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ExCo Non-official Members visit Hong Kong International Airport (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Executive Council Secretariat:

     Non-official Members of the Executive Council (ExCo Members) today (May 28) visited Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) to learn about its latest developments.

     In the company of the Chief Executive Officer of the Airport Authority Hong Kong, Mr Fred Lam, the ExCo Members first visited HKIA Tower. They also listened to Mr Lam’s briefing on HKIA’s present conditions and future development.

    The ExCo Members then proceeded to the departure hall to see the application of various smart initiatives, including the self-bag drop counters that are currently in operation, and the cloud-based moveable self-check-in kiosks, which allow passengers to perform automatic travel document checking and tag their own check-in baggage. 

     Through applying new technology to enhance its operating efficiency, the Authority strives to leverage on enhanced smart initiatives and technologies to transform HKIA into a smart airport.

     The ExCo Members then inspected the Integrated Airport Centre and listened to staff explaining the monitoring system and work conditions. They were also briefed on the operation of the high-speed cameras for airfield lighting inspections and a cool dolly for temperature-controlled cargoes such as pharmaceuticals, followed by a visit to the Hong Kong International Aviation Academy to experience the training facilities at the academy.

     Acknowledging the significance of HKIA’s role in connecting Hong Kong to the world, the ExCo Members said its advanced and well-equipped facilities provide ever more quality and efficient services to local citizens and overseas visitors. The ExCo Members said they are glad that the Authority, in the face of the challenges and opportunities brought about by the rapid development of technology, is constantly upgrading its services and facilities. They expressed the hope that it will continue to provide convenience and satisfaction to all airport users.

     Non-official Members joining the visit today were Convenor Mr Bernard Chan, Mrs Laura Cha, Mr Chow Chung-kong, Mr Ip Kwok-him, Mr Tommy Cheung, Mr Joseph Yam, Mr Ronny Tong and Mr Horace Cheung.

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Effective Exchange Rate Index

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Monday, May 28, 2018 is 99.7 (down 0.1 against last Saturday’s index).

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Saturday, May 26, 2018 is 99.8 (up 0.2 against last Friday’s index). read more

Water works contractors convicted for illegally carrying out construction works at night

     â€‹The contractor and sub-contractor of the Water Supplies Department, Yick Hing Construction Company Limited and Charmwood Development Limited, failed to comply with the requirements of the construction noise permit (CNP) twice when carrying out road works in Wan Chai. They were fined a total of $30,000 by Eastern Magistrates’ Courts today (May 28) for contravening the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO).

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) received reports from a member of the public during October and November 2017 that road works were being carried out at night at a section of Queen’s Road East near Anton Street and Monmouth Path in Wan Chai, causing noise nuisance. According to the video recording provided by a member of the public, EPD staff traced the construction site concerned. The contractors used unauthorised powered mechanical equipment to pave the road during restricted hours (from 7pm to 7am on the next day), which generated excessive noise and violated the CNP requirements. The EPD immediately revoked the CNP of the construction site and prosecuted the main contractor and sub-contractor involved after evidence gathering.

     An EPD spokesman said, “The department has followed up with the works supervisory staff of the Water Services Department, and requested the contractors to properly arrange its works and strictly comply with all CNP requirements.” The spokesman expressed gratitude to the member of the public for providing information and testimony to assist the department in successful prosecution against the contractors.

     According to the NCO, anyone who violates the CNP requirements and uses powered mechanical equipment for construction works during restricted hours commits an offence. First-time offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $100,000. A maximum fine of $200,000 may be imposed on second or subsequent convictions. read more

Additional one-off provision and increase in accumulation limit under Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme

     The Department of Health (DH) today (May 28) announced that an additional $1,000 worth of Elderly Health Care Vouchers (EHVs) will be provided, on a one-off basis, to each eligible elderly person with effect from June 8. The accumulation limit of the vouchers will also be increased to $5,000 on the same day as a regular measure.

     Unveiled by the Financial Secretary as one of the healthcare initiatives in the 2018-19 Budget, the above enhanced measures are estimated to benefit about 1.2 million elderly people.
     “In January 2018, the annual voucher amount of $2,000 had been released to all eHealth (Subsidies) accounts of elderly people aged 65 or above. With the passage of the Appropriation Bill 2018, an additional, one-off $1,000 worth of vouchers will be deposited to their accounts on June 8. On the same day, the accumulation limit of the vouchers will be raised from $4,000 to $5,000 as a regular measure,” a spokesman for the DH said.
     “Persons aged 65 or above in 2018 (i.e. those born in 1953 or before) who have yet to create an eHealth (Subsidies) account on June 8 would receive their entitled voucher amount, including the additional $1,000, upon account creation, which is subject to the accumulation limit of $5,000,” the spokesman added.
     Under the EHV Scheme, eligible elderly people are subsidised to use primary care services provided by the private sector. Vouchers are issued and used through an electronic platform. Elderly people do not need to pre-register, collect or carry the vouchers. Those intending to use the vouchers should show to the participating service providers their valid Hong Kong identity card or Certificate of Exemption issued by the Immigration Department, and sign a consent form confirming the voucher amount to be used after receiving healthcare services in person. For elderly people who do not have an eHealth (Subsidies) account, the service providers will create an account for them on the same occasion free of charge.
     Members of the public may also visit the Scheme’s website ( or call the enquiry hotline (2838 2311) for information. read more