
Author Archives: hksar gov

HKAB and IFFO host seminar on “Building a Sustainable Belt and Road – Hong Kong’s Pivotal Role to Play” (with photo)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     More than 150 bankers, project finance experts, risk officers and professionals attended a seminar jointly organised by the Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB) and the HKMA Infrastructure Financing Facilitation Office (IFFO) today (May 15) to explore sustainable infrastructure financing opportunities under the Belt and Road Initiative.
     The Belt and Road Initiative aims to build connectivity, which can help foster economic growth and regional cooperation. With growing interest from the private sector to capitalise on Belt and Road opportunities, this year’s seminar was designed to raise awareness and promote participation of Hong Kong banks in Belt and Road projects.  In line with Hong Kong’s commitment to sustainability, the seminar also put a spotlight on financially sustainable and environmentally friendly projects along the Belt and Road countries.
     The Executive Director (External) of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Deputy Director of the IFFO, Mr Vincent Lee, said, “We are pleased to work with HKAB again to co-host this year’s seminar.  Today’s discussion clearly highlights the strengths of Hong Kong’s platform in facilitating infrastructure financing and investments, and our credentials as a premier centre for green finance in the region.  Going forward, IFFO will continue to work with private and public sector stakeholders closely to facilitate more bankable and sustainable infrastructure projects.”
     The Chairperson of the HKAB and Chief Executive, Hong Kong, HSBC, Ms Diana Cesar, said, “Financing the colossal investment needs of economies in Asia and beyond will require all available sources of capital. Hong Kong banks are in a unique position to connect enterprises engaged in Belt and Road projects with capital, advice and other solutions.  Hong Kong’s focus on green financing can also support China’s aim of building a sustainable New Silk Road.  This seminar brings together 60 financial institutions and businesses that can benefit from, and contribute to, economic development along the Belt and Road routes.  The Hong Kong Association of Banks is pleased to be part of this mission in regional cooperation.”
     The seminar featured keynote speeches, presentations and a panel discussion on “Infrastructure Financing and Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges” by bankers and insurance practitioners.  The high turnout at this seminar shows that the Hong Kong banking community is keen to contribute to the sustainable development of the Belt and Road Initiative.
About HKMA Infrastructure Financing Facilitation Office

     As part of the HKMA, IFFO’s mission is to facilitate infrastructure investments and their financing by working with a cluster of key stakeholders.
     The functions of IFFO are:

  • providing a platform for information exchange and experience sharing;
  • building capacity and knowledge on infrastructure investments and financing;
  • promoting market and product development; and
  • facilitating infrastructure investment and financing flows.

     By establishing IFFO, the HKMA can play a valuable role as a catalyst in the facilitation of infrastructure investments and their financings with its mandate to promote Hong Kong as an international financial centre.
     For more information about IFFO, please visit
About HKAB
     The Hong Kong Association of Banks was created by the Hong Kong Association of Banks Ordinance (Cap 364) (Ordinance) in 1981 to replace the Exchange Banks’ Association. The Ordinance provides a framework for the Government to exchange views with the banking sector for the further development of the industry.

     Roles of HKAB include:
  • to promote the interests of fully licensed banks in Hong Kong and after consultation with the Financial Secretary to make rules for the conduct of banking business;
  • to be a focal point for consultation on law reform, new legislation and regulatory matters;
  • to form a sounding-board for the Government and other relevant bodies on general business and banking issues;
  • to offer a channel of communication among its members and with third parties; and
  • to promote best practice to members and provide information service.

     For more information about HKAB, please visit
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Forum on Mainland-HK Cooperation in I&T explores new co-operation opportunities (with video)

     The Forum on Mainland-Hong Kong Cooperation in Innovation and Technology held today (May 15) by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government was attended by over 100 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), as well as representatives of the HKSAR Government and the technology sector. The forum discussed new opportunities brought about by opening up science and technology funding by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and the Ministry of Finance for application by Hong Kong higher education institutions and research institutions.

     In her address, the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, highlighted that the forum was meant to brief research experts at the earliest opportunity on the newly announced guidelines of the Central Government in support of the development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong and Macao.

     Under the guidelines, universities and research institutions in the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao can now bid for funding to undertake central fiscal science and technology projects, on the basis of merit and competition. The new arrangements have realised cross-boundary remittance of project funding, which the local technology sector has long been calling for.

     Mrs Lam said, “Local research will be funded by the science and technology funding of the Central Government. This will foster technological co-operation between Hong Kong and the Mainland and give full play to the unique advantages in technology of the two places, laying a solid foundation for the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park in the Lok Ma Chau Loop. The policy also paves the way for building the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area into an international innovation and technology hub and provides incessant impetus for the current-term Government in spurring innovation and technology development.”

     A Vice Minister of Science and Technology, Professor Huang Wei, announced details of the new policy at the forum. Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council Mr Huang Liuquan and Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR Mr Tan Tieniu also addressed the forum.

     In the panel discussion hosted by the President of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Professor Timothy Tong, a number of speakers had in-depth discussions on the new policy. They are:

  • Professor C C Chan
    Academician of the CAE
  • Professor Nancy Ip
    Member of the CAS and Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies and the Director of the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Professor Pei Duanqing
    Director General of the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, CAS
  • Professor Tang Xiaoou
    Co-Founder of SenseTime Group Limited
  • Mr Wu Xueti
    Deputy Director General of the Department of Resource Allocation and Management, MOST

     Also attending the forum were the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang; the Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing; and the Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Ms Annie Choi. read more