
Author Archives: hksar gov

Special traffic and transport arrangements for suspension of Peak Tram service

     The Transport Department (TD) today (April 22) reminded the public that the Peak Tram service will be temporarily suspended for the Peak Tram Upgrade Project for around two to three months from tomorrow (April 23). During the suspension of the Peak Tram service, the following special traffic and transport arrangements will be implemented:

Special traffic arrangement
* All metered parking spaces, motorcycle parking spaces and a disabled parking space on Peak Road near Plunkett’s Road have been suspended since April 19 until further notice.
Public transport arrangements

(1) Existing bus services

* Passengers can take the follow bus services to the Peak currently:
NWFB route no. 15 (Central (Central Ferry Pier) / (Exchange Square) – The Peak); or
NWFB route no. 15B (Wan Chai (Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Extension – The Peak) (For Sundays and public holidays only).

(2) Special bus service route no. X15

* From tomorrow (April 23), and during the Peak Tram service suspension, NWFB will introduce special route no. X15 for travelling directly between Admiralty (West) Bus Terminus (near Admiralty Station Exit B) and The Peak Public Transport Terminus without any en-route bus stop. The full fare is $12.4. Departures from Admiralty (West) operate from 7am to 11.30pm daily while departures from the Peak operate from 8am to midnight daily.

(3) Suspension of bus service

* The service of NWFB route no. 15C (Central (Star Ferry) – Garden Road Peak Tram Station) will be suspended from tomorrow (April 23) during the suspension of the Peak Tram service.

     NWFB will also strengthen services to meet passenger demand when necessary. The Peak Tramways Company Limited and NWFB will display notices at Peak Tram Termini and bus stops to inform passengers of the above temporary transport arrangement in advance. Passengers at the Peak Tram Lower Terminus can take bus route nos. 12A, 12M, 23, 40 or 40M from St John’s Cathedral bus stop on Garden Road to Admiralty and interchange for the special route no. X15 to the Peak. For details of the above bus routes, passengers may visit the website of the bus company at

     The TD anticipates that the traffic in the vicinity of Peak Road, Magazine Gap Road and Stubbs Road will be congested significantly during the suspension of Peak Tram service (especially on weekends and public holidays). Depending on the site situation, the Police will implement temporary traffic management and crowd control measures. It is anticipated that the number of passengers waiting at the Peak Public Transport Terminus will be higher than usual and passengers should follow the instructions of Police. Motorists are advised to avoid driving to the affected or congested areas unless necessary. In case of traffic congestion, motorists and passengers are advised to be patient. Members of the public going to the affected areas are advised to plan their journey in advance and allow more travelling time to cater for unexpected delay, use public transport services whenever possible and be alert to the latest traffic news through the media.

     For information about the special traffic and transport arrangements, members of the public may browse the TD’s website at or make use of the TD’s HKeMobility mobile application. read more

LegCo joint-Panel begins duty visit in Yangtze River Delta Region (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Economic Development, Panel on Commerce and Industry, Panel on Financial Affairs, and Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting began the joint-Panel duty visit to the major cities in the Yangtze River Delta Region today (April 21) to gain a better understanding of their economic, financial as well as innovation and technology developments. 

     The delegation arrived Shanghai in the afternoon and first visited the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Members received a briefing from the company’s representatives on the production and development plan of large passenger aircrafts (C919). Members also visited the final assembly line and cabin of C919.  C919 is the first domestically-built large passenger aircraft in the Mainland and it has completed its test flight.

     The delegation attended a dinner arranged by the Fudan University in the evening. During the dinner, the delegation was briefed by the President of Fudan University, Professor Xu Ningsheng, and the Vice President of Fudan University, Professor Chen Zhimin, on the development of higher education as well as innovation and technology training under STEM (i.e. science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education in Shanghai. There are currently over 100 Hong Kong students studying in the Fudan University. Members also took the opportunities to learn about their everyday lives and study. Sixteen higher education institutions from Shanghai and Hong Kong, including the Fudan University, have formed the “Shanghai Hong Kong University Alliance” in November 2018 to strengthen exchange and co-operation from both sides.

     After that, the delegation visited Shanghai Xintiandi, an integrated district where preserves Shanghai’s historic buildings for cultural, tourism and commercial use.  Members took the chance to learn more about Shanghai’s experience in heritage conservation and revitalization.

     The delegation will continue the visit in Shanghai tomorrow (April 22) and will visit the Zhangjiang Science City, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Changyang Campus and West Bund Xuhui Waterfront.  Members will also meet with representatives of the Shanghai Municipal Government and Hong Kong people living in Shanghai. Meanwhile, Members will take a ferry ride on Huangpu River to understand the tourism development in Shanghai.

     The joint-Panel delegation is led by the President of LegCo, Mr Andrew Leung. Deputy delegation leaders are the Chairman of Panel on Commerce and Industry, Mr Yiu Si-wing; the Chairman of Panel on Financial Affairs, Mr Christopher Cheung; the Chairman of Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting, Dr Elizabeth Quat; and the Chairman of Panel on Economic Development, Mr Chung Kwok-pan. At the invitation of the joint-Panel delegation, the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Patrick Nip; the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang; the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr James Lau; and the Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Dr Bernard Chan, also joined the duty visit.  The delegation visits Shanghai and Hangzhou from April 21 to 24, 2019.

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