
Author Archives: hksar gov

DH holds 3·20 World Oral Health Day Kick-off Ceremony and Carnival (with photo)

     The Department of Health (DH) today (March 10) held the 3‧20 World Oral Health Day Kick-off Ceremony and Carnival to promote oral health awareness to the public.
     Under the theme “Say Ahh: Act on Mouth Health”, the event was held in support of the FDI World Dental Federation’s annual World Oral Health Day. Speaking at the event, the Consultant-in-Charge, Dental Service of the DH, Dr Wiley Lam, said, “Oral health and general health are closely related. Oral diseases such as dental decay and gum diseases share some common risk factors with other systemic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. These risk factors include poor personal hygiene, unhealthy eating habits and smoking.”
     Dr Lam pointed out that the DH holds the Love Teeth Campaign every year to promote good oral self-care and appropriate use of professional oral care to the public, and appealed to the public to adopt good oral hygiene habits as early as possible to achieve holistic health, such as keeping the mouth thoroughly clean, having regular dental check-ups, establishing a healthy eating habit and avoiding smoking and alcohol as well as consuming less sugar.
     The 3‧20 World Oral Health Day Kick-off Ceremony and Carnival was organised by the DH’s Oral Health Education Unit (OHEU) in collaboration with the Hong Kong Dental Association. The Hong Kong Housing Authority, the Dental Council of Hong Kong, the Board of Governors of the Prince Philip Dental Hospital, the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Hong Kong and various dental organisations as well as representatives of various types of dental professionals in Hong Kong, including dental therapists, dental hygienists and dental surgery assistants, also joined the event to support the World Oral Health Day on March 20 initiated by the FDI in advance, promoting the importance of oral health and a healthy lifestyle to the people in Hong Kong, and unveiling the upcoming oral health promotion activities.
     The DH’s OHEU will launch a series of events under the Love Teeth Campaign with this year’s theme “Say Ahh: Act on Mouth Health” and disseminate oral health messages to the people in Hong Kong through television broadcast, exhibition panels at MTR stations and bus stops, a Facebook page ( and more.
     The public can also visit the website of the DH’s OHEU for more information on oral health (

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Speech by CE at Opening Ceremony of 2019 FIA Formula E Hong Kong E-Prix (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, at the Opening Ceremony of the 2019 FIA Formula E Hong Kong E-Prix in Central today (March 10):

Ladies and gentlemen,

     Good afternoon. It gives me great pleasure to join you for the opening ceremony of the HKT Hong Kong E-Prix today, the fifth race in the FIA Formula E Championship that circles the world, embracing 13 cities across five continents. I’m delighted to be speaking here at the starting grid, on the track, at the Central Harbourfront circuit.

     This is Hong Kong’s third season to host the E-Prix, the world’s only electric street racing series. It’s an electrifying event, and I’m delighted to note that the world is watching. I understand that hundreds of media representatives are here, covering this thrilling spectacle, that the race will be broadcast live in over 100 countries, reaching millions of sports fans around the world.

     In short, today’s E-Prix will surely heighten Hong Kong’s standing as the sports and international capital of Asia. With our storied harbour and skyline in the background, Hong Kong’s reputation as one of the world’s must-see and must-visit cities is sure to be reinforced.

     On top of the race, an E-Village has been set up at the Harbourfront. Bigger in scale than in previous years, the E-Village will rev up the live music and entertainment, fine food, drinks and good times for the visitors and members of the public.

     For that, I’m grateful to Formula Electric Operations and Formula Electric Racing (Hong Kong), the event organiser, as well as the FIA (Federation Internationale de l’Automobile), the Hong Kong Automobile Association and all the many race sponsors and partners. My thanks, as well, to our Tourism Commission, the Hong Kong Tourism Board and other Government departments for their invaluable contributions.

     Ladies and gentlemen, today’s weather may not be perfect, but I wish you all a very memorable day. Thank you very much. read more

Government House open to the public on March 17

     Government House will be open to the public on March 17 (Sunday) from 10am to 5pm.
     Visitors will be able to view the well-nurtured flowers and trees in the garden and the landscaped area of Government House, and see the places where the Chief Executive holds official functions and receives dignitaries. They can enjoy musical performances by the Hong Kong Police Band and student ensembles as well as puppet shows. There will also be guided tours by the Antiquities and Monuments Office on the history and architectural features of the distinguished building.
     “Display boards and QR codes will be set up along the visitors’ route to share details of the history, architecture and important moments of Government House. Visitors may use their smartphones or other mobile devices with suitable software for browsing information about Government House. Photo props will also be provided at two specific locations for photo shoots,” a government spokesman said. 
     “Due to above-normal temperatures in the past winter, the azaleas which used to flourish in the garden at Government House every March in the past have already had their full bloom this year. However, there will still be plenty of flowers and other plants for visitors to enjoy. In addition, as on the last open day, a set of souvenir chops themed on the architectural features of Government House will be available at specific locations along the visitors’ route for stamping. There will also be a new set of chops featuring the flowers at Government House.” (A photo of one of the souvenir chops is attached for reference.)
     The spokesman added that as a large number of visitors are anticipated on the day, queuing outside Government House may be stopped before 5pm so that those waiting in the queue can be admitted in time. Visitors will enter the garden through the east gate on Upper Albert Road and leave through the main gate of Government House. The visitors’ routing is one-way only. They are encouraged to arrive by public transport or on foot. Water dispensers will also be available at the venue. To care for the environment, no disposable cups will be provided. Visitors are welcome to bring their own bottles.
     Visitors may visit the brand new website of Government House ( for details of the open day.
     Government House is a declared monument under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance. 
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