CSD video “Try” shows friendly match between young persons in custody and Hong Kong Representative Touch Team (with photos)

     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) today (March 31) released a video entitled "Try", featuring young persons in custody at Pik Uk Correctional Institution who have completed the Touch Rugby Referee Training elementary course. The course was organised by the CSD and the Hong Kong Rugby Union (HKRU), and aimed to enable young persons in custody to learn to judge right and wrong, build up self-confidence and strengthen their determination for rehabilitation.
     The video features the young persons in custody discussing their experience and also shows them putting their training into practice by joining a friendly match with the Hong Kong Representative Touch Team and acting as referees in the friendly match.
     The Head Coach of the Hong Kong Representative Touch Team, Mr Yong Chi-fung, said in the video that people sometimes fall and even face failures when playing rugby. They have to stand up again on their own. He expressed the hope that young persons in custody will work hard to strive for success and a bright future, just as one must persevere to score a try in matches.
     Touch rugby players can score a try when the ball is held to touch the ground in the in-goal area beyond the opponents' goal line. Touch rugby is challenging as it places emphases on speed, response and teamwork. Young persons in custody who participated in the course faced all the challenges with a positive attitude, and finished the friendly match with team spirit.
     Members of the public are invited to watch and share the video, which has been uploaded to the CSD YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7ML48b3gxc&feature=youtu.be.

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Hong Kong Immigration Department wins 2019 Skytrax Award for Best Airport Immigration Service (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Immigration Department (ImmD) has been voted the winner of the 2019 best airport immigration service award in the World Passenger Survey commissioned by Skytrax, an international specialist research agent of the air transport industry. This is the third time for the ImmD to receive the award after 2015 and 2016. The presentation ceremony was held on March 27 in London.

     Skytrax, a world renowned specialist research agent and advisor of the air transport industry based in the UK, mainly undertakes qualitative audits and research studies for airports and airlines services across the globe. The survey was conducted between August 2018 and February 2019, covering over 550 airports worldwide and the survey questionnaires were collected from over 13 million air passengers of more than 100 nationalities.

     The Director of Immigration, Mr Tsang Kwok-wai, said having received the award in light of the keen competition worldwide, he felt very proud and most encouraged. While he expressed his gratitude to the professionalism and hard work of all immigration staff members, the award is also a recognition to the high morale displayed by all immigration staff, under the staunch support and leadership of the current-term Government, striving to provide excellent services to residents as well as visitors. The services provided by Hong Kong could absolutely meet the world-class standard.

     In the past few years, the ImmD has been striving for excellence and innovation. The department endeavours to provide facilitation to visitors at the Hong Kong International Airport and other immigration control points, including the launch of "Smart Departure" at the end of 2017 that employs face recognition technology for identity verification facilitating self-service departure for eligible visitors without the need of prior enrolment. Such initiative that provides greater travel convenience to passengers has been well received by visitors. By the end of 2018, more than 6.2 million visitors had used the service. To support the long-term development of Hong Kong, the ImmD will continue its close liaison with the immigration authorities worldwide seeking to provide greater travel convenience to passengers.

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Liquor Licensing Board to meet on Tuesday

The following is issued on behalf of the Liquor Licensing Board:

     The Liquor Licensing Board will meet on Tuesday (April 2) to consider two applications for renewal of liquor licences on Hong Kong Island.

     The applications are (not in order of discussion):
Comptoir in Kennedy Town
208 in Sheung Wan
    The meeting will be held at 9.45am in the conference room, Room 102, 1/F, 258 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai. Members of the public are welcome to attend, except during the private session on confidential items.

Scheme fosters sport for all

     There can be no doubt that there are many benefits to playing sports.
     To enable primary and secondary special school students to participate in diverse sports, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department launched the first phase of activities under the new School Sports Programme – Special Schools in November 2018.
     News.gov.hk spoke to a teacher, a sports coach and two students who took part in the programme about their experiences and how the tailor-made activities help improve the students' self-confidence and social interaction.
     The story appears on news.gov.hk today (March 31) in both text and video format.

Special traffic arrangements for race meeting in Sha Tin

     Police advise motorists that special traffic arrangements will be implemented in Sha Tin to facilitate the race meeting today (March 31).

     The arrangements will come into effect two hours before the start of the first race and will last until the crowds have dispersed after the race meeting.

     Appropriate traffic signs will be put up and police will be on hand to guide motorists.

     The Police also appeal to people going to Sha Tin Racecourse for the race meeting and to Happy Valley Racecourse for cross betting to make maximum use of public transport.

     Parking spaces at the two racecourses are available only to holders of appropriate permits issued by Hong Kong Jockey Club and any vehicles illegally parked will be towed away.