
Author Archives: hksar gov

Transcript of remarks by FS (with photo/video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, at a media session after attending a radio programme this morning (March 9):

Reporter: Secretary, are you concerned that the extradition arrangement, if passed, would affect foreign investment? And also, can explaining more to these business leaders really help soothe their concerns regarding the lack of confidence in Mainland legal system? Second question, can Hong Kong…
Financial Secretary: Let me deal with the first one first. I have heard the concerns raised by the business community. I would like to make a couple of points. Firstly, the reason or the justification for the extradition must be an act that is considered to be criminal in both Hong Kong and the jurisdiction where this act has been committed. That is, it must be criminal in nature in both jurisdictions. Secondly, the court in Hong Kong will be the gatekeeper as there will be a court procedure in deciding whether the extradition is allowed. And there is full right of appeal for the individual concerned. And thirdly, the Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, will try to explain further and more so as to remove any misunderstanding, and he is in the process of collating views and suggestions. These concerns surely will be brought to his attention. In taking the matter forward, he will give these concerns due consideration.
Reporter: Can Hong Kong really survive if the US cancels the Hong Kong Policy Act? Because Hong Kong might no longer be separate customs entity and our link ex-change system might be affected as well…
Financial Secretary: I don’t think we should speculate too much at this stage. The report has not been published yet and the US also has significant business interest in Hong Kong. And for us in Hong Kong, we have over the past decades gone through a lot of different challenges. We are very resilient. We will be able to rise to any challenge.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

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