Recruitment under Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth starts today

     The Government started the recruitment under the Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth today (June 15).  The application period will close on July 16.
     Chief Secretary for Administration cum Chairman of the Youth Development Commission Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung said, "This term of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government strives to do our best in youth development work by addressing their concerns about education, career pursuit and home ownership, and encouraging their participation in politics as well as public policy discussion and debate. These include giving young people more opportunities to participate in public affairs so that the Government can better understand their views and suggestions and take them into account.
     Since last year, we have started to appoint young people to become members of specified boards and committees by self-recommendation through the Pilot Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth.  The target is to increase the overall ratio of youth members (i.e. persons who are aged between 18 and 35) on government boards and committees from the current 8.6 per cent to 15 per cent within the duration of the current-term Government."
     A spokesman for the Home Affairs Bureau said, "in the light of the overwhelming response to the Pilot Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth launched last October, the Government will regularise the scheme and rename it as Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth (MSSY).  The scheme will be extended to more boards and committees which cover a wide spectrum of policy areas.  It will be rolled out twice every year to provide more opportunities for young people to participate in policy discussion."
     The first phase of MSSY opened for application today. The following ten committees will each offer two seats under MSSY –

  1. Lantau Development Advisory Committee;
  2. Council for Sustainable Development;
  3. Advisory Committee on Enhancing Self-Reliance Through District Partnership Programme;
  4. Transport Advisory Committee;
  5. Community Investment and Inclusion Fund Committee;
  6. Committee on Community Support for Rehabilitated Offenders;
  7. Community Sports Committee;
  8. Joint Committee on Student Finance;
  9. Food Wise Hong Kong Steering Committee; and
  10. Advisory Committee of the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged.

     "Young people aged between 18 and 35 on July 16, 2018, i.e. the close of application, are invited to self-nominate to become members of the ten specified committees,” the spokesman continued.

     A Recruitment Committee (RC) has been set up for overseeing the implementation of the MSSY.  The RC comprises the Secretary for Home Affairs, the Vice-Chairman of the Youth Development Commission, non-official chairpersons or members of the afore-mentioned ten committees and representatives of the bureaux/departments concerned.  Under the RC, ten Assessment Panels (APs) will be formed to take care of the applications concerning the ten committees respectively.  AP members include the non-official chairperson and/or members of the committee concerned and representatives of the bureau/department concerned. 

     The spokesman said, "the APs will consider whether the applicant has strong commitment to serve the community, good understanding of the policy area concerned, as well as good analytical and communication skills.  The APs will conduct interviews with applicants to facilitate the assessment."  Following the principle of meritocracy, the Government aims to, through the MSSY, recruit young people who have the commitment to serve the community and the ability to contribute to the committees concerned for recommending to the relevant bureaux/departments for consideration of appointment.  Subject to the actual number of applications received, the recruitment exercise is expected to be completed in the last quarter of this year.
     The application form and other details of the MSSY are available on the website of the Home Affairs Bureau (  In completing the application form, the applicant needs to write no more than 600 words or provide a video / audio clip of no longer than three minutes to explain, in either Chinese or English, his/her suitability of being appointed to be a member of the relevant committee.  Applications may be submitted through the online application system, by post or by hand.

SJ continues UK visit to boost ties with international legal sectors (with photos)

     The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, continued her visit to London, the United Kingdom, yesterday (June 14, London time) and met with key players in different sectors to promote Hong Kong's legal and dispute resolution services.

     ​At a roundtable discussion with Asia House's corporate members in the morning, Ms Cheng spoke on Hong Kong's role as the deal making and dispute resolving hub under the Belt and Road Initiative.  

     Ms Cheng said that the Initiative provides vast opportunities.  Under the Initiative, Hong Kong can assume a more proactive role in connecting the Mainland and the rest of the world in terms of trade and investment.  Hong Kong, with a robust common law system which is familiar to the international business community and an independent judiciary, is well placed to serve as a centre for deal making and dispute resolution. 

     In the afternoon, Ms Cheng met with the President and Principal of King's College London, Professor Edward Byrne, and the Executive Dean of the Dickson Poon School of Law at King's College London, Professor Gillian Douglas. Ms Cheng also shared her views with participants including students of King's College London and other universities on the opportunities for Hong Kong in the international arena. 

     She introduced Hong Kong's unique advantages under the "one country, two systems" policy and the latest development of arbitration and mediation in Hong Kong.

     ​Ms Cheng also visited Gray's Inn to give a talk on the development and future of dispute resolution in Hong Kong. She said it is the steadfast policy of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to consolidate Hong Kong's position as an international legal and dispute resolution services centre in the Asia Pacific region. She further outlined the opportunities brought about by the Belt and Road Initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area development, and Hong Kong's measures to promote the city’s dispute resolution services.

     Earlier in the day, Ms Cheng attended a breakfast briefing with the All Party Parliamentary China Group. She briefed the participants on the latest developments in Hong Kong, highlighting that Hong Kong has been committed to upholding the rule of law and judicial independence.

     ​Ms Cheng will call on the Law Society today (June 15, London time) before departing for Hong Kong in the afternoon.

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CE starts her visit to Europe (with photos/videos)

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, started her visit programme in Europe after arriving in Brussels, Belgium yesterday (June 14, Brussels time).
     Mrs Lam started the day by calling on the Chargé d'affaires of Chinese Embassy in Belgium, Mr Zhang Chi, to express her heartfelt thanks to the embassy for its continuous support in various exchanges between Hong Kong and Belgium as well as for offering consular assistance to Hong Kong people in need.
     Next, Mrs Lam met with the Vice President of the European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Ms Federica Mogherini. She said that since the return to the Motherland, Hong Kong has successfully implemented "One Country, Two Systems", "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy. Hong Kong people's freedom and rights are safeguarded under the Basic Law, and the rule of law and judicial independence are as robust as ever. She noted that Hong Kong has close ties with the European Union with a Structured Dialogue being held every year. She expressed the hope that collaboration between Hong Kong and the European Union will continue to strengthen, and in particular welcomed scientific and research institutions from the European Union to develop in Hong Kong. 
     Mrs Lam then attended a business luncheon co-organised by the European Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels. In her speech, she briefed the guests attending the lunch on the growing and evolving relations between Hong Kong and the European Union. She said that Hong Kong is determined to become a global hub for innovation and technology and play an important role in the Belt and Road Initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area Development. She welcomed European enterprises and start-ups to establish a presence in Hong Kong and ride on its unique advantages to explore business opportunities in Mainland China and Asia.
     Attendees of the lunch included Belgian Deputy Prime Minister cum Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and European Affairs, Mr Didier Reynders, and European Commissioner for Trade, Ms Cecilia Malmström. Didier Reynders said in his speech that Belgian companies continue to appreciate Hong Kong as one of the freest economies in the world, based on the rule of law, independent judiciary, free flow of information and as an important connector to Mainland China. He said that these elements underpin the strong relation between Hong Kong and Belgium as well as the European Union. Cecilia Malmström said that Hong Kong is one of the most important partners of the European Union in the Asia-Pacific region. She praised Hong Kong's openness, and described Hong Kong as one of the most significant financial centres and trade ports in the world. She appreciated Hong Kong's support for the strengthening of the multilateral trading system, and looked forward to working together with Hong Kong to advocate the benefits of open global trade.
     In the afternoon, Mrs Lam had audience with HM King Philippe of the Belgians at the Royal Palace, and briefed him on Hong Kong's latest developments. 
     Mrs Lam later paid a visit to Musée Margritte. Opened in 2009 and located in the heart of Brussels, the museum brings together the world's largest collection of the renowned Belgian surrealist artist René Magritte. She said to the director of the museum that the renovated Hong Kong Museum of Art and the M+ Museum in the West Kowloon Cultural District will become world-class museums in the future. She looked forward to working with Musée Margritte to bring its collection of art works to Hong Kong for exhibition.
     In the evening, Mrs Lam officiated at the cocktail event organised by Cathay Pacific Airways (CX) with the support of the Airport Authority Hong Kong. She briefed the attendees on Hong Kong's role as an aviation hub of the region, and congratulated CX for launching direct services between Hong Kong and Brussels since March, which she believed will promote trade and business as well as cultural exchange between the two places.
     Mrs Lam will continue her visit to Brussels today (June 15, Brussels time).

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CE welcomes passage of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (Co-location) Bill

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, welcomed the passage of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (Co-location) Bill by the Legislative Council today (June 14), signifying a big step towards the target of the commissioning of the Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) in September this year.

     "The passage of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (Co-location) Bill marks the basic completion of the 'Three-step Process' of the co-location arrangement at the XRL West Kowloon Station. It provides a sound legal basis for the co-location arrangement, fully unleashing the transport, economic and social benefits of the XRL. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the legislators who supported the passage of the bill, and to the Central Government and different sectors of the community for supporting the implementation of the co-location arrangement.

     "The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the MTR Corporation Limited are pressing ahead at full speed with the preparatory work with a view to commissioning the Hong Kong Section of the XRL in September this year to connect with the 25 000-kilometre national high-speed rail network, enabling members of the public to enjoy the convenience of the XRL," Mrs Lam said.

     After the commissioning of the Hong Kong Section of the XRL, people will be able to take direct trains to the four short-haul stations, namely Futian, Shenzhen North, Humen and Guangzhou South, realising the "one-hour living circle" in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area. It will also connect to 14 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Fuzhou, Xiamen and Guilin by direct long-haul trains, bringing Hong Kong people greater convenience for business, visiting relatives, study and travel.

     The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (Co-location) Ordinance will be gazetted on June 22 and come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Secretary for Transport and Housing by notice published in the Gazette.

Lands Department’s response to media enquiries

     In response to media enquiries on a case of suspected alteration of registered squatters in Shek Wu Wai San Tsuen, Yuen Long, a spokesperson for the Lands Department (LandsD) said today (June 14) that the Department will follow up the case seriously. If it is found that the squatters are inconsistent with relevant registration records, squatter control actions will be taken.

     Concerning the case, LandsD's follow-up actions are as follows:

​     There are six surveyed squatter structures(SSSs) involved in the case which are located on private agricultural land in Demarcation District 105, Lot No. 822, Yuen Long. In October 17, 2017, Squatter Control/New Territories East (2) Office of LandsD (SCO) received enquiry from land owner of the concerned lot about Squatter Control Survey Records (SCSR) of the SSSs. Then in February 21, 2018, SCO received a complaint about suspected unauthorised re-building of SSSs. The SCO staff immediately conducted site inspection. However, the SSSs were enclosed by fence and gate. Inspection inside the SSSs has yet to be conducted as the land owner and/or occupiers cannot be reached. Letters were posted on the site requesting the land owner and/or occupiers to contact SCO staff. The SCO staff have conducted several subsequent inspections but could not enter the premises for detailed investigation. To further confirm the situation of SSSs, SCO will continue to contact the land owner and follow up on the matter closely.

     The LandsD will continue to follow up the case. If it is found that the squatters are inconsistent with relevant registration records, the corresponding squatters survey number will be cancelled and squatter control actions will be taken. If there is evidence showing that any new extension has been completed after the announcement of strengthened squatter control measures on June 22, 2016, actions will be taken by the LandsD to cancel the squatter survey number instantly and action will be taken to demolish the whole unauthorised structure on government land without giving any opportunity to rectify. Similarly, if the newly extended structure sits on private land and is in breach of the lease conditions of the private agricultural land, the LandsD will immediately take lease enforcement actions.

     The spokesperson said that under the prevailing squatter control policy, squatter structures surveyed during the 1982 Squatter Control Survey (SCS) were allocated squatter survey numbers, but they remain unauthorised in nature and are only "tolerated" on a temporary basis. By nature any surveyed squatter structure on government land is unauthorised occupation of government land and any surveyed squatter structure on private agricultural land is an unauthorised structure on private agricultural land. Such "tolerance" does not create any legal rights or interests or obligations, and does not confer on any person the right of occupation of land. Under the squatter control policy, any extension, change of use, rebuilding without prior approval or alteration with materials that do not conform to the record in the 1982 SCS is not allowed. A SSS not complying with the aforementioned requirements will lose the status of a SSS and its SCS Record will also be cancelled.

     The spokesperson reminded the public that prior to purchasing or renting any structures or land with structures erected thereon, attention must be paid to whether there is legal title in relation to the relevant structures or land and whether the structures or land have breached the land lease or the law. They should also make enquiry on the relevant land lease provisions and information with the Land Registry and seek independent legal advice where necessary. As the occupant holds no legal title to a surveyed squatter structure, the purchase or renting of the structure is not protected by law. Erecting structures on Government Land without permission in advance may even violate the law and face criminal liability accordingly.