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HKETO, Brussels concludes series of Chinese New Year events in 12 European cities with business seminars in Greece and Cyprus (with photos)

     After hosting Chinese New Year (CNY) receptions successfully in seven European cities from late January to mid-February, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels (HKETO, Brussels) continued to promote Hong Kong by holding five CNY events in other European cities in March. 
     Three CNY receptions were held in Lisbon in Portugal (March 7, Lisbon time) and Barcelona (March 12, Barcelona time) and Madrid (March 13, Madrid time) in Spain. Officiating at the CNY receptions, the Special Representative for Hong Kong Economic and Trade Affairs to the European Union, Ms Shirley Lam, continued to impress guests on the fundamental strengths and unique advantages of Hong Kong under the successful implementation of the “one country, two systems” principle.  She also updated guests on the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area) promulgated by the Central Government on February 18.   
     HKETO, Brussels concluded the celebration of the CNY with two business seminars, one held in Athens, Greece (March 21, Athens time), and the other in Limassol, Cyprus (March 28, Limassol time).
     The business seminar in Athens, entitled “Business opportunities in Hong Kong”, was organised by HKETO, Brussels in co-operation with Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) and the SEV-Hellenic Federation of Enterprises. In Limassol, the second biggest city in Cyprus, HKETO, Brussels held the business seminar “Way to enter the Chinese market via Hong Kong” in co-operation with the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Cyprus-China Business Association, InvestHK and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
     The Deputy Representative of HKETO, Brussels, Miss Fiona Chau, told participants of the business seminars that connecting with Hong Kong can help people and businesses excel in the huge markets of Mainland China and the Asian region. She pointed out that Hong Kong continues to be a staunch supporter of free trade and open markets and enjoys free flows of capital, goods, talent and information. The city is also a hub for professional services, from financial and legal to architectural, maritime, aviation, communications and many more. 
     Miss Chau underlined that the Belt and Road Initiative and the Greater Bay Area development will offer tremendous trade opportunities for Hong Kong businesses as well as foreign businesses that partner with Hong Kong. She added that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is making substantial investments in innovation and technology (I&T) as Hong Kong’s future will also be powered by I&T and the high value-added economy.
     HKETO, Brussels hosted CNY events in 12 European cities between January 22 and March 28 to promote Hong Kong. The 12 European cities are Izmir, Dublin, The Hague, Milan, Paris, Luxembourg, Brussels, Lisbon, Barcelona, Madrid, Athens and Limassol. The events were attended by a total of over 2 000 guests comprising officials from European Union institutions, the diplomatic corps, local and national governments, business people, media representatives, representatives of research institutes and academics.

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Mobile Blood Donation Vehicle to be launched in April (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) will launch its brand new Lions Blood Donation Vehicle in mid-April to recruit blood donors along 18 districts. The vehicle equipped a built-in generator to provide greater flexibility. With a mission to promote “Give Blood Save Life”, it will reach out to the communities across the city for blood collection.

     The vehicle is 11-metre long, 3.8-metre high, 2.6-metre wide and weighs 16-tonne. With a built-in generator, the vehicle is able to operate independently without any external power source and hence with greater flexibility than the current vehicle. Equipped with three electric donor chairs, a screening station, working tables and a cozy waiting area, this brand new vehicle will provide donors with enhanced donation experience. A wheelchair lift is also installed at the tailgate of the vehicle to facilitate the disabled to board for blood donation.

     Dr CK Lee, the Chief Executive and Medical Director of BTS expects the vehicle to serve around 50 donors per visit for six to eight hours. It will reach out to different popular spots in the city, such as housing estates, shopping plazas, colleges, community centres and parks etc. for blood collection, as well as promoting “Give Blood Save Life”. The service schedule will be updated via BTS’s website, social media and HK Blood APP.

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CHP announces update on measles cases and control measures at airport

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) is today (March 29) investigating an additional case of measles infection and announced an update on the latest control and prevention measures at the airport.
​     The case involves a 49-year-old man who works at Hong Kong International Airport. The patient, who has good past health, developed a cough on March 24 and rash on March 27. He consulted private doctors on March 25 and 26. He sought medical attention at Queen Elizabeth Hospital on March 27 and was admitted for treatment. His respiratory specimen tested positive for the measles virus. He is in a stable condition. His measles vaccination history is unknown and he had no travel history during the incubation period or communicable period.
     According to the patient, he did not have contact with measles patients during the incubation period. His home contacts have remained asymptomatic so far and have been put under medical surveillance.
​     Upon notification of the case, the CHP immediately commenced epidemiological investigations and conducted relevant contact tracing. Initial investigations revealed that no contact has shown measles-related symptoms so far. The public places the patient visited during the communicable period are listed in the appendix.
     A spokesman for the CHP said, “In view of the measles outbreak at the airport, the CHP today launched a pilot programme there to conduct serology tests for people working at the airport on a voluntary basis, aiming to better grasp the overall immunity against measles among airport staff so that the measles control strategy can be fine-tuned.
     “The pilot programme has completed its target of recruiting 100 people who work at the airport for blood tests today, hence the blood test station set up by the CHP for the purpose will not be opened this Saturday and Sunday. Airport staff participating in the pilot programme will be individually informed of the result by phone. Those who have tested positive for measles antibodies (IgG) are regarded as immune to measles and there will be no need for further vaccination.”
     After consideration of the pilot serology test results, the CHP will announce the subsequent arrangements for the measles vaccination exercise at the airport in due course.
​     The measles vaccination exercise at the airport aims to protect those working at the airport who are non-immune to measles. The target group refers to people working at the airport who are:
(1) Non-locally born or born in Hong Kong from 1967 to 1984; and
(2) Have not received two doses of measles vaccination; and
(3) Have not been infected with measles before; and in particular
(4) Those who need to take care of infants under one year old or pregnant women
     The vaccination stations at the airport will remain open until April 4, including Saturday and Sunday. Due to restrictions in the cold chain logistics arrangement for vaccine delivery, the service hours for Saturday and Sunday will be adjusted. Details of the arrangement are as follows:

Venue: Port Health Office Health Post (South Arrival Apron Passenger Vehicle Lounge, Level 4, Terminal 1)
Multi-function Room, HKIA Tower (Level 5, Terminal 2)
Hours: March 30 and 31:
9am to 1pm
2pm to 5pm
April 1 to 4:
10am to 1pm
2pm to 5pm
6pm to 9pm
     A total of 836 persons received measles vaccinations at the vaccination stations as at 5pm today, bringing the cumulative number of vaccinations given to 5 495. A hotline (2125 1122) is set up for public enquiries and operates from 9am to 5.45pm daily. As of 5pm today, the hotline had received a cumulative total of 2 160 enquiries.
     Information on the confirmed measles cases in 2019 with their case summary has been uploaded onto the CHP website.
     The spokesman explained, “Measles is a highly infectious disease caused by the measles virus. It can be transmitted by airborne droplets or direct contact with nasal or throat secretions of infected persons, and, less commonly, by articles soiled with nose and throat secretions. A patient can pass the disease to other persons from four days before to four days after the appearance of skin rash.”
     The spokesman added, “The incubation period of measles ranges from seven days to up to 21 days. Contacts who are not immune to measles may develop relevant symptoms, such as fever, skin rash, cough, runny nose and red eyes, in the incubation period. They should observe if they develop such symptoms in the period. If symptoms arise, they should wear surgical masks, stop going to work or school and avoid going to crowded places. They should avoid contact with non-immune persons, especially persons with weakened immunity, pregnant women and children aged below one. They should also report their symptoms and prior travel history to healthcare workers so that appropriate infection control measures can be implemented at healthcare facilities to prevent any potential spread.
     “Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent measles. Members of the public who are planning to travel to places with high incidence or outbreaks of measles should review their vaccination history and past medical history, especially people born outside Hong Kong who might not have received measles vaccination during childhood. The history of measles vaccination in Hong Kong is available in the CHP’s measles thematic page. Those who have not received two doses of measles-containing vaccines, who do not know their vaccination history or who have unknown immunity against measles are urged to consult their doctor for advice on vaccination at least two weeks before departure,” the spokesman said.
     Besides being vaccinated against measles, members of the public should take the following measures to prevent infection:
• Maintain good personal and environmental hygiene;
• Maintain good indoor ventilation;
• Keep hands clean and wash hands properly;
• Wash hands when they are dirtied by respiratory secretions, such as after sneezing;
• Cover the nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing and dispose of nasal and mouth discharge properly;
• Clean used toys and furniture properly; and
• Persons with measles should be kept out of school till four days from the appearance of rash to prevent spread of the infection to non-immune persons in school.
     For more information on measles, please visit the CHP’s measles thematic page. For news of measles outbreaks outside Hong Kong or the latest travel health advice, please visit the website of DH’s Travel Health Service. read more

Hong Kong Customs combats unfair trade practices at employment agency

     Hong Kong Customs today (March 29) arrested a female salesperson of an employment agency suspected of having wrongly accepted payment in the course of selling employment service, in contravention of the Trade Descriptions Ordinance (TDO).

     Customs earlier received information alleging that a staff member of an employment agency had failed to provide employment service after accepting payment. The agency was later found to have ceased business and did not return the payment to the customer. 

     After investigation, Customs officers today arrested a 37-year-old woman.

     Investigation is ongoing and the arrested woman has been released on bail pending further investigation.

     Customs reminds traders to comply with the requirements of the TDO and consumers to procure services at reputable shops.

     Under the TDO, any trader commits an offence if at the time of acceptance of payment, the trader intends not to supply the product or intends to supply a materially different product, or there are no reasonable grounds for believing that the trader will be able to supply the product within a specified or reasonable period. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $500,000 and imprisonment for five years.

     â€‹Members of the public may report any suspected violations of the TDO to Customs’ 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account ( read more

Public urged not to buy or consume slimming product from unknown sources or of doubtful composition (with photo)

     The Department of Health (DH) today (March 29) urged the public not to buy or consume a slimming product named SIN DEN BEAUTY SIM as it was found to contain undeclared and banned drug ingredients that might be hazardous to health.
     The DH received notification from the Hospital Authority (HA) regarding a female patient who experienced acute psychosis with a history of consuming the above slimming product.
     According to test results from the HA, which were later confirmed by the Government Laboratory, a sample of the product provided by the patient was found to contain the banned substances sibutramine and phenolphthalein. The DH’s investigation is continuing.
     Sibutramine was previously used as an appetite suppressant but products containing sibutramine have been banned in Hong Kong since November 2010 due to increased cardiovascular risk. Phenolphthalein was previously used to treat constipation, but has been banned in Hong Kong due to its cancer-causing effect.
     The DH spokesman strongly urged members of the public not to buy products of unknown or doubtful composition, or consume products from unknown sources. Members of the public who have purchased the above product should stop consuming it immediately. They should consult healthcare professionals for advice if feeling unwell after consumption.
     Weight control should be achieved through a balanced diet and appropriate exercise. Members of the public should consult healthcare professionals before using any medication for weight control.
     The public may visit the website of the DH’s Drug Office for health messages on overweight problems and slimming products ( and information on slimming products with undeclared Western drug ingredients (

     People who have purchased the product may submit them to the DH’s Drug Office at Room 1856, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, during office hours for disposal.

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