
Author Archives: hksar gov

Secretary for Justice visits Yuen Long District

     The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, visited Yuen Long District today (November 23) to meet with young people in two schools and District Council members.

     Accompanied by the Chairman of the Yuen Long District Council, Mr Shum Ho-kit, and the District Officer (Yuen Long), Mr Enoch Yuen, Ms Cheng visited Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College in Tin Shui Wai. She was briefed by staff and students on the school’s operation and the developments in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) education.

     She chatted with students and saw their creative works on animation production and a range of science-related topics, and encouraged them to continue to pursue STEAM activities to equip themselves with technology literacy and problem-solving skills to meet the challenges ahead.

     Ms Cheng then called at Yuen Long Long Ping Estate Tung Koon Primary School and received a briefing by staff of the Police Community Relations Office of the Yuen Long District on “Project HIMALAYA”. The project is being carried out in schools in the district to raise the interest of non-ethnic Chinese Junior Police Call members in joining the Police Force. Weekly Chinese classes are offered to enhance members’ Chinese language proficiency. Police volunteers also share their skills and experiences of joining the Force through a Mentorship Programme to boost the members’ confidence. Some students shared their experiences and thoughts on the project with Ms Cheng during the visit.

     Before concluding her visit, Ms Cheng met with members of the Yuen Long District Council and exchanged views on issues of concern. read more

Government adjusts Outbound Travel Alert for Ankara and Istanbul in Turkey to Amber

     In view of the latest situation in Turkey, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today (November 23) adjusted the Outbound Travel Alert (OTA) for Ankara and Istanbul in Turkey from Red to Amber.

     A Government spokesman said, “Residents who plan to visit Turkey including Ankara and Istanbul or are already there should monitor the situation, exercise caution, attend to personal safety, avoid travelling to places with large gatherings of people and pay attention to announcements by local authorities. Hong Kong residents should avoid non-essential travel to the southeastern provinces of Batman, Bingol, Bitlis, Diyarbakir, Gaziantep, Hakkari, Hatay, Kilis, Mardin, Sanliurfa, Siirt, Sirnak, Tunceli and Van.”

     The Security Bureau will closely monitor the situation there. Any update will be issued through the media, the bureau’s Mobile App and OTA webpage:

     Residents who need assistance may call the 24-hour hotline of the Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Unit of the Immigration Department (ImmD) at (852) 1868 or contact the Chinese Embassy in Turkey at consular protection hotline (90) 5388215530.

     Hong Kong residents are encouraged to use the online Registration of Outbound Travel Information service ( of the ImmD to register their contact details and itinerary when outside Hong Kong. The information provided allows the ImmD to disseminate practical information to them through appropriate means, including SMS on mobile phones, on a timely basis when necessary. read more

Retiring CSD Commissioner encourages passing-out members

     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) held a passing-out parade at the Staff Training Institute in Stanley today (November 23), with 28 Officers and 40 Assistant Officers II graduating and 31 correctional officers completing the Professional Certificate in Safe and Effective Control Tactics Training Course. The Commissioner of Correctional Services, Mr Lam Kwok-leung, reviewed the parade.

     Addressing the parade, Mr Lam said that the Staff Training Institute (STI) of the CSD, which was established 60 years ago, has always sought to develop work in knowledge management and made achievements in different areas. He also noted that it is particularly encouraging that the STI received the Hong Kong and Asia Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise Award last year. For years, the STI has kept abreast of the times by continuously reviewing its training content and improving its pedagogy. Recent years have seen the introduction of virtual reality technology to deliver scenario-based training, with a view to enhancing training efficiency and equipping trainees to tackle the challenges ahead, he added.

     The CSD is preparing for the launch of Institutional Response Teams to complement the operation of existing Regional Response Teams and Correctional Emergency Response Teams, in order to integrate and strengthen institutions’ abilities in handling all eventualities. Among the teams reviewed today was the first Institutional Response Team, whose members have already participated in Qualifications Framework-accredited training courses reviewed by the Department itself.

     Mr Lam said that the correctional team has all along attached great importance to professionalism. To put into practice the CSD’s dual emphasis on safe custody and rehabilitation, the Rehabilitation Division was established in 1998 to provide appropriate and effective rehabilitation programmes to reduce recidivism and protect public safety. He added that to date, the custodial environment continues to be safe and secure, and the rehabilitation work continues to thrive and yield results. “We not only provide persons in custody with market-oriented vocational training courses and education courses at various levels, their family members are also encouraged to join them on the road to rehabilitation, as we believe that family encouragement and family ties are crucial for persons in custody to turn over a new leaf,” he said.

     Mr Lam added that the CSD also attaches great significance to the promotion of community education, and one of the programmes involves the training of youth leaders. In 2008, the Rehabilitation Pioneer Project was launched to disseminate to secondary school students and youngsters the messages of leading a law-abiding and drug-free life, as well as to support offender rehabilitation. The first uniformed group, the Rehabilitation Pioneer Leaders, was established this year to bring together youngsters with leadership potential. They are encouraged to lead other young people to promote law-abiding values and support offender rehabilitation in future.

     The CSD has formulated seven visionary strategic focuses with a view to improving the quality of its service. Among them, the CSD will proactively develop the concept of “Smart Prison”, including the pilot operation of Video Analytic Monitoring System for Behaviour of PICs and Health Signs Monitoring System for PICs, in order to enhance operational efficiency through the application of technologies. The Department also plans to introduce “smart” elements in prison redevelopment or development projects, and to build a sustainable correctional system with an integrated operational protocol by using technology to protect the public, so as to achieve the objective of maintaining a safe and secure custodial environment.

     Three graduates spoke to the media after the parade. Officer Ko Chun-man, who was awarded a Principal Shield, is also a member of the Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Representative Team. He said he would use his persevering spirit as an athlete to encourage persons in custody to face frustration and help place them on the right path. Officer Khalid Mahmood thanked the department for giving him opportunities to further his studies and be promoted, and said he will continue to work hard to contribute to society. Assistant Officer II Onna Hui has received nursing training overseas. She said she would use her professional nursing knowledge to look after the health of persons in custody and help them turn over a new leaf in a safe custodial environment and reintegrate into society. read more