THB responds to media enquiries on construction works of Shatin to Central Link

     In response to media enquiries on the construction works of the Shatin to Central Link, a spokesman for the Transport and Housing Bureau (THB) responded today (June 9) as follows:
     On September 15, 2017, a representative from the China Technology Corporation Limited (China Technology) sent an email to the electronic mailbox of the Secretary for Transport and Housing's Office requesting to have a meeting with the THB, the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL), Leighton Contractors (Asia) Limited (i.e., the main contractor for the platform construction works of the Hung Hom Station), and the China Technology, for discussion on the construction issues of the Shatin to Central Link project. However, the email did not provide any further information.
     On the same day, the THB reached the China Technology and was informed that the issue concerned was related to the technical matters under the Contract No. 1112 of the Shatin to Central Link project. The China Technology agreed to directly contact with the professionals of the Highways Department for discussion.
     On September 15 and 16, 2017, the Highways Department made several calls and emailed to the China Technology to invite for discussion and further concrete information but was unsuccessful. 
     On September 18, 2017 (three days after), the China Technology sent an email to reply the THB saying that the suspected issue of concern had all been clarified. Noting that the issue was resolved, the China Technology considered that no further action was required by all parties. Therefore, the meeting originally requested by the China Technology did not proceed finally.
     Considering the China Technology aimed to discuss the technical matters under the Contract No.1112 of the Shatin to Central Link project, and agreed to directly contact with the professionals of the Highways Department for discussion, therefore, the Secretary for the Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, was not aware of this.
     On September 15, 2017, the Highways Department had made further enquiry with the MTRCL regarding the incident. However, on the same day, the MTRCL said that it required more information to make a response. Since the China Technology indicated in their reply to the THB on September 18, 2017 that there was no need to follow up and the China Technology did not provide related information at that time, the Highways Department could not further follow up on the matter.
     The MTRCL had not made any reports on this incident over the quality of the bar bending works process for the platform construction works of the Hung Hom Station to the Highways Department during the period from August 2015 to the end of May 2018. The Highways Department has required the MTRCL to submit an incident report as early as possible and no later than June 15.
     The Government is very concerned about the incident, and will thoroughly examine the incident report upon receipt from the MTRCL. In case the Government has found any misconduct from the incident report submitted by the MTRCL or the investigation conducted afterwards, we will handle it seriously and refer to law enforcement agencies for follow-up action. In the meantime, the Government does not rule out the setting up of an independent investigation committee to follow up the incident.
     According to the Entrustment Agreement signed by the MTRCL with the Government for the works of the Shatin to Central Link project, the qualifications of the main contractors and sub-contractors employed by the MTRCL shall comply with the MTRCL's standards required in the implementation of railway projects.

Hong Kong Customs strives to combat copyright infringement and unscrupulous sales practices on suspicious websites and social networking platforms

     The Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) has recently detected some posts on social networking platforms alleging that the department will put for auction seized commodities, with the proceeds from auction used for charity purpose.

     A spokesman for the C&ED today (June 9) sternly pointed out that the messages and the way of promotion on these social networking platforms may be linked to copyright infringement and unscrupulous sales practices with claims misleading consumers, in violation of the Copyright Ordinance or the Trade Descriptions Ordinance (TDO).

     The C&ED is following up on the cases.

     "Upon completion of all legal proceedings, the C&ED will classify the forfeited items in accordance with the established guidelines. The items will then be passed to the relevant government department for co-ordination and following up if the items are suitable for public auction," the spokesman said.

     The spokesman at the same time stressed that Customs has all along been concerned in illegal online sales activities.  It has strived to combat infringing activities and unscrupulous sales practices on websites. It also maintains close co-operation with law enforcement authorities of other countries and regions in the combat of cross-boundary infringing activities to protect the rights of consumers and legitimate traders.

     Customs reminds consumers that they should stay vigiliant in regard to online shopping and procure products at reputable shops. They should not purchase items with unknown sources at suspicious websites or social networking platforms to prevent any losses that may incur. Consumers are also reminded to contact trade mark owners or traders for enquiries in case of doubts.

     According to the Copyright Ordinance, anyone who without the licence of the copyright owner distributes an infringing copy of a work through any device or electronic platform to such an extent as to affect prejudicially the owner, or possess any infringing items for business purposes, commits an offence. The maximum penalty is a fine of $50,000 per infringing copy and imprisonment for four years.

     Customs reiterated, "Follow-up investigation will be conducted if the infringing activities involve local persons. If the relevant platform is located outside Hong Kong but involved in local criminal infringing activities, the C&ED will refer cases to the law enforcement authorities outside Hong Kong for joint follow-up actions."

     In addition, according to the TDO, "trade descriptions", in relation to goods, refers to an indication, direct or indirect, and in whatever form and by whatever means (including verbal), with respect to goods or any part of the goods, including the method of manufacture, production and processing, or the previous ownership or use. Traders should not give any false or misleading production information to consumers. Making a false or misleading statement about goods to a material degree may constitute an offence of false trade description. Violation of the TDO is a serious offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $500,000 and imprisonment for five years.

     Customs appeals to members of the public to report any suspected infringing activities or unscrupulous sales practices to the Customs 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (

Cluster of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci cases at Tuen Mun Hospital

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for Tuen Mun Hospital (TMH) made the following announcement today (June 9):

     A 57-year-old female patient in a mixed Medical and Geriatrics ward of TMH was confirmed as Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) carrier on June 5. In accordance with the prevailing infection control guidelines, the hospital has screened patients who had contact with the index patient. Two more male patients (aged 60 and 72) were confirmed to be VRE carriers, without clinical symptoms. Among the three cases, one male patient has been discharged, the other two are still hospitalised with stable conditions.

     The concerned ward has adopted the following enhanced infection control measures:

  1. Enhanced hand hygiene and stringent contact precautions have been applied
  2. Enhanced attention to contamination-prone procedures
  3. Enhanced disinfection and cleansing of the concerned ward

     The cases have been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office and the Centre for Health Protection for necessary follow up.

CHP investigates case of severe paediatric enterovirus infection

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (June 9) investigating a case of severe paediatric enterovirus (EV) infection, and again urged the public and institutions to maintain strict hand, personal and environmental hygiene.

     The case involves a 2-month-old baby girl with good past health, who has presented with fever, cough and runny nose since June 4. She was admitted to Princess Margaret Hospital for medical treatment on the next day. The patient is all along in a stable condition.

     Her cerebrospinal fluid specimen tested positive for EV upon laboratory testing and the clinical diagnosis was meningitis.

     Initial enquiries revealed that the patient had no travel history. Her elder brother had recent upper respiratory tract infection and has recovered. Her other home contacts remain asymptomatic so far. Investigations are ongoing.

     A spokesman for the CHP said that as EV infection is transmitted by direct contact with nose and throat discharges, the public should be vigilant and observe the following preventive measures:

  • Wash hands before eating and after going to the toilet and changing diapers;
  • Cover the mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing;
  • Maintain good ventilation; and
  • Thoroughly clean toys or appliances which are contaminated by nasal or oral secretions.

     Children suffering from EV infection should stay at home and avoid contact with other children until they have recovered.

     The public may visit the CHP's page on hand, foot and mouth disease and EV71 infection for more information.

Electors reminded to bring original of Hong Kong identity card to vote at Eastern District Council by-election tomorrow

     Electors of the Eastern District Council Kai Hiu Constituency are urged to vote in the by-election in their constituency tomorrow (June 10).
     Two polling stations will be open to electors from 7.30am to 10.30pm. They are located at the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong-Chai Wan Centre, Units 1-10, G/F, Sui Lok House, Siu Sai Wan Estate, Chai Wan, Hong Kong, and Siu Sai Wan Community Hall, G/F, Siu Sai Wan Complex, 15 Siu Sai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong.
     "Electors must bring the original of their Hong Kong identity card or other specified alternative documents to the designated polling station to collect their ballot paper to cast their vote. Voting is very simple. Electors must use the chop provided by the polling station to stamp the ballot paper with a tick in the circle opposite the name of the chosen candidate, and fold the ballot paper inward in half before putting it into the ballot box," a spokesman for the REO said today (June 9).
     If any Kai Hiu Constituency electors who are remanded or detained by law enforcement agencies other than the Correctional Services Department (CSD) on the polling day wish to vote in this by-election, they will be arranged to cast their votes at the dedicated polling station located at Chai Wan Police Station, 6 Lok Man Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. The polling hours will be from 7.30am to 10.30pm.
     Should there be any electors of the Kai Hiu Constituency imprisoned or remanded in the CSD's custody on the polling day, arrangements will be made for them to vote at dedicated polling stations set up at their respective penal institutions. For security reasons, polling hours for the dedicated polling stations at penal institutions will be from 9am to 4pm.
     The voting procedure for electors and the venue setup at the dedicated polling stations will be basically the same as those of the ordinary polling stations.
     The spokesman reminded the public that according to the law, the polling stations are restricted areas accessible only by electors and authorised persons.
     "Unauthorised persons are strictly prohibited from using mobile phones or any other device for electronic communication, taking photographs, filming, and making video or audio recordings in the polling stations," he said.
     Enquiries about the by-election can be made to the election hotline at 2891 1001, which will operate from 7am to 11pm tomorrow.
     A complaints hotline (2827 7251) will be in service from 7.30am to 11pm tomorrow to handle complaints about breaches of electoral rules or guidelines.
     Once the poll is closed, the polling stations at the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong-Chai Wan Centre and Siu Sai Wan Community Hall will be converted into counting stations. The public will be able to watch the vote counting within the designated area at the counting stations.
     To protect the secrecy of votes, the ballot boxes at the dedicated polling stations will be delivered to the main counting station at the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong-Chai Wan Centre for opening after the close of polling. The ballot papers concerned will be mixed with the ballot papers cast at the main counting station before counting of votes begins.
     The election results will be announced at the counting station at the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong-Chai Wan Centre.
     The three candidates contesting this by-election are Tan Chun Chun Enki (No. 1), Ishigami Lee Fung-king Alice (No. 2) and Chik Kit-ling Elaine (No. 3).
     The elected candidate will fill the vacant seat of the elected member of the Eastern District Council.