SHA compliments Hong Kong Special Olympics delegation

     The Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Lau Kong-wah, today (March 22) complimented Hong Kong athletes for demonstrating their great perseverance and indomitable spirit in the 2019 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE). He also extended his heartfelt congratulations to all medallists in the Games.

     The Special Olympics is the world's largest sporting event for persons with intellectual disability. The competitions are structured through divisioning, so that athletes compete with the others of similar ability in equitable divisions. This year, the event was held from March 14 to 21 in the UAE. Special Olympics Hong Kong fielded a delegation of 103 members, including 62 athletes who competed in 10 sports events, namely athletics, badminton, bocce, bowling, football, golf, artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, swimming and table tennis.

     The Hong Kong delegation won a total of 92 medals, comprising 47 gold medals, 25 silver medals and 20 bronze medals. They will return to Hong Kong tomorrow (March 23).

Update for merchant shipping safety regulation proposed

     The Government proposes to amend the Merchant Shipping (Safety) (IMSBC Code) Regulation to incorporate the latest requirements of the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) into local legislation.
     A spokesman for the Transport and Housing Bureau today (March 22) said, "The IMSBC Code requires shippers to inform the ship master, prior to loading solid bulk cargoes onto a ship, whether the cargo being carried is harmful to the marine environment in accordance with the criteria set out at Annex V to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. As the provision of such information has been exempted in the existing Regulation, there is a need to amend the Regulation to remove such exemption in order to implement the IMO's requirement."
     The Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development and the Hong Kong Fleet Operation Advisory Committee of the Marine Department have been consulted on the legislative proposal. Members supported the proposal.
     The proposed legislative amendment was gazetted today and will be tabled at the Legislative Council on March 27 for negative vetting.

Renowned Greek dance theatre director Dimitris Papaioannou’s “The Great Tamer” to stage Hong Kong premiere

     Renowned Greek dance theatre director Dimitris Papaioannou will bring his dance work "The Great Tamer" to Hong Kong for its local debut in June. The work, through unique choreography and visual arts, presents the relationship aroused in the context of life and death.
     In 2017, Papaioannou staged his first internationally co-commissioned work "The Great Tamer". This dreamlike production focuses on ancient and modern myths, conjuring a masterpiece of visual art based on the most powerful of creators: death. It features 10 performers whose flawless collaboration looks into the deepest, darkest parts of the human soul. This presentation is part an international tour which also includes the famed Festival d'Avignon in the south of France.
     Born in Athens, Greece, Papaioannou gained early recognition as a painter and comic artist before shifting his focus to the performing arts. He is a director, choreographer and performer as well as a designer of sets, costumes, make-up and lighting.
     Papaioannou was a student of iconic Greek painter Yannis Tsarouchis before studying at the Athens School of Fine Arts. He formed the Edafos Dance Theatre in 1986 as an initial vehicle for his original stage productions, which are hybrids of physical theatre, experimental dance and performance arts. Originating in the underground scene, the company challenged the perceptions of the time. "Medea" (1993) marked the company's transition to more prestigious theatres and is considered its iconic work.
     Papaioannou became more widely known as the director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. Refocusing on dance theatre in 2006 with his production "2", he found himself in the odd position of creating avant-garde works for major theatres in Athens. In 2009, he began using this platform to create theatrical experiments on a large scale, including "Nowhere" (2009) for the inauguration of the renovated National Theatre of Greece and "Inside" (2011) for the Pallas Theatre.
     "The Great Tamer" is presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. The performances will be staged at 7.45pm on June 14 (Friday) and 15 (Saturday) at the Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Tickets, priced from $200 to $580, are now available at URBTIX ( For telephone credit card bookings, please call 2111 5999.
     For programme enquiries and concessionary schemes, please call 2268 7323 or visit Please note that the programme contains loud noise and nudity scenes and is recommended for people aged 16 and above.
     Post-performance talk to be conducted in English will be held on June 14 (Friday) with Dimitris Papaioannou as the speaker. Members of the audience are welcome to stay behind for the session.

Key statistics on service demand of A&E Departments and occupancy rates in public hospitals

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     During the winter surge, the Hospital Authority is closely monitoring the service demand of Accident and Emergency Departments and the occupancy rate in public hospitals. Key service statistics are being issued daily for public information. Details are in the appended table.


SCED: Hong Kong is the prime platform for Hungarian enterprises in Belt and Road Initiative (with photos)

     With a global outlook and international connectivity, Hong Kong enterprises and professionals play an indispensable role in making Hong Kong the prime platform for Hungarian enterprises to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative, the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, said at a Chinese New Year Reception in Budapest, Hungary, yesterday (March 21, Budapest time).

     The reception, hosted by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Berlin and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, provided a good opportunity for over 100 Hungarian business leaders and chamber representatives to establish connections with a Hong Kong business and professional delegation and a parallel Guangdong delegation.

     Mr Yau said that Hong Kong has all along maintained close bilateral trade relations with Hungary, which is Hong Kong's largest trading partner in the Central and Eastern European region.

     He added that the Belt and Road Initiative is bringing about flourishing development in global trade and infrastructure. With Hong Kong's unique advantages under "one country, two systems" and its traditional strengths as a maritime, trade, financial and services centre, Hong Kong enterprises and professionals can offer world-class services to Hungarian enterprises and explore the Belt and Road opportunities together.

     Mr Yau is leading a delegation comprising more than 30 business people and professionals as well as representatives of start-ups to visit Hungary.

     Before the reception, Mr Yau met with the Deputy Governor of Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Dr Ferenc Gerhardt; the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Mr Levente Magyar; and the State Secretary for Financial Affairs of the Ministry of Finance of Hungary, Mr Gábor Gion, to learn about Hungary's monetary and fiscal policy and economic development plans as well as the overall investment and business environment in the region. He also took the opportunity to meet with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Hungary, Mr Duan Jielong, at a lunch meeting.

     In the morning, Mr Yau attended a briefing on investment opportunities and the economic outlook in Hungary with the delegation. In the afternoon, they visited Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt to understand the logistics infrastructure development in Hungary. Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt is a subsidiary of the Rail Cargo Group, a leading rail logistics specialist in Europe that links trade routes within Europe and from Europe to Asia. To strengthen its presence in the Far East, the Group exhibited at the China International Import Expo last year.

     This morning (March 22, Budapest time), the delegation will pay a visit to the plant of Johnson Electric Hungary Kft in Budapest to understand the investment and operating conditions of Hong Kong-based companies in Hungary. A listed company in Hong Kong since 1984, Johnson Electric Hungary Kft is one of the world's largest automotive component suppliers and one of the largest Hong Kong investors in Hungary.

     Before concluding the visit in the afternoon, the delegation will attend a networking lunch with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Budapest.

     Mr Yau will return to Hong Kong tomorrow (March 23).

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