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2019 Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme promotes community arts

     The 2019 Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department has been rolled out recently with the aim of promoting arts in the community. Leading the Scheme are 20 Cultural Ambassadors comprising local performing artists and arts groups who will present some 570 events from March covering a wide range of art forms including music, dance, Chinese opera, theatre and multimedia art at community venues.
     This year, two special topics are featured in addition to the events for the general public. They are performing arts projects designed for encouraging youth participation and projects themed “Stay Strong under Adversity”.
     Performing arts projects designed for encouraging youth participation include:

– “I Ain’t Afraid of No Jazz” by Wong Tak-chung, Patrick Lui and Alan Kwan;
– “Along the Silk Road” by Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble;
– “Merry Go-Round in Shatin” by Rex Cheng and Iris Lau;
– “Slash Youth.Random Thoughts” by Musical Trio;
– “Grad in My Dream” by Hong Kong Circus;
– “Hong Kong Smarties’ Spy” by Theatre Space; and
– “A Better Tomorrow” by Theatre Ronin.
     Performing arts projects themed “Stay Strong under Adversity” include:

– “Amazing Plants: Survive in a Tight Corner” by the Studio Theatre for Love and Life;
– “‘Stand up and tall’ Stories about Wenchuan Earthquake” by Class 7A Drama Group;
– “Hong Kong Heroic Stories: Adversity Makes Men” by Chan Suk-yi, Ng Kit-yan, Ng Yui-man and Wong Yat-hei;
– “The Nonsensemakers Hand in Hand Capable Theatre – I M Perfect Rainbow” by the Nonsensemakers; and
– “Fallen Butterfly – Stress Relief and Soar above City and Suburb” by Siu Lung Fung Dance Theater.
     Performing arts projects featuring both topics include:

– “Chinese Music Wave” by Hua Xia Chinese Music Association;
– “Self-Searching and Gratification through World Music” by John Chen Ensemble;
– Street Dance Theatre “Hidden Dragon” by Wong Chi-wing, Lo Cheuk-on and Shaw Siu-wai;
– “Heading Ahead” by DanceArt Hong Kong;
– “‘Call Me Hipster’ Youth Multi-arts Life-education Programme” by Arts’ Options; and
– “Journey to the West: Everyone is Good at Something” by Drama Gallery.
     Other projects include:

– “Cantonese Opera Open Stage” by Wong Siu-sang; and
– “Passing on the Mellifluous Legacy – The Mei School of Peking Opera” by the Hong Kong Youth of Chinese Opera College.
     For detailed information, please call 2591 1300 or visit or the Facebook page and Instagram account of the Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme.
     The Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme has been held since 1999. Every year, through an open invitation exercise, local performing artists and arts groups are invited to act as Cultural Ambassadors to conduct a wide range of interesting and meaningful outreach activities including workshops, lecture demonstrations, exhibitions and performances at various public spaces in the community so as to develop interest among the general public or different community groups in performing arts, and make arts part of daily life. read more

CE attends NPC session opening ceremony in Beijing (with photos/video)

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, today (March 5) attended the opening ceremony of the second session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC). She also visited a cultural and technological innovation park and took part in an exchange session at a financial institution.

     The second session of the 13th NPC commenced in Beijing this morning. Premier Li Keqiang delivered the government work report in the meeting, which Mrs Lam attended as the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

     Premier Li reviewed the work in 2018 in the government work report, including the substantive progress made in the development plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the commissioning of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. On the promotion of regional co-ordinated development, the report noted that the development plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will be implemented in 2019, strengthening regulatory interface, fostering efficient flows of factors of production and facilitating personnel exchange. Premier Li reiterated in the work report that the Central Government supports Hong Kong in seizing the immense opportunities brought about by the Belt and Road Initiative and the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and in giving full play to Hong Kong’s advantages to fully enhance mutually beneficial co-operation with the Mainland. Mrs Lam said she was most encouraged, adding that the HKSAR Government will uphold the “One Country, Two Systems” principle to promote proactively the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

     In the afternoon, accompanied by the Director of the Chief Executive’s Office, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, Mrs Lam toured Tianning No.1 Cultural and Technological Innovation Park. Revitalised from an idle power plant with the preservation of industrial heritage, including the main plant and power generation boilers, the site has been transformed into an open-plan industrial park for projects featuring cultural-financial and cultural-technological integration. Mrs Lam visited a media creative workshop and an art performance venue in the park and exchanged views with the persons-in-charge there.

     Mrs Lam then attended a seminar organised by Bank of China, at which she briefed more than 300 participants, including the bank management and staff members as well as enterprise representatives, on the vision and actions of the HKSAR Government. Stressing that Hong Kong possesses unique advantages under “One Country, Two Systems” and various traditional strengths, Mrs Lam said the city will strive to boost its external relations and proactively participate in and contribute to the Belt and Road Initiative and the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. On the financial services industry, Mrs Lam pointed out that Hong Kong is an international centre for banking, asset and wealth management as well as insurance and risk management, with leading global offshore Renminbi business and capital markets, and is promoting the development of the bond market, green finance and financial technology. She said that Hong Kong will seize the opportunities brought about by the country’s relaxation of market access in the financial industry and strive to enhance and consolidate Hong Kong’s financial services.

     In the evening, Mrs Lam attended a dinner hosted by the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong. She will continue her visit to Beijing tomorrow (March 6).

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Two vehicle owners fined for illegal disposal of construction waste using goods vehicles

     The owners of two goods vehicles, which were involved in two illegal construction waste disposal activities, were convicted at Fanling Magistrates’ Courts on February 26 and Kwun Tong Magistrates’ Courts today (March 5) for contravening the Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances Regulation and fined a total of $6,000. In addition to the two convictions mentioned above, there are still eight similar cases being processed in court.

     A spokesman for the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) said that to step up efforts to combat illegal construction waste disposal, round-the-clock surveillance camera systems have been installed at various construction waste fly-tipping black spots across Hong Kong to assist in evidence collection and improve the effectiveness of law enforcement. In September and November last year, the department’s surveillance cameras on Chun Cheong Street in Tseung Kwan O and Sai Ching Street in Yuen Long captured construction waste, including crushed stone and bamboo sticks, being disposed of from the goods vehicles on the roadside or in public places in the evening, causing obstruction on the pavement and adversely affecting environmental hygiene. The department subsequently issued summonses to the two registered owners of the goods vehicles involved.

     The EPD spokesperson reminded those from the renovation, construction and transport sectors that construction waste should be properly delivered to the Government’s waste treatment facilities as required by the law. It is unlawful to dispose of waste in public places and on the roadside. According to the Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances Regulation, it is an offense to dispose of waste on the streets or in public places from vehicles, including goods vehicles, private cars and motorcycles. The registered owner may be prosecuted. First-time offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $25,000 and imprisonment for six months upon conviction. read more