Hong Kong Monetary Authority Exchange Fund Bills Tender Results

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     Hong Kong Monetary Authority Exchange Fund Bills tender results:

Tender date : July 3, 2018
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : Q1827
Issue date : July 4, 2018
Maturity date : October 3, 2018
Amount applied : HK$120,285 MN
Amount allotted : HK$55,370 MN
Average yield accepted : 1.60 PCT
Highest yield accepted : 1.75 PCT
Pro rata ratio : About 73 PCT
Average tender yield : 1.75 PCT
Tender date : July 3, 2018
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : H1856
Issue date : July 4, 2018
Maturity date : January 2, 2019
Amount applied : HK$37,100 MN
Amount allotted : HK$15,000 MN
Average yield accepted : 1.69 PCT
Highest yield accepted : 1.90 PCT
Pro rata ratio : About 83 PCT
Average tender yield : 1.89 PCT

     Hong Kong Monetary Authority tenders to be held in the week beginning July 9, 2018:

Tender date : July 10, 2018
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : Q1828
Issue date : July 11, 2018
Maturity date : October 10, 2018
Tenor : 91 Days
Amount on offer : HK$56,478 MN
Tender date : July 10, 2018
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : H1857
Issue date : July 11, 2018
Maturity date : January 9, 2019
Tenor : 182 Days
Amount on offer : HK$18,000 MN
Tender date : July 10, 2018
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : Y1891
Issue date : July 11, 2018
Maturity date : July 10, 2019
Tenor : 364 Days
Amount on offer : HK$5,000 MN

Applications for Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships and Scholarships for Overseas Studies 2019/20

The following is issued on behalf of the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council:
     The Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council announced today (July 3) that applications for its Fellowships and Scholarships for Overseas Studies for the academic year 2019/20 are now open.
     The fellowships and scholarships aim at encouraging outstanding students to pursue further education in reputable institutions overseas. Successful candidates for the awards are expected to have a strong sense of commitment to Hong Kong and be ready to contribute significantly to the community upon graduation. 
     The fellowships are for studies leading to postgraduate degrees either by research or by coursework; the scholarships are for studies leading to undergraduate degrees.
     The applicants will be responsible for fulfilling all application procedures and admission requirements of the academic institutions of their choice.
     The maximum value of a fellowship is HK$300,000 per year, tenable for up to three years for a doctoral degree or two years for a master's degree.  The maximum value of a scholarship is HK$280,000 per year, tenable for up to three years.
     Application forms and information notes can be downloaded from the website of the Student Finance Office of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency at https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/en/forms/form.htm.
     The documents are also available at the following offices:
(a) Student Finance Office
    Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency
    Reception Hall, 11/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices
    303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon
    Hong Kong
(b) Trust Funds and Temples Joint Secretariat
    Reception Counter, 34/F, Wu Chung House
    213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai
    Hong Kong

     For enquiries, please call (852) 2150 6097 or (852) 2150 6098.
     The closing date for all applications is September 14, 2018. Short-listed applicants will be invited to attend interviews in person in Hong Kong.  The first round of interviews is scheduled for January 2019. If found suitable, applicants will be invited for a final interview to be held around February/March 2019.

Red flag hoisted at Silverstrand Beach

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (July 3) that due to inclement weather, red flag has been hoisted at Silverstrand Beach in Sai Kung District.  Beach-goers are advised not to swim at the beach.

Red flags hoisted at several beaches

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (July 3) that due to big waves, red flags have been hoisted at Hung Shing Yeh Beach, Lo So Shing Beach, Pui O Beach and Lower Cheung Sha Beach in Islands District.

     Meanwhile, due to inclement weather, red flags have been hoisted at Clear Water Bay First Beach and Clear Water Bay Second Beach in Sai Kung District.

     Beach-goers are advised not to swim at these beaches.

Flag-raising ceremony cancelled

     Owing to the thunderstorm warning, the flag-raising ceremony to be conducted at Golden Bauhinia Square, Wan Chai at 8am today (July 3) will be cancelled.