
Author Archives: hksar gov

Transcript of remarks by STH

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, at a media session after the Housing Authority’s annual special open meeting today (June 8):

Reporter: Is there any timeline as to how the pricing of subsidised housing will be reviewed? Is there any timetable and proposal for that?

Secretary for Transport and Housing: We are in the process of reviewing the sales price of subsidised sales flats. As soon as we come to a decision, we will promptly inform the public.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.) read more

CE reviews CSD’s passing-out parade

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, today (June 8) reviewed the passing-out parade of the Correctional Services Department (CSD) at the Staff Training Institute in Stanley, with 38 Officers and 59 Assistant Officers II graduating.

     At the parade, the correctional officers marched past the reviewing officer with a collective spirit of high morale, demonstrating self-confidence, team spirit and enthusiasm as correctional officers.

     The newly recruited Officers and Assistant Officers II have undergone 26 and 23 weeks’ training respectively. Two Officers were awarded the Principal’s Shield while two Assistant Officers II were awarded the Golden Whistle for outstanding performance.

     Three graduates spoke to the media after the parade. Among them was Officer Mr Siu Cheong-hung, who has captained the Hong Kong Volleyball Representative Team. He said he would use his persevering spirit as an athlete to encourage persons in custody to face challenges.

     Officer Ms Tong Lai-sho, who was previously an Assistant Officer II and has become an Officer through an open recruitment exercise, said she hoped to work hard for the department’s mission of helping Hong Kong to remain one of the safest cities in the world.

     Assistant Officer II Ms Lam Hoi-ting, who has completed an elderly care course, said appropriate skills and patience are required in communicating with persons in custody and she would apply her skills to encourage and assist them to return to the correct path. read more

HK university students to visit Shanghai financial institutions on exchange programme (with photos)

     The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr James Lau, today (June 8) encouraged local university students embarking on an exchange programme to Shanghai to enhance their understanding of the financial systems and market developments in the two places.
     Officiating at the launch ceremony of the Cross-boundary Study Tour for Post-secondary Financial Talents 2018 (the Scheme), Mr Lau said the Scheme is now in its seventh year and he was happy to know that it had been well received by the participating students and financial institutions.
     He noted that the Scheme had nourished many high-calibre financial talents since its inception, and said he was glad to see many from the past cohorts had chosen to pursue their career in the financial sector after graduation. He further appealed to the students to make use of the opportunity in Shanghai to see for themselves the latest developments of the financial industry and the working culture of financial institutions in the Mainland, with a view to better equipping themselves for future career development.
     Mr Lau also encouraged the students to get to understand more the national development strategies, including the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area development plan and the Belt and Road Initiative, and how Hong Kong’s financial industry could tap these opportunities. He said that Hong Kong, being an international financial centre and the world’s largest offshore Renminbi business hub, could leverage on its rich experience in financial services, including capital raising and financing as well as asset and risk management, to serve enterprises in the Bay Area and the Belt and Road economies.
     Also speaking at the launch ceremony, the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Mr Andy Ho, said the Federation is glad to be the assisting organisation again this year. He encouraged the students to make full use of the Scheme through networking and exchanges with instructors of their attached financial institutions for career development in related industries.
     This year, 32 students from nine universities in Hong Kong are taking part in the Scheme. They will depart for Shanghai on June 18 for a six-week exchange programme comprising attachment to financial institutions for about five weeks; visits to government organisations, financial regulators and exchanges; and exchange activities with Shanghai students. Reciprocally, a group of Shanghai post-secondary financial students will visit Hong Kong in late July.
     Hong Kong and Shanghai signed the Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Advancing Hong Kong-Shanghai Financial Co-operation (MOU) in 2010. Both sides agreed to strengthen co-operation in four areas, namely the development of the securities markets, the development of the bond markets, the mutual establishment of financial institutions, and the training and exchange of financial talents. Under the MOU, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau and the Shanghai Municipal Government Financial Services Office jointly launched the Scheme in 2012.

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