Olympian City 2 in Mong Kok convicted for discharging wastewater exceeding licence limit

     Olympian City 2 in Mong Kok discharged sub-standard wastewater into communal sewers and thereby violated the requirements of the wastewater discharge licence. The shopping mall was fined $20,000 by Kwun Tong Magistrates' Courts today (May 10) for contravening the Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO).

     Environmental Protection Department (EPD) enforcement officers conducted an inspection at Olympian City 2 in Mong Kok last October and found that wastewater discharged by one of the grease traps at the shopping mall was relatively turbid, and it was suspected that wastewater was not properly treated before being discharged to communal sewers. EPD officers then collected wastewater samples for analysis and the results showed that the biochemical oxygen demand as well as the concentrations of oil and grease exceeded the upper limits of the wastewater discharge licence. After investigation and evidence gathering, the EPD initiated prosecution against the property management company of the shopping mall in accordance with the WPCO.

     A spokesperson for the EPD reminded all wastewater discharge licensees, including premises occupants and property management companies, that they should ensure proper operation of their wastewater treatment facilities and strictly adhere to the discharge standards as stipulated in the licence to prevent the discharge of sub-standard wastewater, which may lead to blockage of public sewers downstream, or adversely affect the normal operation of the Government's sewage treatment plants. EPD officers will conduct inspections and collect wastewater samples from relevant premises from time to time to combat illegal discharge.

     Under the WPCO, anyone who discharges commercial or industrial wastewater into communal sewers and does not comply with the standard of the discharge licence commits an offence. Offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $200,000 and six months' imprisonment.

HKMA announces details of Pilot Bond Grant Scheme and progress of other bond market-related initiatives

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) today (May 10) announced details of the Pilot Bond Grant Scheme (PBGS) as promulgated in the 2018-19 Budget, and progress of other bond market-related initiatives.
     The key eligibility criteria for the PBGS are as follows:

Issues Details
First time issuers Eligible issuers must be first time issuers, which are issuers that have not issued bonds in Hong Kong in the five-year period between May 10, 2013 and May 9, 2018, both days inclusive.
Eligible issues Eligible issues must satisfy the following criteria:

  • being issued in Hong Kong;
  • having an issuance size of at least HK$1.5 billion (or the equivalent in foreign currency);
  • being lodged with and cleared by the Central Moneymarkets Unit (CMU) operated by the HKMA in its entirety, or being listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (SEHK); and
  • being, at issuance, issued in Hong Kong to (i) 10 or more persons or (ii) less than 10 persons none of whom is an associate of the issuer. 
Grant amount The grant amount for each bond issue is equivalent to half of the eligible issuance expenses, up to the following limits:

  • HK$2.5 million where the bond, its issuer or its guarantor(s) possess a credit rating by a rating agency recognised by the HKMA; or
  • HK$1.25 million where none of the bond, its issuer or its guarantor(s) possess a credit rating by a rating agency recognised by the HKMA.

Each issuer can apply for a grant for two bond issuances at most.

     The commencement date of the PBGS will be the date of the completion of legislative process for the 2018-19 Budget. The PBGS will be valid for a period of three years.
     Details of the PBGS are set out in an industry circular issued by the HKMA today.
     The HKMA has also made good progress on the other bond market-related initiatives:

  • The HKMA is working with the Government in implementing the enhancements to the Qualifying Debt Instrument (QDI) Scheme by amending the existing law. The effective date of the enhancements, which would expand the profit tax exemption coverage*, will be announced after the completion of legislative process.
  • The HKMA has appointed an advisor to study relevant issues in respect of green finance in Hong Kong and the Government green bond issue and will report the findings to the Government. Subject to legislative process, the HKMA stands ready to assist the Government by selecting an arranger(s) to issue the inaugural green bond.
  • The HKMA and the International Capital Market Association will co-host the Green and Social Bond Principles Annual General Meeting and Conference on June 14, 2018. The following morning, the HKMA and the People's Bank of China will organise a joint seminar on Mainland-Hong Kong green finance opportunities.

     Commenting on these initiatives, the Chief Executive of the HKMA, Mr Norman Chan, said, "Bond market is an important and growing component of Hong Kong's capital markets. The slate of measures being rolled out, together with initiatives in recent years such as Bond Connect, will bring more diversity, liquidity and business to our market. We will work with market participants closely on the implementation of these measures and continue to promote the growth of Hong Kong's financial services sector."
*The enhancements will extend the 100 per cent profits tax exemption from debt instruments with an original maturity of not less than seven years to instruments of any duration; and will allow debt instruments listed on the SEHK to become eligible as a QDI, in addition to instruments lodged and cleared by the CMU of the HKMA.

EMSD announces test results of LPG quality in April 2018

     The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today (May 10) announced that the department collected eight liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) samples from auto-LPG filling stations and LPG terminals on a random basis in April 2018 for laboratory tests. The results showed that the LPG quality of all these samples complied with auto-LPG specifications.

     The detailed test results are available on the EMSD's website (www.emsd.gov.hk/emsd/eng/sgi/lpg_smpl_analysis.shtml). Enquiries can also be made to the EMSD's hotline on 2333 3762.

     In addition, the EMSD has been vetting independent third-party test reports submitted by LPG supply companies for each shipment to ensure that the quality of imported LPG complies with the specified requirements.

Local museums to offer free admission in support of International Museum Day

     In support of International Museum Day (IMD), the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) will hold International Museum Day 2018, Hong Kong (IMD 2018, HK) on May 12 and 13 (Saturday and Sunday). On these dates, a total of 40 cultural institutions including some museums and cultural venues under the LCSD as well as other local cultural institutions will offer free admission to the public. A wide range of educational and entertainment programmes will also be held.
     The IMD theme this year is "Hyperconnected Museums: New Approaches, New Publics", suggesting that as museums strive to maintain their relevance in society, they also need to make an effort to organise interactive projects with the local community and different social groups to engage new audiences and strengthen connections with them.
     During IMD 2018, HK, the 40 participating local cultural institutions will offer free admission to the public, except for thematic exhibitions and fee-charging programmes. The institutions include 20 LCSD museums and cultural venues, as well as the Asia Society Hong Kong Center, the Tung Wah Museum, the Po Leung Kuk Museum, the University Museum and Art Gallery of the University of Hong Kong, the Stephen Hui Geological Museum of the University of Hong Kong, the Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, the Hong Kong Maritime Museum, the Dr & Mrs Hung Hin Shiu Museum of Chinese Medicine of the Hong Kong Baptist University, the Hong Kong Museum of Education of the Education University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Racing Museum, the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, the Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum, the Heritage of Mei Ho House, the City Gallery, the AFCD Lions Nature Education Centre, the Tao Heung Museum of Food Culture, the Jao Tsung-I Academy, the Police Museum and the HKDI Gallery.
     As the Hong Kong Museum of Art and the Tung Wah Museum are closed for renovation, associated programmes will be held at other locations. The CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change will be closed on May 13 but open on May 12.
     For details of IMD 2018, HK, please visit the website of Hong Kong Public Museums at www.museums.gov.hk/en_US/web/portal/imd2018.html.
     The LCSD has held Hong Kong events annually in support of IMD since 2001. The International Council of Museums designated May 18 as IMD in 1977 to raise public awareness of the important role that museums play in society.

Residents move into three newly completed blocks of On Tai Estate (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority:

     Residents at Phase II of On Tai Estate at On Sau Road in Kwun Tong, Kowloon, began moving into three of the domestic blocks today (May 10). The estate is one of the public rental housing (PRH) estates within the Anderson Road Development Area. This shows the continuous efforts of the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) to provide affordable rental housing to eligible low-income families with housing needs.

     "The three non-standard domestic blocks, namely Kui Tai House, Wo Tai House and King Tai House, are 30 storeys, 30 storeys and 31 storeys in height respectively, providing a total of about 2 640 PRH units for about 7 760 residents," a spokesman for the HA said. 

     The intake for the four domestic blocks at Phase I of On Tai Estate, namely Ming Tai House, Chi Tai House, Yung Tai House and Kam Tai House, providing about 2 850 units for about 7 900 residents, was conducted last year.

     On Tai Estate offers a number of recreational facilities including outdoor children's playgrounds, basketball courts, badminton courts and table-tennis tables. In addition, there will be two community farms for residents' use.

     A fast food restaurant in the shopping centre, a wet market, a carpark, two kindergartens and a community service centre will provide services later this year. The rest of the shops in the shopping centre will be completed by the second half of this year.

     The intake of residents for the remaining four domestic blocks at On Tai Estate will take place later this year. There will be around 8 500 PRH units for about 25 000 residents upon completion of the intake for the entire estate.

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