
Author Archives: hksar gov

FS visits Hangzhou to foster trade between HK and Zhejiang Province (with photos)

     The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, visited Hangzhou today (May 15), meeting officials of the Government of Zhejiang Province and Hong Kong people doing business in Zhejiang. He also visited emerging and innovative enterprises there.

     In the morning, he visited We Doctor Group and had a meeting with the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Group, Mr Jerry Liao. We Doctor Group provides online medical services in the Mainland through a platform connecting hospitals, doctors and patients.

     He then had lunch with Hong Kong business people and representatives of Hong Kong enterprises in Zhejiang Province to learn more about the opportunities and challenges in doing business there. He also updated them on the latest economic situation of Hong Kong.

     In the afternoon, Mr Chan visited Alibaba Group and was briefed on the development of the Group’s electronic payment services and online logistics platform in Hong Kong. He said that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is committed in developing innovation and technology as the new engine of economic growth, and attaches great importance to the collaboration with the Mainland in innovation and technology development. 

     In the evening, Mr Chan called on the Vice Governor of Zhejiang Province, Mr Zhu Congjiu. Noting the rapid development of Zhejiang Province, particularly in innovation and technology and e-commerce, Mr Chan remarked that Hong Kong can draw valuable lessons from Zhejiang’s successful experience. In light of the close economic and trade ties between both places, Mr Chan said he hoped that Hong Kong and Zhejiang can step up co-operation on innovation and technology, financial services, logistics and other areas.

     Tomorrow (May 16), Mr Chan will officiate at the opening ceremony of “Smart Hong Kong, Hangzhou” and witness the signing of a memorandum of understanding on co-operation between the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Hangzhou Municipal Government.

     He will return to Hong Kong tomorrow afternoon.

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Man convicted and fined for filling and illegal dumping at conservation area of Nam Sang Wai Outline Zoning Plan (with photo)

     A man who conducted illegal earthwork activities and dumping of construction waste at the conservation area of Nam Sang Wai Outline Zoning Plan in Tai Sang Wai, Yuen Long, which is a government land, was fined a total of $28,000 by Fanling Magistrates’ Courts today (May 15) for contravening the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) and the Waste Disposal Ordinance (WDO).
     An Environmental Protection Department (EPD) spokesman said that the department received a report last October from a member of the public about illegal pond-filling activities at the conservation area in Tai Sang Wai, Yuen Long. EPD officers conducted a blitz inspection and intercepted a truck which was dumping rubble and debris at the above site, while an excavator was also conducting levelling works by pushing the rubble and debris at the fish pond area. These activities were suspected to have violated the WDO and the EIAO. After evidence gathering, the EPD initiated prosecution against the person who was intercepted on-site.
     The spokesman said that the area concerned belongs to a conservation area under the Nam Sang Wai Outline Zoning Plan, which aims to preserve the ecological value and functions of existing fish ponds in the area. According to the EIAO, it is an offence to conduct earthworks at a conservation area without an environmental permit issued by the EPD. First-time offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $2 million and six months’ imprisonment. According to the WDO, any person who deposits waste on government land illegally is liable to a maximum fine of $200,000 and six months’ imprisonment on first conviction.

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