Hong Kong Customs conducts spot checks on suspected unsafe tea-light candles (with photos)

     Hong Kong Customs today (April 15) announced that it conducted spot checks on tea-light candles in the past three weeks and ordered seven retailers cum importers to store in specified places 562 packs of tea-light candles of eight models without bilingual warnings or cautions.

     Customs earlier received a referral from a related organisation that suspected unsafe tea-light candles were being supplied in the market. Customs immediately conducted spot checks and test purchases in various districts. Testing on the samples of the tea-light candles confirmed that they complied with the relevant safety standard.

     However, it was found that the tea-light candles were suspected to be in contravention of the Consumer Goods Safety Regulation (CGSR), a subsidiary legislation of the Consumer Goods Safety Ordinance (CGSO), as they did not have attached the applicable bilingual warnings or cautions with respect to the safe keeping, use, consumption or disposal. Customs has ordered seven retailers cum importers to store in specified places 562 packs of tea-light candles of eight models without bilingual warnings or cautions.

     Investigation is ongoing.

     Customs reminds traders to comply with the requirements of CGSO with a view to protecting consumers' safety.

     Under the CGSO, it is an offence to supply, manufacture or import into Hong Kong consumer goods unless the goods comply with the general safety requirements for consumer goods. Under the CGSR, where consumer goods or their packages are marked with any warning or caution with respect to their safe keeping, use, consumption or disposal, such a warning or caution shall be in both the English and the Chinese languages.

     The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for one year on first conviction, and a fine of $500,000 and imprisonment for two years on subsequent conviction.

     Members of the public may report any suspected unsafe consumer goods to Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (crimereport@customs.gov.hk).

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Applications for funding from Elder Academy Development Foundation invited

     The Committee on Elder Academy Development Foundation (EADF) is inviting a new round of funding applications from school-sponsoring bodies of primary and secondary schools as well as post-secondary institutions interested in setting up elder academies (EAs), and organisations interested in organising activities that encourage elderly learning and inter-generational harmony. Applications should reach the secretariat of the Committee on EADF by May 31.
     Launched by the Labour and Welfare Bureau and the Elderly Commission in 2007, the EA Scheme aims to promote continuous learning for elderly people, active ageing and inter-generational harmony. The EADF mainly provides funding support for primary and secondary schools, as well as post-secondary institutions, to set up EAs in order to provide learning opportunities in a school setting for the elderly. Funding support is also provided for activities that encourage elderly learning and inter-generational harmony.
     Each approved EA in a primary or secondary school will be provided with funding of up to $122,000 for implementing a three-year programme. EAs having completed the first three-year programme may submit applications for funding up to $60,000 for running a two-year programme.
     As regards applications for organising EA courses in post-secondary institutions or other applications, the Committee on EADF will make assessments, including the amount of funding to be provided, according to the merits of individual proposals.
     Details of the arrangements for funding applications may be downloaded from the website of the EA Scheme (www.elderacademy.org.hk). For enquiries, please contact the secretariat of the Committee on EADF at 3655 5861/3655 5007.

S for S speaks on proposed amendments to Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, at a media session after attending an event today (April 15):

Reporter: Mr Lee, Taiwan officials have already said that if under the current proposal from you, they would not trigger the extradition request because it is done under the "one country" principle. So why do you still refer to the suspected murder case in Taiwan as one of the reasons for you to trigger such a legal reform?

Secretary for Security: I think I have repeatedly mentioned that in our impending discussion with the Taiwan side, we will only talk about this case, the merits of the case, the human rights and legal safeguards. We will talk nothing but about the case details and the related matters. In fact the request has been initiated by the Taiwan side. We have no law at present to actually go into the arrangement for the request. That is exactly why we make this proposal to the Legislative Council. And that is exactly why we have to deal with it urgently. Once we have the law, then of course, we can actually go into some formal procedures as to the actual arrangement and also to deal with the actual request. But I must have the law now because at present, Hong Kong has no law to deal with such request from the Taiwan side.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Three restaurants in Western District and Wan Chai fined for illegally emitting excessive cooking fumes

     Three restaurants, namely 11 Westside on Davis Street in Kennedy Town, Why Noodle at Ying Wa Terrace in Sai Ying Pun and Sing Kee Seafood Restaurant on Luard Road in Wan Chai, violated the requirements of the statutory notices issued by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) by failing to reduce excessive cooking fume emissions. The restaurants were convicted on April 1 and 8 and today (April 15) respectively at the Eastern Magistrates' Courts and fined a total of $27,000 for contravening the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (APCO).

     During inspections targeting air pollution and nuisance caused by cooking fumes emitted by restaurants, EPD officers found that the three restaurants failed to appropriately install or repair cooking fume control equipment, emitting excessive cooking fumes and causing nuisance to residents nearby. The EPD then issued statutory notices under the APCO requiring the restaurants to install and repair cooking fume control equipment by a deadline with a view to reducing cooking fume emissions. Subsequently, the three restaurants were prosecuted by the EPD as they failed to complete installations of and repairs to cooking fume control equipment by the deadline, which contravened the requirements of the notices.

     According to the APCO, it is an offence if restaurant operators do not comply with the requirements of a statutory notice and do not adopt effective remedial measures to abate excessive cooking fume emissions within a specified time limit. First-time offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $100,000. A maximum fine of $200,000 and six months' imprisonment may be imposed on second or subsequent convictions.

     An EPD spokesman reminded members of the food business that they should properly design and install effective air pollution control equipment such as electrostatic precipitators in the kitchens of food premises before their restaurants start operation so as to avoid emitting excessive cooking fumes and being prosecuted by the EPD, as well as prevent technical difficulties and additional costs for installing the equipment after the opening of the restaurants. In addition, restaurant operators have the obligation to arrange for experienced technicians to clean, check and repair their air pollution control equipment regularly with a view to ensuring that no excessive fumes or odours would be emitted, causing nuisance to residents nearby.

     The EPD has drawn up guidelines (www.epd.gov.hk/epd/sites/default/files/epd/english/environmentinhk/air/guide_ref/files/pamphlet_oilfume_eng.pdf) to enlighten members of the industry about the requirements for restaurants and help improve their performance in terms of environmental protection. These guidelines also help members of the industry to know more and use appropriate air pollution control equipment with a view to controlling and reducing cooking fume emissions. In addition, the department has provided members of the industry with up-to-date information about environmental protection through talks of various kinds.

Speech by CE at Internet Economy Summit 2019 (English only) (with photos)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, at the Internet Economy Summit 2019 today (April 15):
Deputy Director Yang (Deputy Director of the Cyberspace Administration of China, Mr Yang Xiaowei), Mr Chen (Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee, Mr Chen Xinhua), Deputy Director Lu (Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Ms Lu Xinning), President Ma (President of the China Internet Development Foundation, Ms Ma Li), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good morning. I am delighted to welcome you to the Internet Economy Summit, our fourth edition.
     Launched in 2016, the Summit has fast become our flagship forum for tracking, and making sense of, the latest developments in the global Internet economy. Indeed, this year marks the 50th anniversary of the birth of the Internet. Over the past 50 years, the Internet has evolved miraculously from a network of a few computers to one that connects billions of people, machines and devices around the world. The Internet is now the bedrock of innovation and technology. It's at the heart of cloud computing, big data analytics, the Internet of Things, fintech, blockchain, AI, robotics and so much more to come. The opportunities they create extend to every business sector, every societal issue, from health and ageing to education, sustainability and the environment. This two-day Summit will be an excellent opportunity for you to share insights into the latest digital technologies and the huge potential the Internet can bring about through transforming businesses, societies and economies.
     My Government believes in the promise of innovation and technology. Last year, at this Forum, I outlined our major innovation and technology policies and programmes. This is an opportune time for me to update you on some of our initiatives.
     Over the past year, we have introduced a super tax deduction of up to 300 per cent for R&D expenditure incurred by private enterprises starting from the 2018-19 fiscal year. We have also set up an Innovation and Technology Venture Fund to co-invest in local start-ups. We have committed HK$10 billion to establish two research clusters that focus respectively on healthcare technologies and artificial intelligence and robotics technologies. We have also injected HK$20 billion into the Research Endowment Fund of the Research Grants Council to provide sufficient funding for R&D at universities. Taken together, these initiatives would considerably strengthen our innovation and technology ecosystem and provide a big boost towards our goal to double Hong Kong's R&D expenditure as a ratio to GDP to 1.5 per cent by the year 2022.
     For the two research clusters on health technologies and AI and robotics that I mentioned last year, we have been sounding out notable international companies, universities and research institutions. The response, I'm pleased to say, has been cheering. To date, we've received some 50 proposals, many of which are supported by an MOU signed with Hong Kong universities for undertaking joint R&D projects. We expect that the first research institutions will be setting up their laboratories at the Hong Kong Science Park before the end of this year.
     Our start-up scene, I'm pleased to say, is also flourishing. The number of start-ups in major public and private co-work spaces and incubators here in Hong Kong has grown 18 per cent to more than 2 600 at the end of 2018. Of the founders, some 35 per cent were from outside Hong Kong, showing that Hong Kong is an attractive place for talent and entrepreneurs from around the world.
     With the number of start-ups increasing, we're also sighting more unicorns here, with several of those begun at our flagship innovation and technology institutions – Hong Kong Science Park and Cyberport. Speaking of which, Cyberport is now home to more than 1 200 companies and start-ups, but we want more. That is why we have announced in this year's Budget an allocation of HK$5.5 billion for the development of Cyberport 5. The expansion, expected to open in 2024, will add about 66 000 square metres of floor space to Cyberport.
     Our ability to attract institutions, start-ups, talent and investment from other countries is in no small part due to Hong Kong's "one country, two systems" framework. That gives us a clear and compelling advantage in the region. This is underlined in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development. The far-reaching development emphasises co-operative development, focusing on the distinct strengths of each of the Greater Bay Area's 11 cities, that is Hong Kong, Macao and nine prosperous Guangdong municipalities. One of our distinct strengths will definitely be our international network, established over the years under "one country, two systems".
     Beyond our international connectivity, Hong Kong offers top universities and scientists, a pro-business environment, the rule of law underpinned by an independent judiciary, and reassuring intellectual property protection. It helps, too, that our logistics and communications infrastructure is world-class. Add it up, and you know why the world looks to Hong Kong to connect and excel.
     An Outline Development Plan for the Greater Bay Area development was promulgated by the Central Government in February this year. It identifies Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the four core cities, as well as the key engines for driving the regional development. Among others, the Plan expects Hong Kong to play a key role in the Greater Bay Area's emergence as an international innovation and technology centre. This is in line with the steer and support given by President Xi Jinping who, noting our solid science and technology foundation and a large pool of technological talent, considers Hong Kong an important force in implementing the nation's innovation-driven development strategy.
     Hong Kong is already at work in building an impressive foundation for our strategic role in the Greater Bay Area. The Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park, some four times the size of the current Science Park, is now under construction in Hong Kong, strategically close to Shenzhen. We are also enhancing R&D collaboration with other cities and research institutes in the Mainland, thanks to the relaxation of cross-boundary remittance for science and technology project funding.
     Financial technology is another important area, a growth sector we are committed to running with, for the Greater Bay Area and the Asian region as a whole. I know the Financial Secretary will be speaking tomorrow at the Summit's FinTech Forum, so I'll leave it to him to detail the considerable advances we're making, from our Faster Payment System to virtual banking, insurtech and a good deal more. But let me just say that, with innovation and technology being the focus of the Greater Bay Area development, and given Hong Kong's status as a global financial centre, the Greater Bay Area has all the potential to be both the Silicon Valley and the Wall Street of the East.
     Ladies and gentlemen, the theme of this year's Internet Economy Summit is "Digital Economy – Redefines our Future". With the encouraging developments that I have outlined just now, I would say that Hong Kong's innovation and technology is developing in the best of times. In particular, with a population of over 70 million and a combined GDP of some US$1.6 trillion, the Greater Bay Area opens up new development horizon for the region and provides Hong Kong with a huge opportunity to grow our economy and uplift the well-being of our people. It is up to us all to seize this opportunity.
     This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Today's Summit is the first of the many events Hong Kong is organising to honour this significant milestone. There will be more to come, and I look forward to having you in our celebration events.
     Finally, I am very grateful to the Cyberspace Administration of China and the China Internet Development Foundation for their steadfast support for this annual Summit over the past three years. I wish you all a very rewarding Summit. And for those of you from overseas and the Mainland, I wish you a pleasant stay in Hong Kong, Asia's world city. Thank you very much.

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