
Author Archives: hksar gov

Coin Collection Programme

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) today announces a new service schedule of the two Coin Carts under the Coin Collection Programme, for the period of May 20, 2019 up to July 28, 2019. The schedule and other details of the Programme are shown on the HKMA webpage (
     Since the launch of the Programme in October 2014, the two Coin Carts have completed 24 cycles of serving the 18 districts on March 10, 2019. The Carts had carried out 559 000 transactions, collecting 460 million coins with a total face value of HK$647 million during the period. The collected coins are re-circulated to meet demand.
     The Coin Carts provide service at locations that are convenient to the public without affecting the normal flow of traffic and pedestrians. Locations that have suitable power supply facilities, such as the Leisure and Cultural Services Department mobile library service locations, are preferred so as to reduce the need for using the Coin Carts’ own stand-by generators. This makes the Programme more environmentally friendly. In selecting the service locations, the HKMA has taken into consideration comments and suggestions given by district councils and members of public; and has consulted the Transport Department and the Hong Kong Police Force as necessary.
     The two Coin Carts collect coins from members of public in the 18 districts of Hong Kong on a rotating basis. Under normal circumstances each Coin Cart will stay at a location for a week, subject to availability of the parking space and the maintenance schedule of the Cart. Service hours are from 10 am to 7 pm. Each vehicle is equipped with two coin counting machines and operational staff will be present to provide assistance. An electrical wheelchair lift is available for use. Users can choose to exchange coins for banknotes or adding value to their stored value facilities, such as Octopus Cards or e-wallets (including AlipayHK, Octopus O! ePay, Tap&Go, TNG Wallet and WeChat Pay). There is also a Community Chest donation box inside each vehicle. The coin collection service is free of charge.
     The HKMA will review the Programme from time and time; and will regularly update the service schedule to give advance notice to the public. read more

Entries invited for 2019 Hong Kong Awards for Industries

     The 2019 Hong Kong Awards for Industries (HKAI) is open for entries from today (April 1). Hong Kong companies in the manufacturing and services sectors are invited to join. The closing date is June 6.

     Supported by the Government, the HKAI aims to recognise the outstanding achievements of Hong Kong enterprises in pursuit of high technology and high value-added activities, and to commend excellence in various aspects of their performance. The HKAI also helps to enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong industries and promote Hong Kong brands. 

     The 2019 HKAI comprises seven categories, each run by an Organiser:

Category Organiser
Consumer Product Design Federation of Hong Kong Industries
Equipment and Machinery Design The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong
Customer Service Hong Kong Retail Management Association
Innovation and Creativity Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
Smart Productivity Hong Kong Productivity Council
Technological Achievement Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
Upgrading and Transformation Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council

     Adjudication in each award category is carried out by a preliminary judging panel arranged by individual Organisers. A final judging panel will be convened to decide the winners. One grand award will be presented to the most outstanding entry in each category. Other deserving entries will be presented with an award or a certificate of merit. All award winners are entitled to display the official logo of the HKAI and receive the HKAI trophy or certificate as a permanent memento of their achievements.

     The awards presentation ceremony will be held in December 2019 at the Grand Hall of the Hong Kong Science Park.

     Entry forms and brochures are now available from the respective Organisers. They can also be downloaded from the HKAI website at

     The HKAI was launched in 2005 by merging the former Hong Kong Awards for Industry and the former Hong Kong Awards for Services, established in 1989 and 1997 respectively. Over the years, the HKAI has recognised and commended the excellent performance of about 1,110 companies.

     For further information, please visit the HKAI website at or contact the respective Organisers (see contact details on the website) or the Secretariat of the Organising Committee of the HKAI at or Tel: 2398 5551. read more

Judicial appointment

The following is issued on behalf of the Judiciary:      The Judiciary today (April 1) announced the appointment of Mr Russell Adam Coleman, SC, as Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court. The appoin… read more