
Author Archives: hksar gov

Government welcomes EU’s removal of Hong Kong from watchlist on tax co-operation

     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today (March 13) welcomed the decision of the European Union (EU) to remove Hong Kong from its watchlist on tax co-operation in recognition of the efforts made by Hong Kong on the international tax co-operation front.

     The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr James Lau, said, “As an international financial centre, Hong Kong has all along proactively supported and facilitated the efforts of the international community in enhancing tax transparency and combating cross-border tax evasion. Since 2018, Hong Kong has implemented various initiatives relating to international tax co-operation and fulfilled the commitments made to the EU.

     “The latest decision of the EU shows that Hong Kong’s compliance with the standards of international tax co-operation is recognised by the international community,” he said.

     The initiatives implemented by Hong Kong include the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, which entered into force on September 1, 2018 to allow Hong Kong to effectively implement the automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters (AEOI) and the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting package promulgated by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The first exchanges under the AEOI with the relevant jurisdictions were smoothly conducted in September and October 2018. 

     Furthermore, the Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No. 6) Bill 2017 and the Inland Revenue (Profits Tax Exemption for Funds) (Amendment) Bill 2018, which were passed in July 2018 and February 2019 respectively, amend the tax regimes in respect of corporate treasury centres, professional reinsurance, captive insurance, offshore funds and offshore private equity funds by extending the coverage of the relevant tax concessions from non-domestic transactions to domestic transactions so as to comply with international requirements.

     In 2017 and 2018, the EU had put 68 tax jurisdictions including Hong Kong on the watchlist, and monitored the progress of the relevant jurisdictions in implementing the requirements of international tax co-operation. read more

CHP investigates influenza A outbreak at kindergarten in Causeway Bay

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (March 13) investigating an influenza A outbreak at a kindergarten in Causeway Bay, and again reminded the public to maintain strict personal and environmental hygiene against influenza.

     The outbreak involves 13 boys and 10 girls aged 3 to 6 who have developed fever, cough and sore throat since February 17. Twenty of them sought medical attention but none required hospitalisation. All patients are in a stable condition. The respiratory specimens of two students tested positive for influenza A upon laboratory testing.

     Officers of the CHP have conducted a site visit and advised the school to adopt necessary infection control measures against respiratory tract infections. The school has been placed under medical surveillance.

     A spokesman for the CHP said, “To prevent outbreaks of influenza and other respiratory infections, it is of prime importance that students with fever, regardless of the presence of respiratory symptoms, should not be allowed to attend school. They should seek medical advice and avoid school till 48 hours after the fever has subsided. Schools should also measure and record students’ body temperature properly.”

     Schools are reminded to follow the Guidelines on Prevention of Communicable Diseases on preventive and control measures as well as management of outbreaks, which should be reported to the CHP for prompt follow-up.

     “The latest surveillance data showed that the local influenza activity has continued to decrease from the peak level in January but remained above the baseline threshold. We urge the community to continue heightening its vigilance against seasonal influenza. As young children are particularly affected in this influenza season, we appeal to parents who have not yet arranged vaccination for their children in this season to do so as soon as possible to strengthen their personal protection,” the spokesman said.

     Apart from children, people aged 50 to 64 years, the elderly and those with underlying illnesses who have not yet received influenza vaccination this season are also urged to get vaccinated as early as possible to prevent seasonal influenza as it takes about two weeks for antibodies to develop in the body after vaccination. Medical advice should be sought promptly if influenza-like symptoms develop so that appropriate treatment can be initiated as early as possible to prevent potential complications. Parents and carers are reminded to render assistance in prevention, care and control for vulnerable people.

     Besides receiving seasonal influenza vaccination as early as possible for personal protection, the public should maintain good personal and environmental hygiene for protection against influenza and other respiratory illnesses. For more information, please visit the CHP’s influenza page and weekly Flu Express. read more