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Construction Industry Safety Award Scheme promotes occupational safety for 20 years and beyond (with photos)

     The 20th Award Presentation Ceremony of the Construction Industry Safety Award Scheme was held today (March 17) to offer recognition to principal contractors, sub-contractors, site personnel and front-line workers with good occupational safety and health (OSH) performance. The scheme aims at enhancing OSH awareness and fostering a safety culture in the construction sector.

     Speaking at the ceremony, the Commissioner for Labour, Mr Carlson Chan, said, “With the concerted efforts of the Government and the industry over the past 20 years, the accident rate per 1 000 workers in the construction industry significantly dropped over 80 per cent from 203.9 in the first three quarters in 1999 to 31.4 in the first three quarters in 2018.”

     Mr Chan added, “However, the construction industry still has the highest OSH risk and number of fatalities among all industries. Among the 16 fatal industrial accidents last year, 14 involved the construction industry, with falling from height being the main cause of death. The Labour Department (LD) launched in January this year a special enforcement operation targeting high-risk operations such as scaffolding work in order to eradicate unsafe practices.”

     Mr Chan pointed out that the LD would launch a new online OSH complaint platform very soon to facilitate lodging of complaints through electronic forms on the LD website, by uploading photos, videos and audio files, via mobile electronic devices. The LD officers will conduct prompt investigation upon receipt of the complaints. All complaints will be treated in the strictest confidence.

     The LD will, in collaboration with the Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC) and other stakeholders, hold a safety seminar on truss-out scaffolds in May. It will continue to promote OSH messages via different platforms such as issuing work safety alert animations ( in a lively and comprehensible way.

     Inaugurated in 1999, the Construction Industry Safety Award Scheme marks its 20th anniversary this year. Participation has been enthusiastic, with the competition attracting a total of 186 construction sites, 116 sub-contractors and 134 safety teams this year.

     A new award, namely the Most Active Participating Construction Sites, has been introduced this year to engage principal contractors to encourage their sub-contractors’ participation. In addition, in view of the business nature in the Minor Renovation and Maintenance Works (MRMW) sector, the assessment arrangement of the MRMW sub-category has also been changed to encourage more small and medium-sized contractors’ participation in the competition.

     The Construction Industry Safety Award Scheme is co-organised by the LD with 15 organisations, namely the OSHC, the Development Bureau, the Hong Kong Housing Authority, the Occupational Deafness Compensation Board, the Construction Industry Council, the Pneumoconiosis Compensation Fund Board, the Hong Kong Housing Society, the Hong Kong Construction Association, the Hong Kong General Building Contractors Association, the Hong Kong Construction Sub-Contractors Association, the Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and Mechanical Contractors Limited, the Minor Works Contractor Association, the Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies, the Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union and the Federation of Hong Kong Electrical and Mechanical Industries Trade Unions. Also officiating at the award presentation ceremony today were Legislative Council member Mr Abraham Shek; the Chairman of the OSHC, Dr Alan Chan; the Chairman of the Occupational Deafness Compensation Board, Dr Albert Luk; and representatives of the co-organisers.

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Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund 32nd Awards Presentation Ceremony held today

The following is issued on behalf of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency:

     Around 850 students, four apprentices and five working adults were presented with scholarships and awards at the 32nd Awards Presentation Ceremony of the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund (SEYMF) at Hong Kong City Hall today (March 17).

     Officiating at the ceremony were Lady Youde; the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr Ma Ching-cheng; the Chairman of the SEYMF Council, Professor Richard Ho, and other members of the Board of Trustees and the Council.

     Speaking at the ceremony, Lady Youde said, “Since the establishment of the Fund, over $252 million has been given to more than 794 000 people through a variety of awards and sponsored activities. It is inspiring to see our awardees take up new challenges and to witness their success in their chosen fields.”

     Since its inception, the SEYMF has supported around 26 000 Hong Kong students under its major schemes. Over 2 750 scholars and fellows have completed their studies and are now working in Hong Kong in different sectors, contributing to the well-being and development of society.

     In the 2018/19 academic year, the Fund disbursed $2.35 million. Presented this year were one fellowship award for overseas studies ($300,000); four fellowships for postgraduate students ($50,000 each); seven scholarships for undergraduate students ($40,000 each); one fellowship and one scholarship for two disabled postgraduate and undergraduate students ($50,000 and $40,000 respectively); six medals for students who obtained outstanding results in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination ($5,000 each); 814 prizes for senior secondary school students and 12 prizes for students of the Vocational Training Council ($1,000 each); four awards for outstanding apprentices ($5,000 each); and five awards for working adults who underwent retraining and successfully applied what they learned in their new positions ($5,000 each).

     Competition for overseas fellowships and scholarships for 2019/20 was extremely keen. One brilliant contestant, from among 227 applicants, won the award. The 2019/20 overseas fellowship recipient is Mr Wong Chak-kui, currently a student studying chemistry at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who intends to pursue a PhD in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.

     The six students who were awarded the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Medals for obtaining outstanding results in the 2018 HKDSE Examination are:

(1) Mr Wong Tsz-hang of La Salle College;

(2) Miss Chan Hiu-man of Tseung Kwan O Government Secondary School;

(3) Mr Luk Hei of St. Paul’s Co-educational College;

(4) Miss Lo Si-tsai of HKUGA College;

(5) Mr Ng Ki-ho of St. Paul’s Co-educational College; and

(6) Mr Wong Yiu-lun of Queen Elizabeth School.

     The four apprentices, nominated by the Director of Apprenticeship, who obtained the Outstanding Apprentice Awards are:

(1) Mr Chan Chak-yuen, who attained a Diploma in Civil Engineering and is currently an assistant site supervisor;

(2) Mr Fan Kwok-hay, who attained a Diploma in Vocational Education (Electrical Engineering) and is currently an assistant technician;

(3) Mr Kot Wai-po, who attained a Certificate of Vocational Education (Gas Services Engineering) and is currently a service technician; and

(4) Miss Lau Tsz-ling, who attained a Diploma in Building Services Engineering and is currently a building services engineering trainee.

     The five working adults, nominated by the Employees Retraining Board and the Construction Industry Council, who obtained the Awards for Self-Improvement for Working Adults are:

(1) Ms Fu Siu-man, who completed a Foundation Certificate in Occupational Therapist Assistant Training and is currently an occupational therapist and physiotherapist assistant;

(2) Mr So Yuk-yam, who completed a Foundation Certificate in Standard Security and Property Management and is currently a senior building attendant;

(3) Ms Tam Kit-choi, who completed a Diploma in Building Construction Supervision and is currently an engineer (building);

(4) Ms Nicky Wong Pui-man, who completed a Foundation Certificate in Healthcare Massage and is currently a masseur; and

(5) Ms Xiao Jieming, who completed a Real Estate Customer Service Training Course and is currently an account manager.

     In 2018/19, the Fund continued to provide an annual sponsorship of $600,000 towards the Young Friends of the Hong Kong Arts Festival to increase the exposure of secondary school and tertiary students to the performing arts. This year, over 6 200 students became members of the Young Friends and around 17 000 students participated in various programmes and activities under this scheme. read more

Director-General of Investment Promotion commences visit to UAE, Kuwait and Qatar to showcase Hong Kong’s vibrant business environment

     â€‹The Director-General of Investment Promotion, Mr Stephen Phillips, today (March 17) commenced his visit to Dubai and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait City in Kuwait and Doha in Qatar to promote Hong Kong as the favourable global business platform.

     Mr Phillips will meet chiefs of conglomerates in a wide array of sectors ranging from real estate development to advertising, social media, supply-chain management, new energy, banking, health care, innovation and retail, plus heads of government bodies in areas of financial investment, investment promotion and port and airport operation as well as representatives of chamber of commerce.

     During the meetings, he will update the executives on the newly released Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, which confirms Hong Kong’s leading international status in various arenas. He will also introduce the latest developments of the respective sectors in Hong Kong and various tax incentives offered by the Government to encourage companies to set up in Hong Kong and boost spending on research and development.

     Mr Phillips said, “The Central Government recently announced the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The document sets out clearly Hong Kong’s multiple roles as the international financial, transportation and trade centre, an international aviation hub, a global offshore Renminbi business hub and an international asset management centre and risk management centre. It also encourages Hong Kong to develop high-end and high value-added financial, commercial and trading, logistics and professional services; develop the innovation and technology industries; nurture emerging industries; and establish itself as the centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region. These areas of work are all conducive to developing Hong Kong further as an international metropolis with enhanced competitiveness.”

     He added, “The Outline Development Plan will position Hong Kong as an even more favourable business platform for foreign companies that aim to develop a reliable foothold in the Asia-Pacific region and have access to the massive and vibrant Greater Bay Area market.”

     The Greater Bay Area covers nine cities in Guangdong Province, namely Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing, as well as the two Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao. It is an enormous market with a population of 70 million and a gross domestic product of US$1.5 trillion.

About Invest Hong Kong
     Invest Hong Kong is the department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government responsible for attracting foreign direct investment and supporting overseas and Mainland businesses to set up or expand in Hong Kong. It provides free advice and customised services for overseas and Mainland companies. For more information, please visit read more