
Author Archives: hksar gov

SDEV visits Southern District (with photos)

     The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, visited Southern District today (May 15) to exchange views on district matters with local District Council members and visit the facilities of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Jockey Club Media 21 (M21). The Under Secretary for Development, Mr Liu Chun-san, also joined the visit.
     Accompanied by the Chairman of the Southern District Council, Mr Chu Ching-hong, and the District Officer (Southern), Mrs Dorothy Ma, Mr Wong began his visit by meeting members of the Southern District Council to learn about the latest developments and needs of the district, and listen to members’ views on the work of the Government.
     Mr Wong then visited M21, a multimedia production platform for youths established by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, to learn about its facilities and development direction. Equipped with a wide range of media facilities such as online television and radio studios that are available for rent, M21 also organises various multimedia production courses to nurture talents in the field. Mr Wong chatted with M21’s members to understand their studies and aspirations, and encouraged them to put their learning to good use and unleash their potential.

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Managers fined for illegal club operations

     Two men and one woman were fined from $6,000 to $10,500 at the Eastern Magistrates’ Courts today (May 15) for contravening the Clubs (Safety of Premises) Ordinance.

     The courts heard that in October last year, officers from the Office of the Licensing Authority (OLA) of the Home Affairs Department conducted inspections at two clubs on Yee Wo Street in Causeway Bay which had been operating with certificates of compliance (CoCs).

     During the investigation in one of the clubs on Yee Wo Street, the OLA officers posed as customers and patronised the club for food and drinks without being asked to show their membership status or being invited to join the club as member. Also, the club was found to have a layout that deviated from the registered drawings and the number of people at the club during the inspection exceeded the maximum allowable capacity as stipulated in the CoC. Conditions 3, 6 and 19 of the CoC were breached.

     The other club on Yee Wo Street also served non-members. The staff of the club failed to show a copy of the certificate of the registered drawings upon the OLA officers’ request as well. Conditions 17 and 19 of the CoC were breached.

     The men and woman, being the CoC holder and the managers of the clubs, were charged with contravening section 21(1)(a) or section 21(2) of the Ordinance.

     A spokesman for the department reminded all CoC holders to comply with the conditions as stipulated therein. Enforcement action will continue to be taken against illegal club operations. read more

CHP investigates outbreak of acute gastroenteritis in secondary school in Wan Chai

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (May 15) investigating an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) in a secondary school in Wan Chai, and hence reminded the public and management of institutions to maintain personal and environmental hygiene against AGE.

     The outbreak involves one male staff member and 23 students, comprising 11 males and 12 females aged 14 to 18, who developed vomiting, diarrhoea and fever since May 9. Among them, six patients sought medical attention and none required hospitalisation. All patients have been in a stable condition.
     Officers of the CHP conducted a site visit and provided health advice to the staff of the school concerning proper and thorough disinfection, proper disposal of vomitus, and personal and environmental hygiene. The school has been put under medical surveillance.
     The CHP’s investigations are ongoing.
     A spokesman for the CHP advised members of the public to take heed of the following preventive measures against gastroenteritis:

  • Ensure proper personal hygiene;
  • Wash hands thoroughly before handling food and eating, after using the toilet or after changing diapers;
  • Wear gloves when disposing of vomitus or faecal matter, and wash hands afterwards;
  • Clean and disinfect contaminated areas or items promptly and thoroughly with diluted household bleach (by adding one part of bleach containing 5.25 per cent sodium hypochlorite to 49 parts of water). Wash hands thoroughly afterwards;
  • Maintain good indoor ventilation;
  • Pay attention to food hygiene;
  • Use separate utensils to handle raw and cooked food;
  • Avoid food that is not thoroughly cooked;
  • Drink boiled water; and
  • Do not patronise unlicensed food premises or food stalls.

     The public may visit the CHP’s website ( or call the Health Education Hotline (2833 0111) for more information. read more

Special traffic and transport arrangements in So Kon Po and Causeway Bay this Saturday

     The Transport Department (TD) today (May 15) reminded the public that special traffic and transport arrangements will be implemented in So Kon Po and Causeway Bay this Saturday (May 19) to facilitate the holding of a football match at Hong Kong Stadium.

     The special traffic and transport arrangements mainly include:
* From about 1.30pm, the section of Caroline Hill Road between Leighton Road and Cotton Path, and the section of Hysan Avenue westbound between Sunning Road and Hoi Ping Road, will be closed, subject to the actual situation;

* From about 4.30pm, Caroline Hill Road and the section of Eastern Hospital Road between Caroline Hill Road and Cotton Path will be closed to facilitate the dispersal of spectators until the crowd disperses and road closures are lifted, subject to the actual situation;

* During the road closure period, Citybus route 5B, New World First Bus route 8H, Cross Harbour route 936, green minibus routes 14M, 26 and 30, and residents’ service route HR 51 will be temporarily diverted; and

* On-street car parking spaces and car parks within the affected areas will be suspended.

     The TD anticipates that the traffic in the vicinity of So Kon Po and Causeway Bay will be congested. Motorists are advised to avoid driving to the affected areas. In case of traffic congestion, motorists should exercise tolerance and patience, and follow the instructions of the Police. Members of the public planning to go to the affected areas are advised to use public transport services as far as possible.

     The TD and the Police will closely monitor the traffic situation and implement appropriate measures whenever necessary. Members of the public are advised to stay alert to the latest traffic news on radio and television.

     Details of the special traffic and transport arrangements are now available on the TD’s website ( read more