to promote children’s growth and development, as well as to focus on addressing children’s issues as they grow.

     Accompanied by the District Social Welfare Officer (Kowloon City/Yau Tsim Mong), Ms Nancy Kwan, he then visited LOHAS Garden of SAHK in Ho Man Tin to learn more about its day training and residential care for persons with disabilities. He talked to trainees receiving vocational rehabilitation training and visited a training session on catering services provided for trainees. He said that such on-the-job training can strengthen the skills and self-confidence of trainees with disabilities, which would also increase their employability in the open market.

     Before concluding his visit, Dr Law visited KCDC and met with members to learn more about the latest developments and issues of concern in the district and to exchange views on district matters.

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SEN visits Wan Chai District (with photos)

     The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, visited Wan Chai District this afternoon (June 22) and called at a co-working space and a rehabilitation workshop. He also exchanged views with members of the Wan Chai District Council (WCDC) on environmental issues.
     Accompanied by the District Officer (Wan Chai), Mr Rick Chan, Mr Wong first visited a co-working space company on Whitfield Road. Designed with ample natural daylight, the premises provide a pleasant working environment for start-ups and freelancers. During his visit, Mr Wong talked with young entrepreneurs to better understand their challenges in running start-ups. He also encouraged them to “go green” in business to help reduce carbon emissions and waste.
     Afterwards, Mr Wong departed for the Jockey Club Endeavour Workshop + Albert Wu Rainbow Workshop operated by St James’ Settlement. In addition to providing job training opportunities for people with rehabilitation service needs, the workshop also offers a platform for upcycling abandoned items into useful products, which also highlights the environmental awareness of the operating organisations. During the visit, Mr Wong chatted with people who have rehabilitation service needs to learn about their daily rehabilitation training, and praised them for their handicrafts which incorporate environmental designs and the delicious cookies they had made with soybean paste.
     Before concluding his itinerary, Mr Wong paid a visit to the WCDC to meet with its Chairman, Mr Stephen Ng, and members to listen to their views on the Government’s environmental policies and learn more about their concerns on district environmental issues. 
     Mr Wong said that in order to strengthen the “reduction-first” waste management strategy and encourage members of the public to practise green living, the Government is continuing its efforts to promote Community Green Station (CGS) projects to strengthen support for waste reduction and recycling and environmental education at the community level. Since the site location of the Wan Chai CGS has already been confirmed following consultations with the District Council, the Architectural Services Department is now implementing the construction project according to the design proposed by the first-prize winner of the professional group under the Design Idea Competition for Wan Chai CGS. The construction project is expected to be completed by the end of 2019. The Government will continue to listen to the views of the WCDC on the operation and services of the Wan Chai CGS, and jointly implement environmental education activities at the district level.

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Prosecution Week launched to promote public awareness of criminal justice system

     Prosecution Week 2018 was launched today (June 22) to start a range of activities promoting the rule of law and enhancing public awareness of the criminal justice system of Hong Kong.
     Speaking at the event’s opening ceremony, the Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, said that through a better public awareness of our society’s laws and criminal justice system, citizens, especially our younger generations, would gain a better understanding of and respect for the law and the legal consequences of conduct prohibited by law.
     Also speaking at the ceremony, the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr David Leung, SC, said prosecutors must act in accordance with the law. They do not consider and would not be influenced by irrelevant considerations.
     “In particular, political or individual interests are of no concern for any prosecutor. All prosecutorial decisions are made on the highest professional standard considering only the law, the evidence and the public interest,” Mr Leung said.
     He added that there is an open guideline in the Prosecution Code for determining where public interest lies in a particular case.
     Held for the seventh consecutive year, Prosecution Week will run until June 29 under the theme “The Law‧Transparency‧Public Interest”. A host of activities including court visits and mock trials for students will be arranged. A law quiz was also organised for the second time, drawing the participation of over 100 students from 17 secondary schools. The winners were presented with awards at today’s ceremony. read more