
Author Archives: hksar gov

The report “Population and Household Statistics Analysed by District Council District 2018” published

     The Census and Statistics Department published today (March 29) the report “Population and Household Statistics Analysed by District Council District 2018′.

     The report contains statistics on a broad range of demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population in 2018 at the District Council district level. Population characteristics like age, sex and marital status, and household characteristics like household size, household income, type and tenure of accommodation are included.

     The statistics in the report are mainly based on data collected in the General Household Survey during January to December 2018, which may be regarded as referring to the average situation of the entire year of 2018. This survey covers the land-based non-institutional population of Hong Kong (which constitutes some 99% of the Hong Kong Resident Population). Some summary statistics published in the report are shown in Table 1 and Table 2 attached.  

     Users can download the report free of charge from the website of the Census and Statistics Department at (

     Enquiries about the contents of the report can be directed to the Household Statistics Analysis Section, Census and Statistics Department (Tel: 2887 5508 or email: read more

Speech by CE at “ASEAN-China Governors/Mayors’ Dialogue” at Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2019

     Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, at the “ASEAN-China Governors/Mayors’ Dialogue” session at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2019 in Hainan today (March 29):
Vice Governor Mao (Executive Vice Governor of Hainan Province, Mr Mao Chaofeng), Ms Li (President of Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Ms Li Xiaolin), distinguished Governors and Mayors, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good morning.  It gives me great pleasure to be here for this year’s Boao Forum for Asia and to take part in today’s session, the “ASEAN-China Governors/ Mayors’ Dialogue.”  This is a welcome opportunity for me to share with you the pivotal role Hong Kong is privileged to play in strengthening connections between Mainland China and ASEAN.
     Let me first say that as a special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China under “One Country, Two Systems”, Hong Kong enjoys a high degree of autonomy in a wide range of matters, including “external affairs” enshrined in eight important articles in the Basic Law.  Specifically, Article 151 permits Hong Kong to maintain and develop relations and conclude and implement agreements with foreign states and regions and relevant international organisations in the appropriate fields, including the economic, trade, financial, monetary, shipping, communications, tourism, cultural and sports sectors.
     Recognising the economic growth potential and the boundless promise of ASEAN, my Government has spared no effort in furthering our relationship with the ten member nations of ASEAN.
     As a matter of fact, ASEAN as a trading bloc has already emerged to become Hong Kong’s second largest merchandise trading partner, just behind Mainland China. Last year, our bilateral trade in goods amounted to some US$130 billion, representing an impressive increase of 14.2 per cent over 2017.  And among the 8 700 Mainland and international companies that have a presence in Hong Kong, nearly 600 of those are ASEAN companies.
     I believe that there is still a lot of potential for growth.  That’s why I was in Bangkok just last month to open a new Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (ETO) – our 13th overseas office and our third among ASEAN member states, after Singapore and Jakarta.  The new Bangkok ETO will work to further boost our economic ties with ASEAN.
     So, too, will the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Investment Agreement we signed with ASEAN in November 2017.  So far, ratifications of the ASEAN member states are in good progress.  ASEAN companies will enjoy unimpeded trade and investment flow.  We do hope to go further by joining the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) which brings together ASEAN and six of its FTA partners.  Our accession would help build a bigger economic pie for the region and create a win-win situation for all the parties involved. As a matter of fact,  in anticipation of a closer relationship between Hong Kong and ASEAN, I have travelled to seven of the ten member nations of ASEAN meeting heads of states. The remaining three are the Philippines, Cambodia and Laos. I look forward to visiting these countries in due course.
     According to the United Nations, in 2017, Hong Kong was the third largest direct investment destination and fifth largest source of direct investment.  As at end 2017, ASEAN accounted for 4.1 per cent of inward direct investment into Hong Kong with a stock of over HK$600 billion, and 3.1 per cent of outward direct investment from Hong Kong with a stock of over HK$400 billion. Obviously, our bilateral investment is vigorous.  ASEAN’s huge infrastructural investment together with its fast expanding economy will generate enormous potential for Hong Kong companies for the years to come.  We will facilitate Hong Kong companies investing abroad and bringing along our professionals to serve the projects.
     Apart from the FTA and Investment Agreement, the Belt and Road Initiative will also bring Mainland China, ASEAN, Hong Kong and many other countries and regions together in this 21st century of opportunity.  ASEAN members are important Belt and Road economies, and are well positioned to reap the benefits brought by the visionary Initiative.  In this connection, Hong Kong has a world-class financial and professional services sector, which includes bankers and lawyers, accountants, risk managers, marketing and communications specialists and many more.  They can bring expertise to bear in everything from project design and planning to construction, operation and management.  In short, Hong Kong will be the perfect partner for ASEAN on Belt and Road projects.
     Beyond business, Hong Kong is also eager to strengthen our people-to-people bonds with other economies including ASEAN, which is one of the key objectives under the Belt and Road Initiative.  In this regard, we look forward to expanding academic and youth exchanges, and are prepared to share our experience in city management, anti-corruption, promotion of equal opportunities and many other aspects with our ASEAN friends.
     To conclude, ladies and gentlemen, Hong Kong has played the unique role of a strategic gateway and important hub for the reform and opening up of China over the past 40 years.  Hong Kong will continue to play that role as our country goes forward, and we look forward to make a contribution to the ever-deepening ties between China and ASEAN. As we are right now in Hainan, I just want to say that we’d love to also play an important role in the continuous development of the Hainan economy.
     I wish you all a rewarding day at the Boao Forum for Asia.  Thank you very much. read more

Transcript of remarks by STH

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, at a media session after attending the meeting of the Legislative Council Subcommittee on Matters Relating to Railways today (March 29):

Reporter: About the CoI Report, the members remain skeptical about the findings of the CoI Report. They say it really can’t allay people’s concern, what do you have to say about this? And secondly, the MTR says it’s going to offer concessionary fares from May 11 to 13, are you happy with this arrangement?

Secretary for Transport and Housing: First of all, we have to appreciate the Commission of Inquiry has indeed conducted a very thorough and serious investigation into the Hung Hom Station saga. During the process, they have interviewed and heard a lot of evidence given by those experts as well as witnesses who provided the facts for them to consider. In the process and in the report, they have clearly spelt out the reason and consideration as to whether or not the structural safety is in fact true. I would hope members of the public and fellow Legislative Councillors would look into chapter 9 (of the Interim Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Construction Works at and near the Hung Hom Station Extension under the Shatin to Central Link Project) in which there are very detailed and comprehensive elaboration on how the determination was made.

     As regards the fare adjustment, I have personally talked with the MTR Corporation to see whether or not they can do something on top of the existing fare adjustment mechanism, so as to enable fellow citizens to enjoy a better deal this year.

 (Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)
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MD reminds passengers on high-speed craft to fasten seat belts (with photos)

     The Marine Department (MD) today (March 29) launched a new round of its publicity campaign at the Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal in Sheung Wan, the China Ferry Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui and the Tuen Mun Ferry Terminal to promote the message that passengers on high-speed craft plying between Hong Kong and Macao should have their seat belts fastened for a safer sea journey.
     The MD has set up a large backdrop of a Hong Kong scene installed with genuine cabin seats at the waiting lounge of the Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal in Sheung Wan. Passengers of high-speed craft plying between Hong Kong and Macao are encouraged to try the seats with their seat belts fastened to enjoy the Hong Kong scenery as if they were on board a high-speed craft. Promotional leaflets and souvenirs are being distributed to passengers in the waiting lounge by the MD’s Marine Inspectors, who are also appealing to passengers to fasten their seat belts at the appropriate time to ensure a safe sea journey.
     A spokesperson for the MD said the slogan of the campaign is “Have a Happy and Safe Journey with Your Seat Belt Fastened”, which aims to remind passengers on high-speed craft plying between Hong Kong and Macao to be aware of the master’s announcement during the voyage. When the master announces the instruction, passengers should fasten their seat belts to ensure a safe journey.
     The spokesperson said the MD will continue to distribute promotional leaflets at the waiting lounges and display promotional materials such as posters prominently at the three cross-boundary ferry terminals. In addition, the MD will make use of different channels to enhance passenger awareness of fastening seat belts on high-speed craft plying between Hong Kong and Macao.

Photo  Photo  
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