Cluster of Multi-drug Resistant Acinetobacter cases in Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital made the following announcement today (April 3):
     Four patients (aged 40 to 82) in a male Orthopaedics and Traumatology ward have been confirmed as having Multi-drug Resistant Acinetobacter since February 7. Two of them are currently under medical surveillance and isolation treatment with stable condition. One patient has been discharged, while the remaining one has passed away due to his underlying disease.
     The following enhanced infection measures have already been adopted:

  1. Enhanced disinfection and cleaning of the ward concerned;
  2. Applying stringent contact precautions and enhanced hand hygiene; and
  3. Enhanced attention to contamination-prone procedures.

     The cases have been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office and the Centre for Health Protection for necessary follow-up. The hospital will continue to closely monitor the situation of the ward.

TD convenes first meeting of Committee on Enhancement of Franchised Bus Safety (with photos)

     The Transport Department (TD) convened the first meeting of the Committee on Enhancement of Franchised Bus Safety today (April 3) and discussed with the representatives of all franchised bus operators and academic experts how to improve franchised bus safety and take forward measures to enhance franchised bus safety.
     In mid-March last year, the TD set up the Working Group on the Enhancement of Safety of Franchised Buses, which has since considered and studied possible measures to further enhance bus safety with all franchised bus operators. Having taken into account the recommendations made by the Independent Review Committee on Hong Kong's Franchised Bus Service, the Working Group has been turned into a permanent setup, upgraded and revamped as the Committee on Enhancement of Franchised Bus Safety to further strengthen the interaction with franchised bus operators and other stakeholders, and facilitate discussion, study, implementation and promotion of various strategies and measures for enhancing franchised bus safety among different stakeholders.
     The Committee has renewed its membership and terms of reference (Annex). Apart from the representatives from all franchised bus companies, the Committee has invited two local academic experts to join as members. They are Associate Dean (Development and External Relations) of the Faculty of Engineering and Chair of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Hong Kong, Professor Wong Sze-chun, and Associate Vice President (Learning and Teaching), Chair Professor of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, and Director of the University Research Facility in Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Professor Chetwyn Chan. The Committee will hold a meeting around every four months.
     Moreover, there are two sub-committees under the Committee, namely the Sub-Committee on In-vehicle Safety Devices and Technologies and the Sub-Committee on Training, Fatigue and Working Hour Management of Bus Captains, to focus on the discussion of relevant topics and the monitoring of follow-up actions.
     During the meeting, members discussed the mission and values of franchised bus safety. All members agreed to foster a safety-first culture among the Government and franchised bus operators and will work together to adopt an active, proactive and integrated approach to enhance franchised bus safety through adoption of technology, effective management and good institutions.
     In addition, the Committee committed to take forward the 45 recommendations by the Independent Review Committee on Hong Kong's Franchised Bus Service as well as other measures under four major areas, comprising:
(1) installation and enhancement of in-vehicle devices/technologies to assist safe driving;
(2) enhancing the training and working environment of bus captains;
(3) strengthening bus accident analyses and safety performance management; and
(4) enhancing general road and infrastructure safety as well as introducing more bus-friendly measures.
     At the same time, all members endorsed the work plan in the coming two years, which encompasses the following priority tasks:
(1) to discuss with franchised bus operators and determine a new set of safety performance indicators in Q2 2019;
(2) to complete a review on setting common thresholds in respect of speeding, harsh acceleration and deceleration in Q4 2019;
(3) to complete cost-benefit analyses of retrofitting seat belts, electronic stability controls and speed limiting retarders on existing franchised buses in mid-2019;
(4) to consolidate the trial findings of the other safety devices (including the advance driving assistance system, etc.) in Q2 2019;
(5) to explore and study fatigue identification and management in franchised bus operations in Q4 2019;
(6) to commence a review on the Guidelines on Bus Captain Working Hours, Rest Times and Meal Break in Q2 2020;
(7) to commence reviews on the implementation of the Practice Note of Bus Captain Training and for identifying key indicators of effectiveness of the Practice Note in Q4 2019; and
(8) to launch trial schemes on give way signage and road markings for buses to leave bus stops and low speed zones in Q4 2019.
     Members noted the progress of the cost-benefit analyses of the retrofitting of seat belts being conducted currently and will consider the study findings with a view to deciding on how to take forward the retrofitting of seat belts on the upper decks of existing franchised buses. Moreover, the two academic experts also provided the Committee with comments and views on enhancement of franchised bus safety and fatigue identification and management respectively.
     Prior to the meeting of the Committee, the TD organised a workshop with representatives of franchised bus operators and the two academic experts on March 25. They exchanged views on the mission and values, and ideas and thoughts on how to address longer-term issues such as review of working hour guidelines, fatigue identification and management, bus captain training and image-building, and passenger education. Participants agreed that the workshop was useful in enhancing collaboration and consensus- building among the parties concerned and that similar exchanges should be held in future.

Photo  Photo  

Cluster of Influenza A cases in Shatin Hospital

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for Shatin Hospital (SH) made the following announcement today (April 3):
     Five patients (aged 27 to 43) of a male psychiatric ward presented with respiratory symptoms since March 29. Appropriate viral tests were arranged for the patients and their test results were positive for Influenza A. The patients are being treated under isolation with stable condition.
     Admission to the ward has been suspended and restricted visiting has been imposed. Infection control measures have already been stepped up according to established guidelines. All other patients in the ward concerned are under close surveillance.
     The cases have been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office and the Centre for Health Protection for necessary follow-up. 

Special traffic arrangements for rugby matches at Hong Kong Stadium

     Police will implement special traffic arrangements to facilitate the holding of rugby matches at the Hong Kong Stadium from April 5 to 7.

A. Traffic arrangements at the commencement of the event

     The following traffic arrangements will be implemented from 7.30am on April 5, and from 7am daily on April 6 and 7:

Road closure

– Northbound Caroline Hill Road between Cotton Path and Leighton Road/ Pennington Street (except for vehicles heading for St. Paul's Hospital when the access from Tung Lo Wan Road is closed);
– Westbound Hysan Avenue between Sunning Road and Hoi Ping Road;
– Lay-bys along Sunning Road, Keswick Street and Moreton Terrace;
– If necessary, Lee Garden Road between Lan Fong Road and Hysan Avenue; and
– If necessary, northbound Link Road downhill, except for vehicles heading for No. 1A, 3, 5 and 7 on Link Road.

Traffic diversions

– Caroline Hill Road between Leighton Road and Stadium Path will be re-routed one way southbound;
– Eastern Hospital Road between Stadium Path and Tung Lo Wan Road will be re-routed one way northbound;
– Hysan Avenue between Leighton Road and Hoi Ping Road will be re-routed one way eastbound;
– Eastbound Hysan Avenue will have two lanes for traffic turning right to Hoi Ping Road;
– Traffic on westbound Hysan Avenue between Yun Ping Road and Sunning Road must turn left to Sunning Road;
– Caroline Hill Road between Leighton Road and Link Road will have two lanes for traffic entering Caroline Hill Road from Hoi Ping Road;
– Traffic from northbound Link Road downhill to northbound Caroline Hill Road must turn left to westbound Leighton Road;
– Vehicles leaving the Lee Gardens must turn left to eastbound Hysan Avenue; and
– If situation warrants, hired taxis and coaches may be permitted to turn right from the offside lane of eastbound Leighton Road to Caroline Hill Road.

Passenger alighting arrangements

     Coaches cannot enter Eastern Hospital Road directly from Caroline Hill Road. They should travel through Caroline Hill Road and drop-off passengers and leave by way of Cotton Path, Eastern Hospital Road and Tung Lo Wan Road. Coaches with permit from the Hong Kong Rugby Union will be allowed to enter the west tunnel of Hong Kong Stadium via Stadium Path.

     The drop-off zone for taxis will be at the southern kerbside of Eastern Hospital Road near the eastern side of the Stadium main entrance.

     The drop-off zone for private cars will be at the northern kerbside of Eastern Hospital Road near the eastern side of the Stadium main entrance.

B. Contingency plan

     If necessary, half of the lane at Eastern Hospital Road outside the Stadium main entrance will be closed.

     If necessary, the following passenger alighting arrangements will be implemented:

– Coaches with permit from the Hong Kong Rugby Union will be allowed to enter the Hong Kong Stadium via tunnel on Stadium Path;
– The drop-off zone for taxis will be moved to the northern kerbside of Eastern Hospital Road near the eastern side of the Stadium main entrance; and
– The drop-off zone for private cars will be moved to the western kerbside of Caroline Hill Road between Eastern Hospital Road and Cotton Path. Private cars should leave via Cotton Path, Eastern Hospital Road and Tung Lo Wan Road.

C. Traffic arrangements on conclusion of the event
     The following traffic arrangements will be implemented from 7.40pm on April 5, and from 6.30pm daily on April 6 and 7, until the crowd has dispersed:

Road closure

– Caroline Hill Road;
– Eastern Hospital Road;
– Eastern Hospital Road service road;
– Cotton Path;
– Northbound Tung Lo Wan Road between Eastern Hospital Road and Leighton Road;
– Link Road. If situation warrants, vehicles heading for No. 1A, 3, 5 and 7 on Link Road may be allowed to enter;
– Hoi Ping Road; and
– If necessary, Leighton Road.

Traffic diversions

– Vehicles on westbound Leighton Road cannot enter Caroline Hill Road for Link Road;
– Vehicles on Leighton Road heading for Link Road will be diverted through Wong Nai Chung Road and Broadwood Road; and
– If Leighton Road is closed, traffic from westbound Causeway Road will be directed to Irving Street; traffic from eastbound Morrison Hill Road will be diverted via Canal Road West; traffic from southbound Percival Street must turn right to westbound Leighton Road; and traffic from southbound Canal Road East cannot turn left to Leighton Road.

D. Traffic arrangements throughout the event

Learner drivers prohibition

     The following roads will be prohibited to all learner drivers between 6.30am and 11pm on April 5, and between 6am and 10pm daily on April 6 and 7:

– Leighton Road;
– Sharp Street East;
– Percival Street south of Hennessy Road;
– Caroline Hill Road;
– Link Road;
– Stadium Path;
– Cotton Path;
– Eastern Hospital Road; and
– Eastern Hospital Road service road.  

     In addition, learner drivers cannot enter Tung Lo Wan Road from Causeway Road.

Suspension of parking spaces

     All on-street parking spaces, motorcycle parking spaces and disabled parking spaces on the following roads will be suspended between 6.30am and 11pm on April 5, and between 6am and 10pm daily on April 6 and 7:

– Stadium Path;
– Northbound Caroline Hill Road between Stadium Path and Cotton Path;
– Eastern Hospital Road service road; and
– Hoi Ping Road.

Restrictions on access to/ exit from car parks
     If necessary, all car parks along Caroline Hill Road may be closed at short notice.

     Vehicles in car parks within the road closure area may not be permitted to leave during the road closure period.

     Any vehicles found illegally parked within the precinct of the special traffic arrangements may be towed away without prior notice.

     Actual implementation of the traffic arrangements will be made depending on traffic and crowd conditions in the area. Members of the public are urged to take heed of instructions of police at scene.

Manager and operators fined for illegal club operations

     Two women and a company were fined from $3,500 to $20,000 at the Kowloon City Magistrates' Courts today (April 3) for contravening the Clubs (Safety of Premises) Ordinance.

     The courts heard that in August last year, officers from the Office of the Licensing Authority (OLA) of the Home Affairs Department conducted inspections at two clubs on Soy Street and Portland Street in Mong Kok, which had been operating with certificates of compliance (CoCs). 
     During the investigation at the club on Soy Street, the OLA officers posed as customers and patronised the club for food and drinks without being asked to show their membership status or being invited to join the club as members. Also, the club's staff failed to show a copy of the certificate of fire service installation and equipment, the registered drawing and the updated membership register upon the OLA officers' request. Conditions 10, 17, 19 and 20 of the CoC were breached. The company, being the CoC holder of the club, was charged with contravening section 21(2) of the Ordinance.
     The other club on Portland Street also served non-members. Condition 19 of the CoC was breached. The two women, being the managers and the CoC holder of the club respectively, were charged with contravening section 21(1) (a) or section 21(2) of the Ordinance.

     A spokesman for the department reminded all CoC holders to comply with the conditions as stipulated therein. Enforcement action will continue to be taken against illegal club operations.