Two vehicle owners fined for illegal disposal of construction waste using goods vehicles

     The owners of two goods vehicles, which were involved in two illegal construction waste disposal activities, were convicted at Fanling Magistrates' Courts on February 26 and Kwun Tong Magistrates' Courts today (March 5) for contravening the Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances Regulation and fined a total of $6,000. In addition to the two convictions mentioned above, there are still eight similar cases being processed in court.

     A spokesman for the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) said that to step up efforts to combat illegal construction waste disposal, round-the-clock surveillance camera systems have been installed at various construction waste fly-tipping black spots across Hong Kong to assist in evidence collection and improve the effectiveness of law enforcement. In September and November last year, the department's surveillance cameras on Chun Cheong Street in Tseung Kwan O and Sai Ching Street in Yuen Long captured construction waste, including crushed stone and bamboo sticks, being disposed of from the goods vehicles on the roadside or in public places in the evening, causing obstruction on the pavement and adversely affecting environmental hygiene. The department subsequently issued summonses to the two registered owners of the goods vehicles involved.

     The EPD spokesperson reminded those from the renovation, construction and transport sectors that construction waste should be properly delivered to the Government's waste treatment facilities as required by the law. It is unlawful to dispose of waste in public places and on the roadside. According to the Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances Regulation, it is an offense to dispose of waste on the streets or in public places from vehicles, including goods vehicles, private cars and motorcycles. The registered owner may be prosecuted. First-time offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $25,000 and imprisonment for six months upon conviction.

S for S speaks on proposed amendments to Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance

       Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, at a media session after attending an event this afternoon (March 5):
Reporter: What would the Government do if Taiwan refuses to sign an agreement (on the Taiwan homicide case) because of political concerns? Do you have any back-up plan?
Secretary for Security: First of all, the Taiwan side has already made their request for legal assistance and to handover the suspect to them, so that they will deal with him in accordance with their law. They have already made their request. We have also started to contact them, so that we can talk about this matter. It is important to highlight that in regard to our dealing with any request from any jurisdiction, we will handle it with mutual respect based on the case merits, so as to ensure the fugitives, the people who have committed serious crime, will face justice. So I trust that our two sides will work on the case based on the case merits, so as to ensure that justice is done not just in this case, but justice is done for the whole good of the community. Thank you.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected cocaine (with photo)

     Hong Kong Customs seized about 2.1 kilograms of suspected cocaine with an estimated market value of about $2.2 million at Hong Kong International Airport on March 3.

     A male passenger arrived in Hong Kong from Johannesburg, South Africa, at night on March 3. During Customs clearance, two slabs of suspected cocaine were found concealed inside the false compartment of a briefcase inside his suitcase. The man was then arrested.

     The arrested man, aged 72, has been charged with one count of trafficking in a dangerous drug. He will appear at West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts tomorrow (March 6).

     Under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, trafficking in a dangerous drug is a serious offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $5 million and life imprisonment.

     Members of the public may report any suspected drug trafficking activities to Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (


LegCo Public Accounts Committee to hold public hearing tomorrow

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Public Accounts Committee (PAC) will hold a public hearing on "Centre for Food Safety: Import control of foods" (Chapter 2) of the Director of Audit's Report No.71 at 9am tomorrow (March 6) in Conference Room 3 of the LegCo Complex.
     Five witnesses have been invited to appear before the above hearing to respond to points raised in the Report and answer questions asked by PAC members.
     The programme for the public hearing is as follows:
     March 6, 2019 (Wednesday)
     Venue: Conference Room 3

     9am Subject:
  Centre for Food Safety: Import control of foods
(Chapter 2 of the Director of Audit's Report No.71)
Prof Sophia Chan
Secretary for Food and Health
  Mr Eugene Fung
Deputy Secretary for Food and Health (Food)2
Miss Vivian Lau
Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
Dr Philip Ho
Controller, Centre for Food Safety
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Dr Christine Wong
Assistant Director (Risk Management)
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

     PAC is chaired by Mr Abraham Shek, and its Deputy Chairman is Mr Kenneth Leung. Other members include Mr Paul Tse, Mr Steven Ho, Mr Lam Cheuk-ting, Mr Shiu Ka-fai and Ms Tanya Chan.

Speech by FS at Hong Kong-Japan and Japan-Hong Kong Business Co-operation Committees 38th Plenary Session (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, at the Hong Kong-Japan and Japan-Hong Kong Business Co-operation Committees 38th Plenary Session today (March 5):
Ambassador Wada (Ambassador and Consul-General of the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong, Mr Mitsuhiro Wada), Victor (Chairman of the Hong Kong-Japan Business Co-operation Committee, Mr Victor Cha), Acting Chairman Futae (Acting Chairman of the Japan-Hong Kong Business Co-operation Committee, Mr Takayoshi Futae), Margaret (Executive Director of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Ms Margaret Fong), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good afternoon.
     I am delighted to join you today for the 38th Plenary Session of the Hong Kong-Japan and Japan-Hong Kong Business Co-operation Committees and my congratulations to you on your joint 40th anniversary.
     Since 1979, your two Committees have played a pivotal role in encouraging dialogue and understanding between the business communities of Hong Kong and Japan, and in doing so, boosting bilateral ties between our two economies, our two peoples.
     Those ties, I'm pleased to say, are flourishing. Japan has been one of our most important trading partners for decades. Last year, Japan was our fourth-largest trading partner in goods, with total merchandise trade hitting 50 billion US dollars.
     In turn, Hong Kong was Japan's eighth-largest merchandise trading partner and fifth-largest export market in 2017. Specifically on food and agricultural products, we have been Japan's largest export market for 13 consecutive years. In 2017, we accounted for about one-fourth of your total food and agricultural export.
     We like to invest in each other's businesses too. At the end of 2017, Japan was Hong Kong's ninth-largest source of inward direct investment, with a stock in excess of 32 billion US dollars. Over the same period, Hong Kong's investment stock in Japan totaled 8.7 billion US dollars, making Hong Kong Japan's 14th largest source of inward direct investment.
     Our longstanding and long-rewarding economic partnership is rooted in a shared world view. We are global traders. Our governments, businesses and peoples welcome multilateral trade. Indeed, Japan was the world's fourth-largest trading entity in 2017, while Hong Kong ranked seventh overall.
     With no surprise, Hong Kong has long championed free enterprise.  Indeed, earlier this year, the Washington-based Heritage Foundation named Hong Kong the world's freest economy, for the 25th year in a row.
     Vancouver's Fraser Institute also ranked Hong Kong at the very top of its 2018 "Economic Freedom of the World" report.
     Alongside our free market economy, we place a premium on the free flow of capital, talent and information. Our logistics and communications infrastructure is world class. Our tax system is low and simple, our judiciary is independent and buttressed by the rule of law and a robust intellectual property regime.
     With regard to the situation of rule of law in Hong Kong, I would like to share with you the findings of a few objective studies by international organisations. In the Global Competitiveness Reports of the World Economic Forum, Hong Kong's judicial independence ranked first in Asia for the past three years. According to the Worldwide Governance Indicators Project of the World Bank, which provides trends over longer periods rather than year on year fluctuations only, Hong Kong's percentile ranking in rule of law has improved from 69.9 per cent in 1996 to 93.3 per cent in 2016 over 20 years, or a leap from a top 70 place to a top 15 place. These statistics suggest an upward trend, but we shall not be complacent and shall continue to strive to do better.
     Add it up giving us a winning formula for attracting global business and investment. The number of overseas and Mainland companies with offices in Hong Kong now exceeds 8 700, up 6.4 per cent over the previous year.
     That growth is even more prominent in the number of regional headquarters, which now counts 1 530, up 8.3 per cent year-on-year.
     Japanese companies, let me add, lead the way. With nearly 1 400 businesses based here, Japan is our largest overseas source of companies.
     And I'm confident those numbers will grow. The prospects for collaboration in innovation and technology are particularly promising. Hong Kong is now home to more than 2 600 start-ups, up 18 per cent over 2017. And the Hong Kong SAR Government is determined to transform Hong Kong into a major hub for innovation and technology.
     Last Wednesday, I announced my Budget Speech for the coming financial year. I pledged more than 5 billion US dollars for innovation and technology (I&T), R&D and university grants related to technology development. And that's not the half of it. Nearly 15 billion US dollars has been channeled into I&T initiatives since the beginning of this current-term Government in July 2017.
     Japan, of course, is a global leader in innovation and technology. Which was why, in her visit to Japan, late last year, the Chief Executive devoted a big part of her trip to science and technology. 
     During the Chief Executive's trip and my last official visit to Japan in 2017, we both visited some renowned research institutions and technology companies in Japan, to learn more about advanced Japanese technology.
     Our interest reflects Hong Kong's determination to become an innovation and technology hub, and the promise of a new era in collaboration between Hong Kong and Japan, especially in innovation and technology.
     Innovation and technology will also play a critical role in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area's development. As you may be aware, the Bay Area's Outline Development Plan was announced last month. The Bay Area covers China's most affluent region, including Hong Kong, Macao and nine cities in Guangdong Province.
     Each of these cities will bring unique strengths and capabilities to the Bay Area, whose collective population is close to 70 million. Hong Kong's status as an international financial, transport and trade centre, as well as an international aviation hub will enable us to play a critical role in the Bay Area's long-term development as an advanced, highly internationalised economic powerhouse.
     The Bay Area will also help power Hong Kong's rise as the Asia-Pacific region's centre for international legal and dispute-resolution services. In that regard, I'm pleased to note that, in January, our Department of Justice and Japan's Ministry of Justice signed an MOU to strengthen our collaboration on issues related to international arbitration and mediation.
     There's a great deal more to the Bay Area, and this morning's first Session will put a spotlight on some of those opportunities. Let me add that a symposium on the Greater Bay Area will be held on April 9 in Tokyo. It's jointly organised by the Governments of Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao and will feature high-profile speakers from throughout the Greater Bay Area and Japan, including the Chief Executive and the Governor of the Guangdong Province. The symposium is a valuable opportunity to learn more about this extraordinarily promising development. And I encourage you to attend.
     The Mainland's far-reaching Belt and Road initiative also brings tremendous business opportunities for Hong Kong. Predicated on connectivity, on wide-ranging international cooperation, the Belt and Road will expand Hong Kong's opportunities in everything from infrastructure financing, professional services, insurance as well as risk management services.
     People-to-people bonds and business-to-business ties are central to the success of this continuing bilateral forum – and to Hong Kong-Japanese relations, in business and much else.
     In that regard, just a reminder that our investment promotion agency – Invest Hong Kong, its Investment Promotion Unit based in our Economic and Trade Office in Tokyo, and its Osaka-based consultant, are eager to connect with Japanese companies, eager to help them excel, here in Hong Kong, in the Mainland and throughout Asia.
     Ladies and gentlemen, there is much to celebrate, much to look forward to, in relations between Hong Kong and Japan. 
     My thanks to the Hong Kong Trade Development Council for its continuing commitment to this important bilateral partnership.
     I wish you all the best of business at today's plenary session and good health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year.
     Thank you.