Public hospitals to cease dispensing Enzyplex

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:
     The Hospital Authority (HA) spokesperson today (June 22) said that in view of the decision made by the supplier of the digestive drug Enzyplex this afternoon to suspend the supply and sale of the drug due to suspected contamination, the Authority will dovetail to cease dispensing the specific drug in all public hospitals with immediate effect. Patients must seek advice from healthcare professionals for any related queries.
     Earlier in the day, the HA Central Committee on Infectious Disease and Emergency Responses convened a special meeting with representatives from the Department of Health to deliberate and follow up on the drug contamination incident. It was concluded that monascus found in the drug will not cause any health hazard to a normal healthy person. However, there is a possible risk of infection among immuno-compromised patients.
     The HA has reviewed the clinical records and confirmed that there have been no reported cases of monascus infection in public hospitals over the past five years.
     Enzyplex tablet, containing vitamins and digestive enzymes, is an over-the-counter drug for digestive disorders. There are currently around 4 000 patients in public hospitals being prescribed with the drug.
     The HA will continue to follow up and co-operate with the Department of Health in the investigation.

DH continues to investigate case of suspected mould contamination of pharmaceutical product

     A spokesman for the Department of Health (DH) today (June 22) said that the department's investigation into a case of suspected mould contamination of a pharmaceutical product named Enzyplex (HK Registration Number: HK-06544) is ongoing.
     The DH's Drug Office has collected different batches of the product from the local supplier Unam Corporation Ltd (Unam) as well as Hospital Authority (HA) and DH clinics for further analysis yesterday (June 21) to confirm whether the product exceeds the pharmacopoeial standards on mould and yeast content. The analysis usually takes five to seven days and further actions, if any, will depend on the testing results.
     The DH has also instructed Unam to ask the manufacturer in Indonesia to conduct an investigation. Initial investigation by the manufacturer indicates that the raw materials used and the production facilities complied with its in-house specifications. The manufacturer will continue to conduct a thorough investigation and submit an investigation report as soon as possible.
     According to Unam, about 128,000 bottles of 100 tablets and 46,000 bottles of 30 tablets of the product have been supplied to the HA, DH clinics, private hospitals, local private doctors, pharmacies and medicine stores. The majority of the product has been supplied to the private market. As a precautionary measure, Unam has asked all its clients to suspend the supply of the product to patients or customers. Unam has also set up a hotline (3665 2000) for public enquiries.
     So far, the DH has not received any adverse reports related to the consumption of the product. People who are consuming the product, or in doubt or feeling unwell after consumption, should seek advice from healthcare professionals.

SCMA visits North District (with photos)

     The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Patrick Nip, visited North District this afternoon (June 22), meeting with members of the North District Council (NDC) and visiting a family in the district. He also went to Lok Ma Chau to see for himself the development plan of the Lok Ma Chau Loop area.

     Accompanied by the District Officer (North), Mr Chong Wing-wun, Mr Nip met with the Chairman of the NDC, Mr So Sai-chi, and members of the NDC to exchange views on district and community matters.

     Mr Nip then visited a family in Ching Ho Estate in Sheung Shui. He chatted with the family members to learn about their daily life and listened to their views on the support facilities in the district. He also showed his care about the integration of new arrivals in society and children's schooling in North District.

     After the home visit, Mr Nip went to Lok Ma Chau to see for himself the development of the Loop area and was briefed by officers from the Civil Engineering and Development Department and the Planning Department on the development plan.

     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government and the Shenzhen Municipal Government are jointly developing the Lok Ma Chau Loop area into the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park. The Park will be a key base for scientific research collaboration, with provision of related higher education, cultural and creative workspaces and other complementary facilities.

     Mr Nip said, "The HKSAR Government and the Guangdong Provincial Government have earlier reached a consensus on the key work plan to take forward the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area. Building the Bay Area into an 'international innovation and technology hub' is one of the main items.

     "I believe that the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park, which is being jointly developed by Hong Kong and Shenzhen, will combine the unique advantages of the two places, and attract top-notch enterprises, research institutions and higher education institutes from the Mainland and other parts of the world to be stationed there. The Park will bring enormous impetus to the development of innovation and technology in the Bay Area."

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Cluster of Human Metapneumovirus cases at Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital (PYNEH) made the following announcement today (June 22):
     Four patients aged 71 to 78 in a male psychogeriatric ward have presented with fever and respiratory symptoms since June 12. Appropriate viral tests were arranged for the patients and their test results were positive for Human Metapneumovirus. The patients concerned are being treated under isolation and are in a stable condition.
     Limited admission and visiting to the ward have been imposed. Infection control measures have already been stepped up according to established guidelines. All other patients in the ward are under close surveillance.
     The cases have been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office and the Centre for Health Protection for necessary follow-up.

SLW visits Kowloon City District (with photos)

     The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, visited Kowloon City District today (June 22), where he called at a primary school and an integrated vocational rehabilitation services centre, and met with District Council members.

     Accompanied by the Chairman of Kowloon City District Council (KCDC), Mr Pun Kwok-wah, and the District Officer (Kowloon City), Mr Franco Kwok, Dr Law first went to Po Leung Kuk Madam Chan Wai Chow Memorial School in To Kwa Wan. The school operates the Full-time Primary School Initiation Programme for newly arrived Mainland and non-Chinese speaking children/returnee children to prepare them for their subsequent integration into local education.

     Dr Law toured the campus facilities and chatted with teachers and pupils. He said that such a programme acquainted pupils with local culture and lifestyle and enhanced their resilience. He also pointed out that the Government's newly established Commission on Children has commenced operation to amalgamate the efforts made by relevant bureaux/departments and child concern groups to promote children's growth and development, as well as to focus on addressing children's issues as they grow.

     Accompanied by the District Social Welfare Officer (Kowloon City/Yau Tsim Mong), Ms Nancy Kwan, he then visited LOHAS Garden of SAHK in Ho Man Tin to learn more about its day training and residential care for persons with disabilities. He talked to trainees receiving vocational rehabilitation training and visited a training session on catering services provided for trainees. He said that such on-the-job training can strengthen the skills and self-confidence of trainees with disabilities, which would also increase their employability in the open market.

     Before concluding his visit, Dr Law visited KCDC and met with members to learn more about the latest developments and issues of concern in the district and to exchange views on district matters.

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