
Author Archives: hksar gov

May 31 deadline for proposals to alter rateable values

     The Rating and Valuation Department (RVD) today (May 10) reminded the public that proposals to alter the rateable value of properties from April 1 this year must be served on the Commissioner of Rating and Valuation by May 31.

     Proposals should be made on the specified form (R20A) and be served by post or in person. Copies of the form can be obtained from the department at Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 15/F, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, and the Home Affairs Enquiry Centres of the Home Affairs Department. The form can also be downloaded from RVD’s website (

     The public can also lodge proposals on an electronic form (e-R20A) using the Electronic Submission of Forms service provided on the department’s website. Proposals sent by fax are not acceptable.

     An RVD spokesman emphasised that under the Rating Ordinance and the Government Rent (Assessment and Collection) Ordinance, proposals served after May 31 will not be accepted.

     “Notwithstanding the lodging of a proposal, rates and rent payers must pay rates and government rent by the last day for payment shown on the demand notes. We will carefully consider all proposals and inform the proposers of our decisions before December 1. Any changes in rates and government rent payable resulting from such decisions will date back to April 1 this year and any overpayment will be adjusted in subsequent demands,” he said.

     For enquiries, please call 2152 0111. read more

OGCIO responds to media enquiries on CMMP

     In response to media enquiries on the Centrally Managed Messaging Platform (CMMP), the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) said the following today (May 9):

     The OGCIO invited tenders for a system integrator to provide an email solution for the new CMMP through an open tender exercise last year. Tenders from local, overseas and Mainland companies are normally accepted in open tendering. In accordance with the Government’s established tendering procedures, the relevant tenders were vetted by the Central Tender Board to ensure fairness and the proper use of public funds. The contract was awarded to Richinfo Technology Co Ltd in late February 2018 and the tender result was subsequently gazetted.

     Richinfo is a member of the Microsoft Partner Network. As the system integrator, Richinfo adopted the Microsoft Exchange email solution instead of using its self-developed RichMail system as rumoured.

     The service scope of Richinfo covers the installation, integration and maintenance of Microsoft Exchange and provision of assistance to the Government in system migration.

     The contractor has no access to any emails or user data in the systems in carrying out system integration, migration and maintenance work. Actual system operation and execution of system migration will only be performed by OGCIO personnel.

     All government emails are managed by government personnel and stored in government-owned data centres located in Hong Kong. They are also protected by multiple layers of security defence, including encryption of sensitive emails, to avoid data leakage. read more