
Author Archives: hksar gov

TD invites expressions of interest for operating Rehabus feeder service

     The Transport Department (TD) today (July 23) invited interested parties to express their interest in operating the Rehabus feeder service.

     Interested parties can download the expression of interest (EOI) documents with the specified submission forms from the TD’s website (, or obtain the EOI documents from the Ferry and Paratransit Division, Transport Department, Room 2014, 20/F, Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
     All submitted documents should be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked with “EOI for Operating the Rehabus Services” and must be submitted to the TD at the aforesaid address at or before noon, August 10, 2018 (Friday).

     For enquiries please call 3583 3711. read more

SHA to visit Wuhan and Beijing

     The Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Lau Kong-wah, will leave Hong Kong on July 24 for a visit to Wuhan to learn about Wuhan’s cultural development and heritage conservation. He will also meet Hong Kong people living there.
     Mr Lau will depart for Beijing on July 26 to attend the closing ceremonies of the Youth Internship Programme at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Fin Society’s internship programme. He will also watch a children’s Cantonese opera performance by the Sing Fai Cantonese Opera Promotion Association from Hong Kong and visit Hong Kong interns in Beijing.
     Mr Lau will depart from Beijing and return to Hong Kong in the morning on July 28. During his absence, the Under Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Jack Chan, will be the Acting Secretary for Home Affairs. read more